Tuesday, April 30, 2002

So I am watching 'American Beauty' rather than writing my 10 page paper due tomorrow. (If ur going to do it, make it quality procrastination.) I am sad to say that as many times as i have watched this movie, I am just now noticing how obvious Lester's (the father) attraction to Ashley Hayes (the daughter's friend) was in their first meeting after the game. [Just know it was pathetically apparent...i am sad to say that he is slightly more discreet than I.]

My current roommate is the most entertaining person when he's sleepy. I could sit and watch his head bob around with sleep for hours. Then he wakes up like he's determined to focus....and then his head drops back and u know its all over. =D

Mwa ha ha, I know more Asians on campus than my Asian homegirl (who wants to be my Asian friend's daddy). Go figure!?
Sure it's a small victory, but ....... so is beating a red light.

Ladies and Gentlemen, a new threat has swept college campuses. A drug irrestable to many. Beds....that's right.... beds. They're dangerous!! Sleep (the high attained from beds) is highly addictive; students can sleep all day. How can u tell if ur peer is affected? Are they not present in class? Does their fashion include PJs? Hmm, even I am feening for a fix right now! No... must finish take home final due in one(1) hour.

You know what?! I'm not answering the phone anymore. I mean really....i can do that. I am no slave to it's incessant ringing.
1)It always rings at the worst time.
2)I don't like the way it works.
3)Everyone that truly knows me...knows i don't like phones. (it's never for me.)
Silly Alex G. Bell.

Monday, April 29, 2002

I ............. so totally forgot what I was going to post. Hmph, must not have been important to me.

I want to be in Uchenna's english class......he's paying to go to kindergarten. His teacher made them cookies and brought milk. His teacher is my advisor too. I didn't get any cookies. His previous english professor had milk and cookies for them too, and he was gay so yes it wasn't a joke.

I just finished a paper!! WOO HOO!! On my way back from turning it in i saw this sqiurell. Poor thing...it was so lost. I know it's probably lived here longer than i, but the thing just couldn't make up it's mind. Then it saw me coming so it was like the lightning round of this decision making. I think he ran into a pole, i don't know.

You know, walking is kinda weird when u think about it. The pushing off the toes and then if u do it wrong it wears on your knees and back. As well, it takes alot of balance, good thing there's ground all around. I kinda feel bad for drunk people, cops ask them to walk a straight line, who does that? Then the obstacles like poles, holes, and stuff. Crystal clear glass. (crystal clear?) It's down right dangerous. Then there are those people who gravitate towards the person they are walking with. What's that about?

Hmm...today is the last day of classes. Yet I don't feel releaved. Could it be this paper. I think not. I think it's all 3 papers, 2 finals, and the 1 week i'm supposed to do them in. Tick(3) Tick(2) Tick(1) ......boom!
[sidenote] College kids are funny, Moby just started blasting at 10AM. Yep!

Ok....here we go....seriously this time. Moving to the computer, gonna write me a jazz paper.

Sunday, April 28, 2002

Ok...this is really that moment. Here we go going to write a paper.......op, sorry got a little distracted. Yeah, here we go. I predict that every 15mins something will attempt to distract me, and i will allow myself to be so distracted 50% of the time. [To be continued...]

This is that moment.....I am motivated to go do work. I have so much ambition right now. Ok now to start my day @ 2PM. yep.....productive. Sundays seem so random.

When my mouth gets me in trouble....i dig a deeper hole for myself. You would think that i apologize and get out of my hole. Eventually yes, sort of. First though, I dig deeper. Then i dig sideways. Then I dig up. However the entire time i'm struggling to overcome the error of having said anything in the first place. My favorite get out of trouble line..."I don't know what i mean!" Why? Cus it's the truth...i don't.

Sometimes you just blantantly live out stereotypes. A number of us black folk, just took over a KFC. We had the do-rags, the fitteds, the Tims, rocawear/fubu attire, and all that good stuff (IM me for explanations). Yelling about reggae and mess. Sucking our fingers from all the fried chicken grease. Moment we were full....the Itis set in and we wanted to go to sleep. I love my peoples...we should go to the movies next. What stereotypes will you be fulfulling?

Saturday, April 27, 2002

Saw Mobb Deep at Spring Fling... they were really short, and didn't have anywhere to go afterwards. Oh yeah, if ever you get fed up with people crowd surfing on you...rob them. As they fall on you time and time again, gank 'em...then heave them to a section of crowd far from you. Problem is...they really don't learn from their mistakes and keep surfing on you, but at least you make a profit and it's aggression management. Silly drunks.

