Thursday, August 29, 2002

Yeah, so i will move my blog back to a more commercial skin, as soon as i find one i like. In the meantime, any skin recommendations will be considered and appreciated.

>:o... I GO BYE NOW!!

Wednesday, August 28, 2002

People, in your car.... you are not invisible. Maybe inaudible, but we see you. So i was driving along today. I'm chillin', light turns greens i'm driving. Look at the Rav4 to my left, this lady is digging and not in her nose. 'Twas outtaline...whose ever mom that was. I'm just glad it wasn't like below the waist (not that i could see that...but i really wouldn't want to.) The lesson here is.... ITS JUST GLASS! If ur going to do all that (or worse) get that mirror tint, that way when i casually glance around my automotive surroundings i'll see myself. Knometombaat?

A Bientot.

(Couple days ago)
5:48 pm: So i was reading up on the economic reforms during the US occupation of Japan post WWII, in my car, in this upscale neighborhood. (Sidenote: Jes, saw a white stone with spanish tile house... it was like, wow... i wanna break in and tell them, nice house _ then jet before 5-0 gets there. 3 stars - for my GTA III folks.)

So anyway, i posted this because while sitting there i noticed a rabbit & squirrel chillin. Now, if i didn't know better, i'd swear they were holding a convo. On top of all of this i'd promise you that they gave each other dap at the start. All of this, just broke any concentration i had on the book (i really was reading). So much so that i thought i'd tell those who populate my world.
Peace, Humans.

Tuesday, August 27, 2002

I'm online alot.

A whole heap of surfing.
Yep... :-X

Monday, August 26, 2002

Sidenote: Woo hoo.... Edgar linked me on his blog. All i have to do is make it on Anna's and Jon's (i forget the link to his... op... found it here) and i'll be a made man.
You'z guys here me, ..... a made man, I tells ya!!

Half of the time, I just don't know what i'm supposed to say to 'em. I think some of them just take pity on me.
I don't know what i'm doing. And the mixed signals are enough to drive a man mad. Mad i say............mwa ha ha.

"....and we wish to welcome you to Munchkin La-a-a-and."

Sunday, August 25, 2002

I don't care what anybody says... Tricks are not for kids!!
Shame on them for saying that, they aren't sly. Sure call it a cereal, name it Trix. They don't fool me.

Although lil boys would love tricks. Hmph.
Peace Humans.

Friday, August 23, 2002

Ha, sometimes, I forget that I am Black.
No real explaination... I think i just forget to count myself among my people. Not saying i have a superiority complex or anything, but think of it like a teacher not counting theirself in the number of people in a classroom. Just a lapse. ;-)

Thursday, August 22, 2002

I miss my Boston life.

Rather, I truly miss my existence at TUFTS. Soon enough though, i will return.

Tuesday, August 20, 2002

A Houston police officer ran a license plate of a man he was pulling over, the man took off in the car, turned out the car was stolen. Eventually the man goes into a neighborhood gets out and runs on foot. The cop, does the same. Somehow, some way, the guy loses the cop. Now when the cop comes back, the stolen car is there, yet his squad car is GONE.

HPD... yep.

I have an intuition. (Similiar to a "woman's intuition", but i'm not a woman. And I don't consider men bright enough to add "Man's" to "Intuition" as if some form of credibility.) I really do seem to pick up on things before they happen. Maybe i'm just observant of the subtle or miniscule changes/patterns. For instance, whenever i broke up with someone, or was just plain dumped (yes, i am bold enough to admit that i have been "dumped"), I always knew it was coming. However my logic always convinced me that i had more time before the conceived event occured (each time logic being wrong.) This intuition is only getting stronger, and moving into other arenas of my life. Which is kinda cool... in lamens terms, its like my spider sense (only i get days/weeks/months) warnings. (Pre-month warnings are usually futile, cus ive long moved on by the time the event occurs, but when it does i remember that i meant to watch out for it. Yet too late.)
The rest is a blur, a well-puree'ed yet fleeting mass of cognition. Peace.

Sunday, August 18, 2002

So i was reading Pahi's blog. He refers to this time Jessica, Sean, Charles and I went to his house. The funny part was how he referred to jessica and brent as "Brentica". Which has me thinking what if we were one person....that would be weird. Like "Ripley's Believe It or Not" weird. Like... oooo that's crazy/freakshow/why would u do that weird. Yet we do always chill together, so i'm not suprised at the name. Gee, I'm gonna miss Pahi and 'nem. Although i'm just glad it wasn't "Jessibrent" cus that just wouldn't make sense. Peace humans.

Saturday, August 17, 2002

Random (as always):

Baking Soda is the multiproduct. So of course i'd seen people put it in their fridge, didn't know why....til i got older. But when we got some to use to brighten our teeth, i realized the magnitude of things they tell u its ok for....

In Bathroom- Scrubs away soils and grease without scratching
In Kitchen - (Same as above, but grease would be here, and not in your bathroom (hopefully))
In Bathwater- For Smoother softer Skin
Near Anything- Absorbs odor (even from garbage pales)
Mix w/ Shampoo- Fuller More Manageable Hair (once a week)
3parts BS with 1 part water- Facial Exfoliant paste

I think this is all they tell u about cus they ran out of space for the little pictures on the box.

