Saturday, March 30, 2002

I think my party clock is off sync with everyone elses. Friday night hits and i'm ready to chill and rest in the dorm. Errbody else is urging me to come party... Tuesday, midday, I can't stop dancing. No music around, just in my mind, i'm jammin' having a good time. Am I ahead of the game, or just on some serious CPTime? ?=-)

To "knock on wood" is all fun and games, until its your neighbor's door @ 3:45AM!! =D

Thursday, March 28, 2002

If you're late to a concert and miss the only act you really wanted to see, DO NOT LEAVE EARLY. For then you will hear the details about how your performer came back as you were walking out and collaborated for the next hour with the act you left.

Wednesday, March 27, 2002

-I think college is automatically the dirtiest time in most people's lives. Think about it.... Consider your logic of sanitation in college. Highly skewed from other times isn't it. Suddenly the circumstances make/made everything reasonable. I don't think you ever again share the same facilities, eating utensils, and living environment with so many people at one time. Laundry...a whole new ball game. Hmmph, I need to do mine....later.

Monday, March 25, 2002

- If your going to serenade three (3) songs to someone for their birthday, take the song your worst at and have them sing it. Thus, you play it better on guitar, and they get to sing their favorite song....besides they actually know the words! =D OH!! it's a given that you end with happy birthday to you!

-If I had a rediculous amount of power, I don't think I would abuse it. Really!! I wouldn't abuse the power, more than a little bit. >:-D Mwa ha ha ha.

Sunday, March 24, 2002

[How to come in the middle of conversations.....]

Brendth: u did go to howard right?
hollywoodpkr: yeah
hollywoodpkr: u @ tuffs?
Brendth: yep, Tufts University, in "Medf-ah-d"
Brendth: uchenna is my roommate
hollywoodpkr: what is med-fah-d
Brendth: Medford said with that Boston accent
hollywoodpkr: ok
hollywoodpkr: i know that city went wild after super bowl
Brendth: yeah
Brendth: you should have seen St. Patrick's Day
Brendth: i never knew it was that crucial
Brendth: i was like "Dang, control yo'selves"
hollywoodpkr: u shouldve seen the houston parade
Brendth: :-)ha
hollywoodpkr: it was like 20 people
Brendth: rofl

-"Zank heaven, for college girls......Zank heaven for zem all!" =D

-WOO HOO!!!! I found my PDA... I thought i had really lost it. Or left it in someone's room. But nay...'twas some jeans the whole week. Everybody, search your might find something! At the same time, becareful, you might find something!

-The world looks pretty cool early in the morning. The sun glistens of the awakening trees and lawn. Birds start chirping and everything glows. Truly, a welcoming site. Too bad I don't wake up this early. Even worse that I stay up so late. 'Tis a dang shame. Go... Last Day of Spring Break!

Saturday, March 23, 2002

-Sure it's Spring BREAK...but you can do work over break. Now its over; sure it's the weekend, but that doesn't count. Thanks to college Saturday is a work day. =( No more break. I had a good spring break though...too bad work was always in the back of my mind. Saw my friend, Saw some movies, Saw the city! =) Finished NO work though. Silly procrastination. I really meant to do work this Spring Break. I was going to buckle down, and study and be all productive and such. Dah well!! 5 Weeks of school left. It's about to get crucial....

-I told you cartoons are so not for kids....right, so i'm watching an old episode of ANIMANIACS, right? During this one sketch [Hercule Yakko] where a diamond has been stolen and Yakko is the sleuth searching for it, he commands Dot to "dust for prints" and orders Yakko to make him a sandwich. So Dot comes back, "I found prints"; only she is carrying Prince (the Artist). Yakko replies, "No No No; fingerprints"....
PRINCE LOOKS AT DOT WITH A COY SMILE!!! Dot looking to the viewers in disgust says, "I don't think so!" [Say it slow and outloud if you need to in order to understand!]

That is so not for kids.....that's worse than the time Porky Pig said, "Son of a b-b, Son of a B-B, Awww Son of a gun! Ha you thought I was gonna say 'Son of a b*tch'." It's all good though, only cus it's funny. =)

-Doesn't it suck when you do everything you want to do so you can relax and get comfortable, and the main thing you meant to do.... you never even touched. Upon getting up to do that thing, you do three more things, and sit down. Only to remember one last thing. Oh well, guess i'll go lay down. I think i'm forgetting somethin, but it most not be important.

Friday, March 22, 2002

- Ladies and Gentlemen, stay away from video games. I urge you to kick the habit. They are addictive...with their interesting plots and oddball script twists. At times preachy, but with a good message, except for the violence. NOTE: When hiding in a room, filled with armed opponents, just don't SNEEZE. Sneezing is optional anyway. You'd be suprised what else is naturally optional. Darn you Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty product of Konami, that i think is still on sale in most outlets..... Darn you I say!!!

-Not all homeless people are optimistic. Some are quite bitter and rude. Like this ole obese white dude; he was/is pissed off at foriegners, government aid, and the system/society. He should focus more on himself. Dah well, errbody on the subway just shook their head and laughed. BE NICE, PEOPLE; It's not that crucial not to be!
-You have to learn to work with certain peoples timing. Like a Jes; she will shoot for 12AM, but be happy when she gets there inside the hour! That means she was really trying to meet you. =D
-H&M is the coolest store i've been introduced to in a long time. Aside from their obsessive compulsion with being trendy, they have alot of good things in their to make ur wardrobe quirky and loveable. More power to H&M (and the cashier w/ friends from HOUSTON,TX).

Thursday, March 21, 2002

-Happy Moment:
Talking to your girlfriend all night on the phone; even falling asleep through parts of her conversation, but getting to wake up to her voice. And getting away with the sleep....repeatedly! Sweet taste o' life...

-Sometimes you just want to be an Angry Black Man!!
-I like my friends and my girlfriend, cus we aren't fake. We'll call each other on an error. I like how random we are. I like how miscellaneous our conversations get. I like knowing that Jes can drive in unplowed snow and sing along to 'The Beatles' at the same time.
-It's a small world after all:
My homegirl has a boyfriend who is roommates with a guy
who was close acquaintances with my friend Dennis B
..... um, who once watched Kevin Bacon in a movie!! =)

Wednesday, March 20, 2002

-Yep........trees......Mt. Holyoke College can get very creepy at night. It's funny how on the women's college, errbody has their shade up. Some voyeur would have a field day with this place.
-Save me, I'm lost in western Mass. Mass....that always sounds weird. Sounds fitting though, for this amount of land matter where no one lives. Except old people, and these people that seem like they want to be old people.


I've actually started writing a paper ahead of the night that it's due. Even before the night before it's due...aren't i cool? [Yes, i am.] So anyway, the deal just feels weird. I mean i am writing down absolute crap here. However if this was the last minute i'd be a regular Hemingway or somethin'. Now it's almost the same quality work, minus the frantic search for sources and the words requiring more than seven letters. But since I know that it's not due tomorrow i don't feel the same about it. I gotta give credit though, I have nearly 1 of the 3 pages finished. But still.....? I don't know......i think i'll wait to do the paper. Wait can't....must start working early. No more procrastination. Starting tomorrow I will be a good student!

Yep. ;-)
["Don't you believe it!" - 1930s saying]