My neighbor across-hall is a pimp.... I don't know how. In all perception he should be a your average bookworm, but nay...he has different young ladies in his room (on a non-scholarly basis) more frequently than you would think. In fact, my whole hall be pulling, it's like..."Wait...y'all?!...females?!...What magic is this?!...and yes i am merely a docile observer." Go figure.

The odd arrangement of facial hairs is actually tyring to be noticable. Now what do i do? I've never had facial hair before..........silly peach-fuzz.

Sometimes i do wonder which Greek goddess i am.... well it's Hestia. I've been worried about my romantic life. (It has basically blown up in my face...so i am going to just take some ME time.) Hmph, I don't want to one day end up unmarried like Hestia.

Friday, April 26, 2002

I like myself so much...If i were more determined i would get stuff done. However, I like how i went to the library and got the best couple of naps i've had in a long time. Mmm, they felt really good. Oh yeah, cold outsides suck.

Thursday, April 25, 2002

Small world right.... i'm chillin' with my super-cool Los Angelino friend so she brings up her bestfriend at a nearby school. My future roommate says, does she write for the paper there? ... So after a little identification we discover that the bestfriend is also the ex-girlfriend of my roomy's brother. I can start a Six Degrees of Brendth game pretty soon. I'm tracable to the most random people now.

What i've learned for the night....
If your ex starts a band and writes a few songs about you...make sure they stay local. People all over the country could be jamming to your discredit. Those same people, just might wind up to be your friends in college. Small world; silly collegiate degrees of seperation.

Monday, April 22, 2002

I am not ashamed to say that i spent a good deal of the night playing with my future roomate's wood. However then i had a great conversation with a friend. Just when I was believing that conversation was hard. One of those really good one's that goes until you just can't physically speak anymore. More power to all the Pons in the world.

Sunday, April 21, 2002

Of all these Northern words that i hear there is only one that i would honestly induct into my speech ... and that is 'gwop'. As my roommate says, sometimes you just can't describe how unattractive someone is....but to say that he/she is 'gwop'... we believe that's about as close to ...!!BLAH!! ... as you can get with a functioning adjective. Plus the word is just brutally fitting.

Well, the Student of Color Outreach Program (SCOPe) is over now. I must say, the two pre-freshmen (prefrosh) I hosted were really cool. Especially the short one. In one weekend everybody knew this boy's name. I am chillin', telling a friend about him, someone else out the blue says, "oh yeah the little Puerto Rican guy...he is so cool." He's going to have lots of fun next year. Actually, I hope both of them come here.

Saturday, April 20, 2002

I realized i'm pretty dense when it comes to relationships. I was with a very cool young lady, and was so focused on the part of her personality i didn't like, that i never paid attention to the parts that i adored. She has hardly acknowledged my presence in the past months. C'est la vie.

Abercrombie & Fitch Co. is so brain-dead! I went to a protest in Harvard Sq. about how A&F had shirts saying..."Two Wongs Make It White - Wong Bros. Laundry Service" with the 1940s anti-asian propaganda images. As well as "Buddha Bash, get your Buddha on the floor". Yep not a wise business move, I bet somebody is getting fired.

Friday, April 19, 2002

I'm happy cus now i'm done with one class. That's one less thing to worry about. One less thing to attend to. I like this feeling. I look forward to next year.

I give up the room thinking that my boy will have his lady-friend roll through. I'm at the library all night. Till the sun starts coming up. I come home thinking he'd be done, and i can finally get some sleep. Ain't a dang thang happen, he sleepin' alone on his bed. And 2 of our 3 pre-freshmen are in the room. One of them is on my bed! So now i'm just stuck out. Ain't that bout a.... yeah. Yeah it is.

Thursday, April 18, 2002

You know those floods of fowards (FWDs) you get. Usually from those people that you just rather would not hear from (as opposed to constant craptacular fwds). Wouldn't it be weird if they were all true? You know, if Bill Gates/some conglomerate was really giving money. If you saved people from AIDS and Cancer cus you knew 7-15 people. If you helped some odd person find some child they didn't know they lost. Although, i'd be upset if God punished me just cus i didn't annoy people with a fwd. That'd totally ruin my day. Dah well....i'm not willing to go this extra mile.

Wednesday, April 17, 2002

My favorite black experience..........loitering. I am walking a back from a class, and i notice three brothas chillin outside of one of the dining halls. I walk up, greet the fam, and start chillin with them. Are talking about politics? No. Women? Not yet. Weather, not really. Just there. Funny thing is, i'd go back in a second. Came in and told my roommate, he rushed out there. Dah well, maybe u don't feel me. "Maybe it's just a black thing." Kidding.