Friday, August 16, 2002

So I am reading this bio on this guy i am looking into... Carl Hancock Rux. Talk about the underachiever feeling (on my part).... "He is the recipient of the 1995 Nuyorican Poets Cafe's Fresh Poet Award, and the 1996 Bessie Schomburg Award for Performance. Rux's plays have been staged nationally, including The National Black Theater Festival, The Key West Theater Festival, Mabou Mines, Tribeca Performing Arts Center, Penumbra Theater, ETA Creative Arts Center and Performance Space 122. Rux was recently comissioned by George C. Wolfe to write a new play for The Joseph Papp Public Theater (currently in workshop) and he has also been comissioned to write an opera for The Foundry Theater Company." Not only that but before it said... "poet/performer Carl Hancock Rux crossed the disciplines of poetry, music, dance and theater in order to achieve what one critic describes as a 'dizzying oral artistry...unleashing a torrent of paperbag poetry and postmodern Hip-Bop music; the ritualistic blues of self awakening; Coon songs and schizophrenic soul sestinas...from hellacious to hilarious, and back again... one of the most engaging one-man shows you're likely to see all year.' (Ray Rogers-New York Post-1997)" I'm 19... i need to get on the ....move.

Thursday, August 15, 2002

Don't forget that the lazy ones are possibly smarter than you think. For instance, the grasshopper who didn't toil during fall like the ant who was stocking up for the winter. Yet when the time came, the grasshopper just had to play all helpless, and depend on the kindness of others..... yep. Or the southern belle who never counts out "the kindness of strangers".

All that comes to mind is this phrase a friend said jokingly.... " >:o MERCY IS FOR THE WEAK!!"

Wednesday, August 14, 2002

So i was listening to the City High CD. There is this track (track 4) about watching who u sleep with, cus they might be underage... Not that great of an album, but the group has potential. So... near the end of the song, a small background arrangement sound(ed) familiar. I was like, i know those notes. Claudette Ortiz, the beauty of the group, was singing it. Suddenly, i was like... =-O that's an old Aaliyah lick. Coincidence, that on a song about statutory rape, Aaliyah was sampled. Someone who married RKelly before reaching legal age. This album came out like 2yrs ago. Its like urban entertainment forshadowing.

Hmph, my blog doesn't make me appear to bright... yet then again, i guess its cus i don't feel a need to prove my intelligence, which almost brings comfort, except for the fact that this blog exists... which kinda presents a paradox, do i comment on it, or be content with who i am and the image placed on this site... a greater man would not post anything at all. Yet at the same time, rather than just spontaneously posting the internal debates i could just post this one, and future dilemmas. I'm too sleepy, to remember the rest .... au revoir, mes personnes. Partir fait souffrir en mon coeur.

Raw Blog via PDA (more or less):

6:42 pm: I think some one is de-tailing the cats unless they are feline-reptiles.
11:58 pm: Luigi been shoulda had a game. Always in Mario's shadow.
11:59 pm: If the Neptunes mixed with Bollywood. They could rule the world.

Tuesday, August 13, 2002

Kevin, my new roommate, rocks!

Sunday, August 11, 2002

:-) I have an imagination....

So i was barely awake and i hear this sound coming from outside. It sound as if someone was torturing a donkey. And I was like, why would someone harm that poor @$$. So i decided that since i have a couple of errands to run ( like washing the car even though i know its going to rain), i would just investigate into this sound. Ants could be near eating this donkey alive by now. Well, it was the gate, the thing needs some WD-40 or some kind of lubricant, before its starts sparking and all. I think I am just glad that the fictional donkey is safe. Minus the reminiscent squeaky howls of the gate.

Saturday, August 10, 2002

Raw Blog: (these raw blogs might be elaborated on at a further date, or if someone asks about them)

12:29 am: "Roaches are indestructable, especially on carpet. These things can supposedly survive a nuclear blast and im here trying to spray it w/ Raid." ~ Steven
3:32 pm: I fear getting struck by lightening
5:10 pm: :-) "Linen"

Raw Blog:

1:56 pm: Sketchy old white guys make me paranoid. Especially those in beat up trucks. Or mailmen who look like jeff foxworthy.
4:59 pm: Baths are inefficient. Like fake cleaning.
5:00 pm: You know you're old when your music is on "Monsta Jams".

Wednesday, August 07, 2002

I would definitely have to call thunderstorms the Ninja of weather. Them or just straight rain. See first they make it dark, but you're thinking its just a cloud covering the sun. Then you forget about it. Your minding ur own business and then u find out. Its raining, rain was so good that if you hadn't stumbled upon it, you wouldn't have even known it was taking place. But lightning...lightening is a an attack for yo health mayn. I mean, when mess your so fast that u don't have to worry about what sound u make, cus ur faster than it...then ur pretty dang lethal. Why this... see I was chillin' just woke up from a nap on what was a beautiful day. Thought someone had splashed my window lightly with a water hose, ....nay...'twas rain. The almost silent assassin. Hmph, assassin is one of those word you could put anything in front of and it still sounds lethal. The fuzzy assassin. The powerpuff ... assassin.

