Thursday, May 30, 2002

5:35 pm: I found where the white people live

its like that here u turn down hidden streets and discover prisyine neighborhoods

the "city of southside place"
its own little PD, and evrrything
its quite quaint and unassuming
jaguars are common and kids play volleyball on the front lawns

6:06 pm: Do male prostitutes exist ... not gigolos, but stand-on-the-corner man-whores?

Wednesday, May 29, 2002

So i'm watching TV...(yeah its summer)...there is this series coming out called "Bachelorettes in Alaska". In order for us to be seeing this, that means that somewhere within FOX first someone said, Wait! I GOT A GreAT IDEA FoR A SHOW!! Could have stopped there, but no, a good deal of people had to say, "Hey!! That show IS a great idea, give the creator a raise!!" Ok, maybe not a raise, but they agreed. There is a whole department that should be fired. This guy...and people who were too spineless to slap him. These same people might be keeping us from some really good entertainment to bring us "Bachelorettes in Alaska". Its a dang shame...

so my roommate's mom went in to a store for groceries...

locked the car and everything....
came back 10 mins later car was gone

89 camry, most stolen car in the US

he took it real well, he's real mature
he couldn't help but just laugh

Monday, May 27, 2002

Another kick in the head: When u stumble across things you didn't remember you saved from much happier times in your life. Why, that sucks... cus u really where happy in that time period. ex: Last summer rocked! This summer.... well, it still has time, infact...its longer than last summer. It better rock. <> It better!! Anyway yeah, happier times . . . . c'est la vie.

Is there an all out attack on my back that i should know about?! I went running the other day, which wore on my back towards the end. I can't sit in this chair at my desk for too long cus it hurts my back (and me bum). I can drive forever in my car, but the passanger seat annoys my back. If i slouch it hurts in a while, yet i move from sitting up without noticing. The bed isn't any better... Its ok though, i will beat these situations (with some divine influence). I refuse to have back problems....cus they suck. yeP.

Sunday, May 26, 2002

You know, its about time, that laundry deteregent companies finally decided to make a product that help keep clothes dark. I mean there is always this motion toward the "whitest whites", cus we all think that white = pure and black = evil. :-! Whatever. Anyway, its about time that they thought outside the box. This could actually have social implications... Someone should get a promotion!!

Within the first two(2) minutes of us being in the Galleria mall, he runs into someone he knows. I tell ya he's batting 1.000 in that area. Everytime we go to the mall he runs into someone he knows. Now coincidentally this time i knew all three people he knew. So i'd say i'm at about .300 .... or so. Actually the last guy we met (Anthony Bright...for those of u who wondered about him since last seen) was a friend of ours from highschool (as well as middle school for me). Turns out he gave us a recommendation for jobs where he worked in the mall. Turns out they are actively seeking employees. God is Good. MAYN!!! That was so random to run into him. I guess you would have had to have been there.

Saturday, May 25, 2002

While combing my head in the midst of thought. I stopped..."I need a pick, or a bigger comb maybe...", I said to steven. He said "Really, let me see ur comb." I handed him my 4 1/2 inch travel comb. Upon sight he immediately burst into laughter, "YEAH, YOU AIN'T GONE MAKE IT WIT THIS!" ... :-D

Friday, May 24, 2002

I'm developing a theory that you can forecast the quality of a movie from its previews. Only 2 of the 4 previews for 'Insomnia' interested me. If we convert those to stars...we have my rating for this movie. Eh Eh... Star Wars Episode II (i am a fan so i'm biased, but..) ~ technically the only preview that was fly on it was 'The Matrix Reloaded".

I just came from running for the first time... On about the last lap i felt my arms tingling. (Not that it was the second of 2 laps. ;-) ) In total it equaled about 12 blocks (maybe more). I haven't ran like that since sophmore year of high school (remember soccer). Those 12 blocks i ran coulda killed me, i fell out on a picnic table and waited for Steve to finish his 4 laps. (He ran during the school year)... "I'm too young for this mess", i told him when he finally finish, to which he kept laughing at. :-D I'm gettin healthy. I feel like doing that again........... monday.

