Saturday, February 16, 2002
I saw my homegirl from Texas today. It was fun. I like how we said we would meet at 2:21PM when we finally met it was like....."Hehe, Yep!" We went to urban outfitters...i must say i love they're clothes....too bad they know they are tight...they cost too much for the rags that they really are. Either way, we still looked at a number of things. We were joking about how 'we could rock alot of the clothes in there, but would we really want to?' ;-). The other cool thing were the non-prescription glasses...or "Smart Glasses" as we call them. In appearance, they give the impression that you are at least 50%-150% smarter than you actually are. They are like an instant credibility. Just wear them and say "Studies show..." before anything you want someone to believe. They'll have to believe you...THEY'LL HAVE TO...glasses are associated with intelligence. You are less likely to doubt someone with them on.
Personally, I can understand why people never called 'Clark Kent' on being 'SuperMan'. Imagine that reaction: "WHAT?!; Don't question me...I wear glasses, boy!"

That's about it......................yep.

Oh, I didn't get the glasses though. Jessica, my homegirl from TX, said i didn't need them. True, I figure if i'm doubted....their loss. I enjoy hanging with ole girl. Sourthern people are just more laid back.

Sunday, February 10, 2002

So last night was the "first annual" Apollo night talent show. It was quite entertaining... Plus all my friends were either in it or sitting on the front row with me. I was actually sitting in that seat where "Mother Apollo" the ole black lady that always at Apollo (hope she's ok, i haven't seen her in forever). Uchenna (my roommate) was in it. He put together this Jackson 5 performance that actually turned out great. Even better knowing that they basically put it together in 35hrs. They had strobe lights, silhouettes, and they danced their arses off.
As well, i got to sit next to my romantic interest... :-D
This one guy came on who was supposed to do a comedy act. I thought he was going to be funny...he was so bad, his opening material was pathetic and he had some odd fetish about him, the civil war, and britney spears. So, of course, he was boo'd off. However the emcees let him have another chance, to which he blew and was boo'd off again. Now...i understand that not all people view or understand "urban" programming, but apparently they did not understand that this was "Apollo Night". His girlfriend (who was fine) was cussing people out (mainly just to be heard) because her "man" (also complaining like a punk) wasn't allowed to do his bit that she testified was halarious. As well, she added, we are all small minded people who can't take a joke (....not true; he just wasn't all......i mean dang).
Enter ME... i explained how the audience felt...i explained how Apollo works [to which they said "This isn't the real Apollo"; to which i replied "Exactly, it's a mock Apollo, meaning we try to be as much like as that people's choice show as we can"]...and finally i conveyed a sympathy for ole buddy, and how this just wasn't the venue for him, but to keep up the good work. [Warning: Ego Trip] I AM THE MAN; THE MOST MAGNIFICENT MODERATOR; EXTREMELY DELIGHTFUL DELEGATE & DEBATOR ;-D

Yep yep yep yep yep......that is all.

Oh, Uchenna & 'nem won 2nd place (missing first by 1 decibel - they used a decibel meter to measure audience applause.)

Friday, February 08, 2002

What's today.......the 7th... yeah....Valentine's Day is one week away. I just found out this young lady I like really likes me. ( As i progress here i'll throw out names.) So where i was going to chill for ValDay i have to make plans (i've made a reservation at a restaurant). At the same time... I have to stop pursuing someone else I was talking towards. And continue somewhat avoiding others. In fact.... I am going to work towards becoming a hermit.
YEAH! A hermit works best for me... it's about the best way i will focus. I won't have that odd uncomfort when talking to people. I won't have to make anyone feel nice... I don't know, it's a good lazy answer to people ---> Eh, Just don't see them.