Tuesday, April 16, 2002

It's so great to be pissed cus your late to class; only to realize that it's not the day you think it is. ....Ok Ok, honestly that's a sucky post, but today was so lackluster. I slept in classes, turned in a paper, ate, slept rather than studied, and i think i'm about to lay down and watch TV. Dah well.

Monday, April 15, 2002

Highlight of my day so far..... Talking to this mail man after being locked out of this editing lab. After somewhat describing the place to him (he misheard me alot), he proceeds to direct me to a number of other places with computers in them. Which is actually useless info (as i told him, i was meeting people in the lab), but i just let him feel like he was helping. Brotha man caught it soon enough though.

Hmph.....according to this thing i have problems....i think with all these in effect they cancel each other out and i'm left being quite harmless.

Disorder | Rating
Paranoid: Moderate
Schizoid: High
Schizotypal: High
Antisocial: Moderate
Borderline: Moderate
Histrionic: Low
Narcissistic: Moderate
Avoidant: High
Dependent: Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive: High

URL of the test: http://www.4degreez.com/misc/personality_disorder_test.mv
URL for more info: http://www.4degreez.com/misc/disorder_information2.html

I lost tonight. Things will not be working out for the best (or as i hoped) for a while. It's ok, I understand why i lost. Wait no i don't.... I don't know why i lost. Losing sucks...in fact, its a dang shame! Also, adding salt to the wound; my mother was right. "You can't be we with the one you're supposed to be with... if you're with someone else in the meantime."

Sunday, April 14, 2002

Ewwww; I never want to share a living space with other men, unless they are all mild neat-freaks.

Saturday, April 13, 2002

The concert was pretty cool. Everyone that was there said it was so great. At the same, i know they all say liked it, but if they didn't noone would really say. Wow, y'all sucked, and it was hot in there. Try harder next time. Haha, you must not have wanted to be good, or else you would be. Yep noone says that. Especially not to 127 people, they're not that bold.

Friday, April 12, 2002

Tonight's the night of the Gospel Choir concert.....I don't know what happened in the last 3 hrs, but suddently the altos are on the right and the sapranos are on the left. The 5th row tenors are the in infront of the 4th row tenors. I've been randomly moved to the front next to a guy that is a center for the basketball team. I dunno what's going on, but in 5hrs it will all be over! ;-D

Thursday, April 11, 2002

OH MY GOSH! I went to sleep before 12AM. I woke up at 4:12AM.... I feel like I can go all day. I've done a little reading and can do other work. MAYN! This is like a whole new world of efficiency. The sun isn't even up yet! Mwa hahahaha! I can rule the world! All you sleeping peoples are at my mercy now!

Wednesday, April 10, 2002

I hate when people say..."If you really wanted to achieve this goal, you would have! But since you didn't, you must not have wanted bad enough!" That's the largest load of crap I've ever heard. If you try repeatedly and it doesn't work. You can't afford to keep trying. A definition of stupidity is to repeat actions expecting different results. Don't tell me what I want, unless you are me, or have known me for 15+ years.

Tuesday, April 09, 2002

Ever miss the old you?... The simpler times... I would almost opt to go back except for the fact that i'd have to endure some mess all over again to get where I am. Now it's just a matter of doing even better so that in a few years I won't be wishing that I was back here! Can't do it alone though. ..... I need a laugh...

It really is a shame how easily distracted I am. I should focus.....wait no....they should stop giving me work! Really, what's with that?!

Guess who's drama-free week was just waylayed! Go on, guess!
All the work that was done on ONYX (the literary magazine) was just made null & void (see Mon @ 544PM).
The Gospel Choir concert opening (that i volunteered for 'cus noone else did and the director was looking at me) looks like it's going to be time consuming. As well as something else to write & learn.
The concert is in four days.....
3 page paper in 8 Days...w/ Test soon after.
No 'satisfaction' for an undetermined amount of days....


10-12 Page PAPER in FOUR DAYS

And to just make things uncomfortable on that forgotten tip...an ex-girlfriend is coming to check out my school cus she might attend next year.
Now ain't that some mess! I know i'm forgetting stuff, but u know what, i'm happier not knowing! I really am!

Monday, April 08, 2002

Here it is, that feeling when you feel like you've done everything you needed to do. Paid attention to the most minute details and accomplished all of your goals for the moment. It's dang near scary, cus in the next moment if you realize you forgot something....you'll be UPSET! Dah well....dee deedee deedee...i'm happy-go-lucky!