Thursday, May 23, 2002 the summer progresses my blog is going to get less and less interesting. (Assuming u had interest. ;-) )

On a totally different note: I've just watched a portion of Drew Carey in which Gary Coleman, Jimmy Walker, Kim Fields, Meschach Taylor, and Thea Vidale replaced the usual cast members. As wrong as it was, I actually liked it better. Go Figure. (Remember Thea, man that was a long time ago...that was before Brandy got braids...then she got dookie braids.)

Tonight = Dinner @ Chedders con Jessica y Steven.

10:23pm: I like it when Jessica starts talking crazy talk, cus its grade A crazy. Attempting to make sense of it is just futile.

11:13pm: Your chilling and it happens, someone so .....(not lovely, just...) fine comes around, and you become a disfunctional oaf. "Pick your jaw up, bohy!"

Post Dinner @ Steven's
12:02am: "Sit Ubu Sit........good dog."

12:24am: "Sometimes you just need a brent..."

12:36am: Mothers sleep so peacefully....a much deserved rest.

Wednesday, May 22, 2002

I'm looking for a job right. I submitted info to a temp agency and e'ry-ting.So i was all happy yesterday when this physician called. MAYN!! He was like yeah, i'm offering a position in my office, for an aid. As well the position pays $20/hr. I was like cool. Until he started asking me how i felt towards male masturbation... If I masturbated... If I was okay with male nudity... And what other kind of experiences i've had with other guys/jocks (cus i let him know i played soccer/golf). You know, cus he has to deal with pubescent lads all the time, who are quite curious. Its all understandable, but as he kept going, it kept sounding more and more sketch. So...i turned it down; he understood, but we both were like "$20/hr".

Tuesday, May 21, 2002

Noone pays attention to traffic laws here. Everybody speeds. And we do stuff that's technically illegal, but it is all functional. You know, we're good drivers, and cordial too. Everyone lets everyone in turns; road rage is rare. But the Mayor has decided to raise a WHOLE BUNCH of money for the city by making this small division dedicated to regulating traffic laws. I must admit that's a smart man, each thing they do is predicted to raise profits 30-50%. That's some fly mess right there!! Go Mayor Lee Brown; "...they try to trick us with their slickery, and slick us with their trickery!"

It was so creepy. I was past "could have sworn" there was something on my ears. There was surely something on top of my ears. Everytime i swiped at it, it seemed to go away for a slight second then it was right there again. It felt like some insect kept landing on my ear. Grrr. So just when i was about go look and see what it was, it dawned on me. That's my hair touching my ear. Hmph, never would have thought before. This is the first occasion my hair was ever long enough to actually cause such a situation. Cool.

Have you ever noticed that to "Take It Like A Man" is usually the dumbest way one can take said thing? For instance, you're the last man in dodgeball and they say..."Don't move, take it like a man." As opposed to you actually dodging the ball. Don't parry or counter it, take a punch like a man. Men should be an endangered species with that logic. Dah well. Natural selection then ;-) .

Monday, May 20, 2002

Helicopters were overhead, i didn't think anything of it. "Hmph cops are ....whoa look at ..", I said to Terese just before this black Mitsubishi Eclipse (current body style) screetched around the parking lot curb swiftly followed by 3 HPD cars. Small white guy in a yellow shirt/shorts jumps out (as the car rolls towards the ticket booths) and he runs toward the doors. My guess is that he meant to hide amongst the crowd, problem was the place was closed, doors were locked. Yeah, they tackled him ... on concrete. Turns out this guy had led this chase from Sugarland which means he went through three(3) jurisdictions (like Davis Sq. to almost Braintree). However he lost for three reasons...
1.) It was going to be a routine stop had he not sped off. (According to HPD, they don't even know why he ran that mystery is with the Sugarland cops.)
2.) He pulled into the parking lot with only two exits both of which hard to get out off...had he gone 20 feet more then turned in a lot he would have gone through this parking lot that led him to a great street to make a get away.
3.) He got out of the car.
I'm not saying i'm a criminal mastermind but dang, use some common sense if u really are not trying to get caught. I think he could have gone free had he thought a little more and opened his eyes. Oh well!! By the way, go see "Murder In Numbers"

