Sunday, June 30, 2002

Oh yeah... that night i ran... for some reason, cops were EVERYWHERE. We must have witnessed eleven(11) ticketings, and countless stops by police. Its like they were out to fill a quota or something ;-) ... Glad I wasn't driving! Oh and now that they actually ticket for seatbelts, glad i was wearing mine.... yep. I'm going to watch the World Cup Finals 6AM CST.

I always wonder what i'm thinking just before i got to sleep. I never can remember, bet it something good too...
Tonight, however, simply: I hate mosquitos.

Saturday, June 29, 2002

Yeah....this whole night... haha... i woke up again late in the day... and i sign online (cus i'm a net addict) and guess who i see on AOL Today, ....go on guess. Nooooo, I saw Alma. How 'bout that?! Up on the web, for the AIM community to see, its surreal. I started making a CD (The White Stripes ~ White Blood Cells). Anyway, I was gone before it was done. [key point] After idling at Jessy's we (w/ Steve) decided to do something, i don't remember...i just wanted to pick up the CD. We actually went to my place and snagged the CD, but the adapter i needed to play it was back in my car. We wound up at Chili's like a mile from my car, rather than swinging by and getting the adapter. So...I ran to get it. Well, I ran...then stopped cus my body said so....then ran....stopped....crossed the street, and ran more.... well, ran to a store and got water. Eventually made it to the car, and yes.....i drove back. I couldn't get in the restuarant at first; 'twas closed. Got in...defended my heterosexuality...then went to Jess's car.... where I got to listen to the CD. Happy Brent. Later :-), Jessica said that Australia was the southernmost city in the connected US, we knew it was time to go then.

Lesson Learned: Always search thoroughly/Investigate all possibilities, unless you can run a mile quickly.

Friday, June 28, 2002

Isn't it odd, when you hear like people playing music they wouldn't seem to listen to. For instance, Conan O'Brien's house band, was playing "Hate To Say I Told You So" by The Hives. Quite well though, so maybe its ok.... Yes, if they do a good job... by all means play that song. I want....Ozzy doing James Brown. William Shatner doing The Strokes. Mwa ha ha ha.....

Wednesday, June 26, 2002

So... some former Enron employees are going to be in Playboy. I'm not to sure, but something seems wrong with that. Playboy desperate or something....that's like tabloid style. Dah well...

Its late.... Me sleepy... A quiz told me that I am a Jedi Master and my lightsaber reads "Bad Motherf*cker"....
Oh and while i was doing random personality things, here is my name thingy (won't be here long):

NAME ANALYSIS FOR: Robert Brentley Patterson

You make impersonal decisions quickly, but not so with personal concerns. You like to think things over carefully, but tend to be indecisive. You have a great deal of loyalty to those you love. You have much inner strength. You are a constructive thinker. You have a need for monetary security. You can be quite inventive and quite curious. You have a lack of confidence in your mental abilities and do not like being forced into giving your opinion. Your privacy is important to you. You have a rich inner life.

You are a constructive thinker. You have a need for monetary security.(Notice how it repeated that one.) You have a lack of confidence in your mental abilities and do not like being forced into giving your opinion. You need to learn to be expressive. You are a person who cannot tolerate being misunderstood. You can handle details well. You have a methodical mind. You need to learn faith in place of fear. You have a diplomatic flair to your nature. Equality and fairness are important to you. You need to learn to be expressive. You are a person who cannot tolerate being misunderstood. Your independence and freedom are important to you. (Dirn tootin')

You don't fair well under inharmonious conditions. You are very peace loving. :-D You can get very upset when you are frustrated. You have much enthusiasm with a driving attitude toward achievement in life. You need to learn faith in place of fear. You need to learn faith in place of fear. You need to learn to be expressive. You are a person who cannot tolerate being misunderstood. (I get it.) You have a lack of confidence in your mental abilities and do not like being forced into giving your opinion. You try to be prudent. You have good business acumen. You need to learn flexibility. You must learn to give 'wise' service and not be a martyr.

I realized that I really like attention. A small amount of attention. Lots of attention can easily be a burden, but a small amount is more appreciated. Mainly i just like my existence to be recognized. A wave, or a brief hello. Like i'd rather have it and not want it, than not have it and want it. I'd rather be pestered than ignored, that's the deal. Hmm, i should expand on this somewhere....

Tuesday, June 25, 2002

I cleaned...then i cooked! I am extremely pleased with myself. I would have cleaned more but i was hungry. So I like ... had a battle with trying not to get popped as i made the bacon. Then trying to scramble the eggs, before they solidified. Then I made this lil ready made breakfast biscuit just cus i was curious...that thing was so grotesque. I want to like show the people who make it, what they are trying to put in people. There should be a TRUTH* commercial against that thing...
...breakfast w/ banana was now i'm sleepy. I will dream of my life when i'm independent and able to take care of myself cooking/cleaning! Woo hoo, me no care, me happy!