The most pathetic (yet happiest) point of my day (so far) was walking back to my room to sleep finally, singing "I like to sleep sleep sleep, cus it heals my body!" to the tune of 'Apples & Bananas'... =D

This is why I read the history of Japan from 2-7AM...

"The writing career of Tanizaki Junichiro (1886-1965) extends from the Taisho to the postwar eras. He was influenced by such Western writers as Baudelaire, Poe, Wilde... Tanizaki worshipped female pulchritude and considered men as merely 'manure' for the nurturing of feminine beauty... Man's true happiness, in Tanizaki's opinion, consisted in being conquered by women."
[Excerpted from Modern Japan -Third Edition: A Historical Survey by Mikiso Hane, p. 238]

...you know what? Maybe cus its late when i read it, but i think that's some good philosophy!

Sunday, April 07, 2002

Nothing beats that random moment of conversation where you've gone through all the "basic update" questions [e.g.> How've you been? How's school? How's your family? How's your boyfriend/girlfriend? How'd you enjoy (insert event)?], you know which ones i mean. Then that uncomfortable silence comes....mmm love that moment. Oh sure you can say some random thing to fill it, but why? Sure you can look away from the person your talking to, but why? Take the moment dead on, be smart about it, have fun with it.
Today I was at a concert and met like 7 new people, all of whom's name i will most likely forget in 2hrs....yep, awkward moments galore. =D ...Dah well, i can't remember the new peoples names for now, but whoever they were rule for those moments.

I so wish I was not in my room right now! Look at the time (on the post)! Argh........"...yet another unexpected twist!"

What are you doing (or who)? Where are you doing it? and... What time are you doing it?
Saturday night, and everyone is trying to fight boredom. Maybe people just aren't as fun as they think they are. I know i'm not fun! I'm really not, but i also set my level of entertainment so low that i don't get bored; else i'd have killed people by now. Well, maybe not killed, but done some pretty evil things.
I find myself in a room full of black women (including my girlfriend). Interesting enough, there is always something going on in the lives of black women (they rule). Provided that 2+ are together, there is something to talk about. Or at least listen to. Ok, go find yourself a black woman right now. In fact, I recommend that any bored person find themself a black woman to talk to. Just leave enough for the brothers.

Saturday, April 06, 2002

If you get a CD and it's somewhat alright listening to it straight through...here is what you do. Let's use Phantom Planet's Album. Ok, rather than starting the CD from the 1st track, start it 2 or 3 from the last track, in our case we will use track 11 out of 12. Also set the CD Player to repeat the entire disc, that way, the arrangement of songs better introduces you to the group. By the way, Phantom Planet is pretty cool now. Yep, now going through the dull parts is much better cus you have heard some cool stuff you didnt have the patience to wait until later. [Cus you heard the last songs first and the cool first songs second ....oh yeah and the other mess is somewhere in there.]

Friday, April 05, 2002

Brendth: man, i'm gonna go to the library
Babygirl: why?
Brendth: i dont know.....i have some strange attraction to the place
Brendth: i actually already have the books i need from it though
Brendth: i dont know, whenever i dont know what to do... i am starting to
go work, cus i know i don't want to
Brendth: i'm trying to play mind games with myself and somehow convince
myself i like working
Brendth: don't ask, it's quite weird
Brendth: but keeps me entertained

I like it when you're taking a visitor around ur school, or just somewhere in town, and they start walking ahead of you. Just watch them! You never know where they're going to go. See how long it is before they realize that...They Don't Know Where They're Going!?

Hi, i'm back, major stuff went down in the last 30hrs. Gentlemen, in a fight....no matter how understandable your side may be, it's still your fault. You Male = You Wrong. Also, no matter how great in debates you are, recognize that from the start you lose. Also, use their friends, cus they make your side make even more sense. However, it's still your fault. Errthing is alright now though. =D

Wednesday, April 03, 2002

Technically the moral of Goldilocks and the Three Bears is.......not to commit breaking and entering!
If you do.......don't stay in the place you break in to! That's just evil.

Tuesday, April 02, 2002

It's so great to hear someone try to be funny. I know i'm not funny so i can point and laugh. Like this guy in the freshmen dorm, he was talking about how demented Baahston driving is and how he hates "those doughnut thingies". The best part was his reitteration of "Look at me i'm in a doughnut!" waiting for the laugh that never came.

Monday, April 01, 2002

The most dishearting thing about staying up all night to rewrite a paper is not the sun coming up, no no....we passed that blow a long time ago. Rather, watching people sign online, because they are waking up......that's a dang shame right there. Even worse, knowing that in 1-2hours your roommate's alarm clock will sound. How i miss sleep....