Sunday, May 19, 2002

Brent = Doug

Tanisee: i see ur connection
Berendth: ....i don't want u to get the wrong idea though
Berendth: but whatever
Tanisee: i feel that u think about things too much, overanalyzing might be a future downfall for u
Berendth: wow
Tanisee: if it hasnt been already
Berendth: you'd be suprised at how often i hear that
Berendth: that's scary now
Tanisee: well there u go
Berendth: (and yeah it has messed up some nice things for me in the past [See 4/15/2002 8AM & 4/21/2002 4AM])
Tanisee: yes well that is something u can gonna go now my comp is giving me alot of shit....ill ttyl Doug
Berendth: lol, thanks
Berendth: later

That's all fine and dandy, but it seriously is scary to hear that yet again. I mean, what, am I supposed to not think, nay, however i probably should stop speaking my mind. But...even when i don't speak my mind my actions tell what i was thinking (which gets me into trouble, especially when i assume). Hmph...what a predicament!?! If I hear i think to much one more time... i'm gonna ....i'm gonna...[insert joke].

I just had one of those times where one of my joints popped really loud! (My jaw popped) I mean real loud, it had resonance and everything. And its these moments where you can't help but think, " :'( I'm too young to be poppin' like old folk." At that moment, that other bassard lil thought pops in, "Hmm, am I really that young?" Kinda makes you think, your only 10yrs from 30! ....... 3-0! Whatcha gon' do?

Steven is the best. (My male bestfriend for those not caught up. Jes is my female bestfriend.) Steven is definitely my favorite male in the universe. And he's a religious cat too, which is probably what i need in my life right now. So it is definitely good to spend summer with him. He's not too much smarter than I (even though he really is ;-), shhh). He's not too much more hansom than I am (although he is). He is much more sensible than I am. More analytical. Far wiser. And again he is definitely more deeply enriched in "the spirit" than I am. Straight up, he's all-around better than me. Basically he's 'Batman', I'm 'Robin'. [Well, more so 'Nightwing' (who Robin became when he moved from Batman's ever-present guidance, but still not on par with Batman.)] And I don't mind being Robin for now, cus i know he's who i should be around right now. Go Steven.

[Sidenote: I would have once like to have had the commisioner turn and see Batman in the middle of doing that mysterious dissapearance he's known for. You know, climbing out of the window or something.]

Saturday, May 18, 2002

You know who people should label sexy... The guy on PBS with the 'fro who paints. That mayn, he just goes with his lil painting flow. He suggests what to do in his lil sexy whisper/voice. ("I'll grab the little blender brush and sweep it out real smooth") LOL that man sets a mood while painting and he does it so calmly. It would be a trip to to see him make a wrong painting stroke and start cussing out folks. Hmm...i bet he'd wreck shop; bet he can fight, you don't know that man. He might be lethal!! =-O Remember Mr. Rogers.

" ~ " <--- For such a cute lil character its a wonder why more people don't use this thing. I mean, go'on and look for it on your keyboard. Its like they tried to hide the thing. Poor lil guy, I'm going to find more ways to use ole tilde. Signing out...


My hair. It goes every which way it wants to. Honestly its a weird lil mess. But I love it, see. Not that there is really a vain attachment to my hair or something, i mean i could cut it off tomorrow its all the same. And yes, right about now, i feel like Buckweat's cousin, but me don't care. Eryright?!
Hmm...................Alfalfa was a playa!

Friday, May 17, 2002

I don't know. I kept getting random prompts to scratch my arms, head, ets. But i really think its all mental. The more I think about it, the more prompts I get.
Why is my body doing this to me? I mean really.

Thursday, May 16, 2002

Yoda is the man! People don't realize. The other Jedi revere him for a reason. Some dang good reasons too. Yoda is cold. He's THE dang Jedi MASSAH! MASSAH i say. Oh, Natalie Portman is fine, and Hayden Christiansen is a legend now. STAR WARS WOOOO!

Tuesday, May 14, 2002

As usual i couldn't wait, i went out and bought my guitar today. Its nice too. More or less. A Peavey Predator, something that i can learn on. Heck, i'm not even sure its in tune. Oh well! At least I made action. That's what we're about now, action!