I am watching PBS the frontier show, so there is the one black guy and his wife. His chopping wood and she the camera is on her and she starts describing her view on his enthusiasm. She is saying its like conquering nature, and its such a male ego thing. But my favorite part was when they cut to him and he is now wide eyed as a new epiphany hits him. He is discovering his philosophy of wood... A loose quote: "Its not so much about the splitting the wood, rather its the focus as i become one with the wood. =-O It provides me heat; it is not the death of the wood, I give it new life."
Ah, PBS. :-)

Tuesday, August 06, 2002

Being the loving son that I am, i decided to switch computers with my mother so that she will have the best computer in the home. Little did i know just how much havoc she has inflicted upon this poor Gateway i know post to you from. I don't hate my mother, rather feel a loss at the capabilities this machine once had an oppurtunity to exercise. But no longer, it is now filled with meaningless junk, and an unholy amount ot cookies. I can only do so much to save it... Think Old Yeller and you will be about where I am with this machine. Mom says i should quit talking about it before it quits on me.

Raw Blog....

7:37 pm: C&B = overpriced Ikea
Sky was pretty. Blue & red merge.
10:25 pm: Elles = no black folk
11:16 pm: "Everybody Rubs Raymond" ~ Jessica.

When in doubt... go to a friend's house. Spontaneously show up at their door and see what happens; rude, in most eyes, but should u care, maybe. Will they care that you just popped into their day.... not if theirr me or my friends. Except for lil bit, she doesn't always like it, but .."... we're here, we're weird, and ur just going to take more."

Sunday, August 04, 2002

So i've been writing more emails than posts so i will once again just steal from... myself (its not really theft then is....ah anyway here...)

So yes, i was out shopping on my way back from Buffalo Exchange (this anti-trendy, and thus trendy thrift store) and then it started raining HARD. Like 'GOD is mad at the world' hard. So my main concern was getting home before it started flooding, cus people get flooded all the time in Houston. Bayou city, lots of trees, lots of rain, but not so great drainage. Although my section of town has great drainage, but i was a good 30 miles from there (more or less). So i hopped in my lil del sol and start heading home, just as rain starts coming down. Anyway, i was finally coming down the home stretch... (basically the last long street before my place) boom ALL this water is everwhere!! I was like "crap, well maybe i can go through..." (famous last words). So i made it like a block from my turn off, and the water was just too high. I mean i was like praying and getting real religious, i was surprised the car had made it so far ( that del soldier). But i made it to that last u turn point before my home and parked next to a stalled car. It was outta line now... i felt bad for the dude stalled next to me, so i let him use my phone. (I'm not really a mobile phone type guy, but i had one on me. It only made sense to help him...) After he used it, i called my folks (which equals my mom... single parent fam) cus she was was worried. Told where I was she was like, don't risk it. Then she called back and was like go'n and risk it. Then called back saying don't risk. 'Twas quite humorous at one point. After that I just chilled doing random mess till the water went down. Patience over persistence, that's about it, end of that story.

Friday, August 02, 2002

You know in all my life i thought i'd never wear a du-rag, but.... here we are.

Thursday, August 01, 2002

So I was hanging clothes ... [skipping] ... so this chunk of glass gently fell on my foot, well it seemed gentle. I looked at my right large toe and it was fine so just I was about to rejoice i noticed the cuts on my left big toe so it was like ... "Yea--crap!" They were deep little cuts too, the kind where u see the dermis 10 seconds before it actually starts bleeding. My favorite part was how mom and I bootleged a bandage with some lotion cotton and duct tape. My word, we black folks are creative. ;-)

I meant to post this last night, but now i'm taking it from an email i sent...

'...We realized that an odd number of people were out for a Monday night. I remember seeing people with glowsticks and mess, and we're like, don't u people work. (But maybe they were like us, cus they looked around our age.) We were pulling up to a red light, and i remember look us kinda coming up equal to the this grey car on the right. I noticed that the young italian or greek man that was in the back kinda disappeared down into the seat. I'm thinking "Hmph, I wonder what he's doing?", just as we pull up next to him, when i found out I bust out laughing. My bestfriends looked at me like i was crazy... I couldn't tell them cus i was laughing, so i just pointed. Jessica (the driver) looks over and is like what... that woman is just nursing her... OH MY GOSH THAT'S NOT A BABY!!! Which just had me laughing even harder. The driver of the other car sees us laughing and is trying to play it off. Steven in the back is like, "What?? What did i miss?? Wait were did ole buddy go? Ahhh I don't want to know!!" So now i'm barely getting over the laughter, cus i didn't that he would actually be doing that. ("He was Bold, and also Daring!"- from a commercial) People are straight up bold, and unless you stare to make them embarrassed they will just go on and be daring. Like this time we were in Chili's and this toddler was just being ... i dunno... "ignant" (usually i would have said a better word, but i'm sleepy and that fits).
After that we just would randomly would say "That was no baby." '