Monday, June 24, 2002

As i was replacing some light bulbs for my mom and helping her with her computer, she told me whe wants to see her great great great grandchildren in the next 70 years. I was like WHOA!! :-X C'mon now...greatgreatgreat.... we did some calculations..... and if i have kids by 30 and my kids have kids by 30 and their kids have kids by 30...she'll make it to great great. At which point she'll no doubt be the Matriarch of the ..... well...the clan. Dang, we'd be an army!! Yep, all i have to do is marry & have kids by 30. That's my bid, any takers? 8-)

I often get this feeling that certain people are just being nice to me. And that they would rather not be bothered by me. Which is understandable. I know i have a few people that i feel that way toward. I think i would actually rather just be told. Chances are i'd rather stop wasting my time. Not to sound harsh or cold but thats just my opinion. Of course, I could ask these people, but then what if they are just nice again. I mean if my annoying people asked me, would i tell them. ..... Ha, yeah i would. Cus i would want to be told if it were me. A simple... "Stop IMing me." Man, that would be interesting.

Sunday, June 23, 2002

So i'm watching this ...strip jeopardy game on Telefutura. I'm not exactly sure how it works, but there is no way that this woman is not getting any answers correct. Basically she is naked now. Poor lady. I'm no game show expert, but i'm pretty sure she will need a towel (unless she wants thousands to see her bare.)

Thursday, June 20, 2002

Hello, I just wanted to write something. Just give you a little update on my summer. Today I received a letter from Vector Marketing Corp.. I was all puzzled at first, but i remember them from last year, mom recommended them. I called them, soon enough i had a job interview. So i went into the interview, on gaurd, something just didn't feel right. But after a while i just figured i was being paranoid. But then i did the lil research into the company. I don't know.... I have heard of a couple of people that work for them, but still.... it just doesn't feel right. Other than that, i've just been doing my own thing.
[Click Here for More...]

Wednesday, June 19, 2002

Its fun to act like a big kid. It keeps you young.... My favorite big kid moments include that game when its raining and u try to go as long as you can without a rain drop hitting you by dodging them. Or when you're making your bed and you try to straight both sides by laying on the bed an then jumping as you stretch your arms up and out, u know as if that would actually help. I'll continue this thought....

Mint Jelly!!!
Jess and I went grocery shopping post movie. Aside from more looks [when folks think we are bi-racial couple] than i could count, the odd thing we ran across was Mint Jelly. Again this is another example of the dangers of greed and group-think mixing. One person said this would be a good idea, and a bunch of other people wouldn't step up and say...."somebody slap that man". 'tis a dang shame! =-\

Yesterday....Jess and I went to see 'The Bourne Identity' I expected a par movie, nothing neat. Jess was like...its gonna be good. I (without grudge) admit that it was better than i thought. On our way out, in the parking lot, we ran into a schoolmate of mine. Not only that this girl lived in my dorm too, so it was really a coincidence. She looked really good...the problem...her boyfriend. He is.....some mass. He is like swoll (brolick for northerns). He could snap me. I mean to the point where i just call him "Snap". I forget the man's name, i think its..... i dunno "Snap".

Monday, June 17, 2002

Old black men are cool. The lives they've led and such. Their white/gray hair highly contrasting their skin. Sharp old beans they are. Morgan Freeman. Cornell West. James Earl Jones. Sidney Poitier. .... Yep.

Saturday, June 15, 2002

This is long...but this was part of why roooming w/ this guy rocked...please join us in a convo already in progress...

RhotaWhola: u ever had an itch in a place u couldn't reach?
RhotaWhola: w/ your hands
RhotaWhola: I've never
Brendth: nope
Brendth: good call
Brendth: that's going in the blog
Brendth: that and the odd couple theme
Brendth: :-D
Brendth: mayn, there's even this part where they could have someone shout "break it down"
Brendth: sidenote: "cheese meat cheese cheese meat, and that's it"
RhotaWhola: damn
RhotaWhola: my back itches
RhotaWhola: like I've been fighting a hay monster
RhotaWhola: in a big field of grass
RhotaWhola: and the hay monster spits out mosquitos
RhotaWhola: and fleas
RhotaWhola: and the only way to defeat him is to remove the backside of my shirt and strangles him
Brendth: rofl
Brendth: that's all going in the blog
RhotaWhola: u know what's hard
RhotaWhola: saving monvey w/o a job
RhotaWhola: i need money
RhotaWhola: people who think u don't need money to be happy are poor
RhotaWhola: and unhappy
RhotaWhola: sell it
Brendth: and nicole's printer don't work
RhotaWhola: and give me the money
RhotaWhola: nicole's?
Brendth: well, it works but my comp don't recognize it
Brendth: bacclara
RhotaWhola: o
Brendth: cute girl from UT
RhotaWhola: give it to em
RhotaWhola: me
Brendth: yeah, she was cute
Brendth: er is
RhotaWhola: she's crazy though
Brendth: ?
RhotaWhola: very much so
Brendth: ?
RhotaWhola: like here is sanity { }


Berendth: rofl

Thursday, June 13, 2002

Remember 'brent-moves' ?!