I woke up so early that I caught the morning news during its practice run. I call it the practice run, cus they clearly don't care if ur watching or not. AND they make all the mistakes they want, run at the camera, and crack on each other. The only news that's better than that is the one at 4AM with the black anchors. They REALLY know noone is watching and they get relaxed with their broadcast. Think Conan O' Brien, but towards news.

Monday, May 13, 2002

Alright... my computer is no longer dead, and not only that it has DSL as opposed to 56Gay (no offense). However, in my haste to install the DSL card, i kinda restarted my computer before it was ready and now.... certain files it wants are missing so now i get three(3) craptacular pauses before i can start Windows. C'est technologie. Dah Well, now i am going to just redo the whole process. I mean why not.

This summer I plan to:
Work Out
Learn some politics/history
Learn some guitar
Grow My Hair Out
Spend Money
Write songs/poetry
Stock up on Jack In The Box memories

I can't remember everything right now, but i'll let u know! It has begun.

Sunday, May 12, 2002

Wow, I need to do something! I'm watching soccer and this dude scores a goal and he's 19 going on 20. He's almost a year older than I and he's living. I'm pseudo-living, i'm in college...its a bubble. This guy (DeMarcus Beasley) is about to play in the World Cup Finals. Its like "Aw, I want to do globally noted activities and make money." Dah well, give me a minute.

I took a super shower last night. Which is basically starting the shower process all over again before you dry off. Not only that...when i washed my hair, I rinsed AND I repeated! What?! 8-)
Anywhoo, I got Jack In The Box when I finished, which is a fastfood chain that needs to reclaim the East Coast. Grrr. Move Jack Back. Move Jack Back. So that was like a double euphoria when i was done with that meal.


Strangers that you meet on planes are cool. I now know that...Greece is the dang place to go. Especially Athens, Mykonos, and Santorini Island (aka Thera). Mayn! I am so totally sold on that place. Its so beautiful too (from the digital pictures my first stranger told me). My second stranger had connections who have Greece as their favorite place to visit. I want me some dang Greece now.

Friday, May 10, 2002

Wow, have u ever looked at your fingers type in a mirror. I mean, provided that you type fast, its a trip! Whoa...that was some yoda speak. And dead is still mine i say. Disk I need the Reinstallation still do not I have. That's enough of that.
Day after tomorrow = Me in Houston. All you will see is...."HEY I'M BACK HOME, MAYN!!!" .... I will see skies of blue, clouds of white... bright sunny day...turn to dark sacred night... and i''ll think to myself... I can't wait to have Jack in the Box! =-D keepin' it real!

Thursday, May 09, 2002

New thing learned about myself today: I can pack 70% of my stuff in 4hrs. Not only that, but i do it better than people who had 2-3 days to do so. Mayn!
By the way, i am typing away from my computer now, cus it has an I-Worm. My roommate formatted it, and then was like, oops, i should have made a start up disk first. Then it was oops, i can just load the cabs. Now its....oops, i need the actual setup disk... C'est technologie.

Wednesday, May 08, 2002

Sayings sometimes are right. Its seems to hold true: thinkers lead with their heads when they walk, jocks lead with their body, and errbody else just walks with both somewhat aligned (minus bad posture and all). Go ahead, walk around, who are u?

Well, it is indeed MY BIRTHDAY, but it feels like an odd day. Something about today just doesn't feel right. As if what is right now, does not exist and then tomorrow will actually replace today. I mean duh, in one's existence the 'tomorrow' always replaces the 'today' just as the 'yesterday' can never be relived. But anyway, today seems like its supposed to be tomorrow. As if its wrong for being here right now. Dah well, @ 10h:48m:37s PM I will be 19 years of age. Thats 1 from 20, which is 10 from 30. Dang! 8-)

I learned tonight, that I actually do not have to listen to my body. It just is really persuasive. Sneeze... that's an option. Go to the restroom, another option. Sleep, a big debate that i sometimes win. Finish my last paper tomorrow for sure, that's what i'm talkin' 'bout!! Mayn!

The coolest part of 70s music is the lingo. Sure we have slang now, but its not as cool as it was then. I know of few degrading titles today that surpass the ancient "Sucka!"
:'( I miss that! I want my funk to be the P-Funk. Uncut funk. The BOMB.
d/l: Parliament - P-Funk (Wants to Get Funked Up)
Parliament - Mothership Connection
[sidenote: can u guess who sampled the end?]

Tuesday, May 07, 2002

Mwa ha ha, I am worth approximately: $2,390,994.00. According to some odd website. Hmph, I wonder how much I could lease myself for?
I would put a large sum of my money in the bank. I'd invest in some real estate. Another large sum wisely distrubuted through stable stocks, and i'd play on some risky stocks with a small portion of it. And i'd start a foundation...THAT I KNEW PUT SOME POSITIVE KARMA IN THE WORLD.
As well i'd set up a legacy for my chil'ren and make sure that i don't die. (Imagine tithes on that money, and taxes - which i'd find a legal way around. "Won't stop 'til i'm rich as them whites will come!" - Ludacris)

[Sidenote] Reading Anna's blog makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
And yes that is a good thing. Haha, I quoted a rapper, and I'm black! Silly stereotypes.

Grrr... the one night I really wanted some privacy. (As opposed to all those times where I am in my solitude and wouldn't mind people stopping by for a period under 10 mins. Provided they leave in 10mins.) People kept stopping by. Granted, they were for the most part valid visits. However I just never got a chance to chill with my company. I still have a different visitor here. Its cool cus we've been having a tight lil conversation, but it was not the quality time i wanted tonight. Grrr...

Monday, May 06, 2002

Who in their right mind wants to be cool?!?!
The whole time your just working to keep other people thinking you're cool. Only time ur not putting in work is when ur alone. And, u aren't free to make mistakes. What kind of life is that?!
I'm glad i'm not in the in-crowd, a Brent just wouldn't fit.

People should make up their minds... Some are made cus you don't look them in the eyes when they talk to u. Others mad cus u stare. Do you want our attention or not? :-X I'm trying hard to fight A.D.D., but i can easily give my attention to EVERYTHING else.

1)Mount Holyoke people from Wisconsin rock my socks!
2)If given the oppurtunity I will gladly get you lost.
All u have to do is.............heck even if u don't ask...i'll get u lost, just follow me.
;-) Dapper Dan

Sunday, May 05, 2002

Grrr, too much low quality rap. I used to like rap, now my tolerance for it is dwindelling. I think everyone has a rap cup, and once that cup is filled you can't take anymore. I had to listen to a loop of rap songs all cup runneth over!!

If I worked at it I could make all the people who think I'm weird, not think I'm weird. Its true, i'm actually not. But to prove that would take effort.................................effort that i don't care to invest. I apologize for not caring. Hahaha, no i dont. =) Dah well, some people don't think i'm weird. ;-) So they get a gold star.

[Us on "mind-reading"]
Berendth: females.....i do not pick up on their signs at all
Berendth: its sad
Berendth: someone could like me, and unless its CLEARLY obvious, i would just think they are a kind person
Berendth: like Maria (named changed to protect the innocent)
Berendth: she's nice like that
Berendth: i wouldn't know if she liked me
SPiLLboy: dude, im in exactly the same boat
SPiLLboy: oblivious to all of htat
SPiLLboy: ALL of it
Berendth: :-)yep
Berendth: there should be something that lets guys read the female mind
SPiLLboy: like a barometer on their forehead
Berendth: yep
SPiLLboy: although i cant read a barometer either
Berendth: rofl

Saturday, May 04, 2002

Have you ever had someone despise you for no reason? No... to despise means they had to acknowledge your existence. Has someone ever just cut you out of their life completely for reasons unknown to you? I'd feel better if i at least knew why. This limbo is just disturbing. I think that even if i gave the person chunk of my time just to tell me off, they would pass.

Argh! Don't you hate when u get to talk to ur romantic interest. Then one of you says something that gets interpretted as a parting phrase, and the convo has to end early. =(

Sometimes i feel like my bed is an island. As much stuff as I need to do...I just don't want to get out of bed. Oh if only i could do everything i need to do from here.

Friday, May 03, 2002

I realized that i'm a hyper lil guy. I was shootin' a round (with a basketball no less) first i realized i know a little about alot. Then i realized i know enough to make it look like i know stuff...but if u ask me that's all i know. That and I have way to much energy... Think of ....a Chihuahua...that's me. I'm a chihuahua.