Wednesday, June 12, 2002

I had this interesting dream. I was grocery shopping with a friend. While in the the store my attention wandered to other items... but i met her again at checkout... and soon carried the bags out for her. So just we were getting to the car, i said, "I thought you had more bags than this." "Aw... I must have left two of the bags in the store...", she replied. Just then this guy i knew that was in the class above mine in high school pulled up. So i told friend... that i would go get her bags for her. She said that she didn't have the money on her right now for them. I said, "Its cool, I got you." So i headed back to the store to get them. You know, doing that fake jog. Its not really an effort to get there fast, but its more than a walk. So I catch up to the guy i know just before we get in, and i'm like "Hey, what's up man?" And he looks at me like i'm talking to the wrong guy. I said, "How've you been since BTW?" so he would know that i knew him from there, but he still looked at me like i was crazy. So i did the "Well, it was nice seeing you; we'll keep in touch..." blah blah blah....bye... exit.

[To Be Continued]

Tuesday, June 11, 2002

Oh, I left out one of the most interesting part the birthday party. So as Jess and I were watching the fight, we [of course i mean I] decided to introduce ourselves to the stranger that Brandy brought along. So... she says her name (i'll be danged if i try to spell it), and i say mine and she says. "Oh I know all about you." "You went with [Shannan (name changed)]." "She and I went to school together!" . . =-O <-That was me!! And Jessica, i assume. Jalencia (i told u i'd be danged) asked "What's wrong?!" I replied, "I'm just shocked!" I thought, 'That this total stranger, knows my business. I wonder if she was there when i ran from [Shannan].' Haha, i ran. Still though, back to subject... I wonder who else knows what she does. 8-) Hmph, small nation.

Sunday, June 09, 2002

So i attended a suprise birthday function for a friend. Jessica and I didn't get to sit at the big kids table, so we kinda did our own thing. Basically we tried to lure this years validictorian from our high school to a college OUT of texas. Much love to my birth-state and home and all, but there's a big world outside of big texas, she (the validictorian) should experience that.

Then we witnessed the Tyson/Lewis bout. That was lackluster. Tyson seemed like he was just trying to collect his check, and now go down early. He kept a weak guard up, which Lewis often just jabbed through to follow with a cross. Poor almost felt bad for the lil crazy man. Dah well...rematch?!

Saturday, June 08, 2002

11:59 pm: Radiohead - Just
One day i will make a greatest hits album, an anthology rather of all song i call the jam.

Friday, June 07, 2002

Where are my buppies?!
Black Upwardly-mobile Persons, as i've been told. Lately i've been on this quest to break from my shyness, and insecurities. I figure its my fault that i don't meet any other interesting young people around town. Where are my buppies, and such? My people that i can go play golf with. That i can go eat Sushi with. That i can go get some chicken and waffles with. LoL...kidding. Still though I mean dang, now would be an oppurtune time for imaginary friends. Maybe not even black, just preferebly minorities.

Thursday, June 06, 2002

God is good...
ok. so i bought the wrong adapters at radio shack to feed music from my comp through my amp....

so just when i was going to give up, i looked beneath my desk, and discovered all these A/V cables but they didn't exactly help...until i discovered this one last one ...then i was set... i am jammin' Deftones - Change or Clipse ft. Neptunes - Grindin' ...:-D

Wednesday, June 05, 2002

In insect repellant commercials, in this case mosquitos, it seems customary to do a demonstrations. (There is alot to cover in 30secs, i guess its just easier to show people.) Howeverver at the same time, while they [the advertisers] are telling you how mosquitos are annoying , and carry diseases...they stick their hands in cases filled with mosquitos...(one hand with the product, the other without). I understand that companies want u to buy such things, but really...that's that person's hands in the cases. You kinda feel bad for them having to suffer through that swarm of mosquito bites for an item you most likely will not buy. Sorry....

Monday, June 03, 2002

So yeah i'm stubborn right....recently there was debate over this version of Snoop Dogg's Gin & Juice... certain people insisted that it was by phish, while this is quite reasonable.... the non-rap version is actually by The Gourds. Mwa ha ha haha.... a victory for all those who secretly don't let things go!
(Hmmm, a conscious moment: I sound pretty petty there..... >:o Dah well!) PeACe

11:27 pm: Uno is a fun game. Especially when your winning.
House rules should be thrown out.
It's those bootleg rules that make games interesting.
Think of all the games u play, and how they are more fun with the bootleg rules...

Saturday, June 01, 2002

Steven shared this with me. Ned Flanders is based on a professor at Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, OK (where steven attends). Why? Because Matt Groening (creator of The Simpsons ) also attended ORU. Weird ...yet true. (Hmph, remember Disney Adventures?!)


Note, the universe is in odd balance. Yes, that was just a random statement to grab ur attention. However interesting truth, the last of the water in a gallon jug, happened to be the exact amount of the glass i was to drink from. Filled the glass to the brim, with a small layer of water making a mound over the brim. Quite ......neat. Diddily doodily.

I saw an old friend, James, who i hadn't heard from in years. Not only that but other old friends as well. It was interesting to hear what they were up to. Who does what and all that good stuff, minus the nostalgia. Dah well, progress.