Psych Finals sure did get preachy... on one question a choice was "d.) Politics and Religions cause more problems than they solve" ... the question was in no where near that subject. Silly Finals.

You much the 'kick in the head' of seeing them (see below) together. Rather its knowing that, honestly, all i wanted for the year is what they have. ( ' They' seem to have a really sweet relationship.)

People are too set on this consistency thing. Usually i'm a happy-go-lucky kinda guy. (Mainly cus i just don't care about enough things not to be. Plus i forget about alot of things that, in theory, should cause me stress.) So in that state, folks ask me if i'm 'ok'? (Maybe they figure i'm too happy.) So the moment i'm not being random, people ask me "are u ok?" ... I'm fine! (as far as I know) Calm down, people.

I want to be apart of the Huckstables (from the Cosby Show). They're family was the bomb. Wait...then i'd have to share food and living space ... I like being an only child.
- Really this is just another post to put the one below in the past - Yep!
One cool thing though, I found that the TAs put all the tests we took this year online with the answers. God is good.

Yep if the day wasn't awkward enough ... there's nothing like interrupting your ex-girlfriend and her boyfriend while they're doing their thing. Its one of those things were the less u witness the more u can disbelieve. Mmm, a kick in the head....there's some life for ya!

Thursday, May 02, 2002

Certain people just keep getting cooler as they age. They do commercials and it doesn't hurt their career. Dennis Hopper is one of those people. That's one cool ole white guy. (Just had to throw 'white' in, something about 'ole white guy' just sounds funny when i say it. Really, it does.)

So i'm folding my clothes and watching CNN... i get a phone call. They are really lucky, i almost didnt answer it. (see 4/30/2002 5:41PM) Anyway...this person tells me there's a delivery. I'm thinking...."No there isn't!" I mean i can't tell them that cus they would know better than i. So i step cautiously into this sketchy situation and arrive at the door downstairs. Turns out its a birthday delivery of cake and a balloon. My mother is so cool. She doesn't 'but' into my life... but she is always there at the right times

Ideally I was to wake up 3 hrs laundry...shower & go have breakfast....then carve my place in the library and BECOME PSYCHOlogy. Now...what's really going to happen....seeing as to how i'm still in bed...hmmm, as long as i don't lay down, i'm good.

There is this moment in reading when u realize that the page you're on is crap. Its boring crap at that. You flip the page and feel that it is much more interesting, only thing is u have to drudge through the craptacular page first. Oh yeah, I realized that i actually get into the psych book... no matter how much i didn't want to read it (except for the crap pages).

Inversely porportional the relationship is between cleanliness and work. As school gets more crucial and the work piles up, so do the clothes. I'd almost rather read about the Tokugawa era when samurai could just chop u down if they didn't like you, than hang up clothes. Almost, that is. Its all good, i actually clean subconsciously. Not just my place either, which sometimes isn't good.

Wednesday, May 01, 2002

Hmph advertising does work. After watching Circuit City's new spot.... I suddenly want to floss. ... Yep.

So I was walking back to my dorm all happy go lucky...doing a little singing...
I see my friend and she says "Oh hey brent, nice singing on that Tion track" ... imagine my suprise. Knowing that the worse version of it went on the tape. Argh!! ...... Oh well..i'll do better, later.

So i am walking back to my dorm all happy go lucky....when all of a sudden....

..i made it home! (Something doesn't always have to happen.)

I AM DONE! (for this week, excluding this PSYCH FINAL day after tomorrow) Man.......feel the exhiliration... all kinds of shouting and dancing wishes to take place (but then even more people would stare). MAYN!!

Vibrate-Awake(c) is the new product designed by my roommate for an engineering class. It attaches to the wrist and sporraitcally shakes the sleeper awake. He was peeved at one group member who kept marketing it as beneficial to deaf & blind people; blind people can hear the regular alarm. True, but i asked do blind people use digital clocks in general? "I DID NOT HEAR THAT?!" < wearing the 'i had not thought of that' face > .... yay for roommates.

You know what I love about Houston....the Transco Tower. If you can't see it, you're not in Houston anymore; dang that building was tall. Honestly, sometimes when i got lost driving, I would just look for it and drive at it. I don't care who u are, ur not leaping that mug in a single bound.