Monday, September 30, 2002

Had to steal this cus it describes my Western Political Thought class so well:

Lesson VI:
If the professor asks a question to the entire class, DO NOT ANSWER IT! This is merely a ploy so the professor can become acquainted with your name, after which he / she / it will grade your assignments with much more scrutiny. If anything, start mumbling and hope everyone around you mumbles too. That way the teacher will think you all are saying the answer but just too quietly for him to hear. The best thing to do is to just sit there and hope no one around you answers. Try not to breathe during this silence either; if you have a booger and it makes noise when you breathe, you will be called on. Teachers can also detect fear, excitement, and when you don't know what the hell they're talking about, so expect for them to call on you for roughly 92% of all questions.

(Stolen from College Life ... Thanks Pahi!)

Saturday, September 28, 2002

Ayyyy, big arse poli sci paper. No me gusta...
Aside from that life is good. Life is very good. But i think i have to be a hermit this weekend and only leave my room to print out references for this paper, and to edit this paper on Microsoft Word, cus i sure don't have it. Yet..., mwa ha ha ha ha ha. Ay, paper!! :*-(

Thursday, September 26, 2002

Woo hoo, feel the burn. I went to the gym today, well this evening rather. Funny thing is... i was really on my way home. Yep, I was just going to do some reading, and i saw my homegirl, who was on her way to the gym, i said..."Hmph, that's where i should be going." Soon i was meeting her to go to the gym. At the gym we did a vigorous upper body workout (w/ a lower back and oblique excercise included). I never noticed how subtly toned she was before. However the guys in the room noticed. I don't think she was aware of their noticing but they did. Well... i hope it was her they were looking at, and not him whose words you read hither. The thing is.....sure, right now i feel great. Tomorrow scares me, that next day sore-ness.

Other interesting parts of the day:

- Western Political Though I professor calls on this asian girl to make a comment on Socrates' apology and says... "You, sorry I can't remember your name, um...Frankenstein." That poor girl, she is cool peeps and has the neatest little British accent. All trampled by "You...frankenstein." Dah well, c'est la vie.

- Sitting at my computer with the misty/mysterious res-quad looming through my window with its darkness, i hear a sound. A sharp and faint "Sssss". I dart a look to my basically opaque window. Again..."Sssss Sssss." I pose the question to my roommate in hopes of a comforting answer, "Did you do that?" Quickly followed by another search for comfort, "Did you hear that?" His bewildered semi-replies are no solace. Finally another haunting, "Sssss Sssss Ssssss." I shout a "Hey!" out of my window, hoping that the source of this spooky sound isn't closer than I believe. Closer than i can defend myself against trapped in my working zone. I manage my way to my feet, sharply peering out of my window from across the room. I eventually notice a white shirt and....bandana. Whew, its Uchenna, flailing both arms in attempt at gaining my attention. I respond "Boy!! That was some scary mess you just pulled!" Ah, i'm comforted. Believing that when i look into the darkness outside my window, there isn't something staring back at me.

[Geez, i'm going to be up for a while, all outside my room and vulnerable. Hope no mess takes place.]

Sunday, September 22, 2002


"Many people no longer believe in God or that he cares about us. I hope
to communicate with college students and help them appreciate the purpose
of our Creator. There is a small book I would like to give you. Is
There a Creator Who Cares About You? is the title of this book that can
be easily mailed to you. The primary objective of this book is to
provide overwhelming evidence that there is a God who created all things.
The evidence includes much more than religious beliefs....

This is my personal, private project, which means I do not have any
affiliation with commercial interests, and I do not subscribe to any
email address list. Your name and address was obtained randomly from
your college directory. If you are interested in a free copy of this
192-page paperback book send me your postal address.
I will not be
sharing your information with anyone as long as I have a supply of this
book. If my supply is depleted I will have to provided your name and
address to the publisher who will be mailing the book to you. The
decision is entirely yours."

Today was good. I had lunch, studied, tried to be evil, went to Boston Commons and saw Carmen very nice i must say. I hereby like opera, especially free opera. Although i would like it indoors better. But i'll take free opera anyway i can get it. As well i got to spend time with my girl, but no that sucked. Um...opting not to say what i'm thinking here, but just know that it would be brutally honest and you would be like "dang that's kinda harsh". So eventually....wait...i don't think i emphasized that enough.... EVENTUALLY we all made it back to their room (her roommate was with us the whole night). And we got on the subject of R&B which her roommate knows JACK about, but wanted to learn. I mean...didn't know diddly.
Me: "Yes, there were originally 4 members of Destiny's Child..."
Her: "REALLY?!!!"
That, my friends, was not an exaggeration. So I got to do what i enjoy, which is listening to good music. Its kinda weird too, cus you are fully responsible. Its like i can mess up and turn this girl off of R&B for years. So I just got bold, threw her into Bilal...then Jill Scott...some mo' folk... skipped all that mainstream junk. If it was in my power Ashanti and 'nem would be in a totally diff genre with the word "Pop" in it, so people would know what they are in for. But yeah, i went straight Neo-Classic Soul on the roommate.

OHHHHH, the random ending.... so i'm walking back to my room, on the way, i see a group of pseudo-thugs ... (college kids, but still got alot of ghetto in them). So yet again i am asked, "Where the party at?" So again, i tried to give them directions..."Alright you make a left on this street and right on the very next street...but its kinda weird cus it curves so..... mayn just follow me..." Thus once again i led a pack of otherwise intimidating brothers to a party that i wasn't headed to myself....and i felt good.
Like "i've contributed to the world" good.

Friday, September 20, 2002

Seems to me that the National Weather Service ( or whoever actually names hurricanes) is becoming alot less creative. I just noticed Hurricane Isidore. Not Isidora, which might be a little cooler, no, straight Isidore. Of all the "i" names they actually have passed the point where..... [to be continued....i don't want my typing to wake my roommate...he's had another long day.]

Wednesday, September 18, 2002

Last night I discovered that i don't have a good "Wooooooo" shout. My "Yeaheah..." rocks, but my "Wooooooo" goes into this high falsetto that i don't think i could hit if i was trying to do it on my own. See, last night i went to the Coldplay concert @ Boston Pavillion. Coldplay rocks...i mean, wow... I REALLY LIKE THEM NOW! I hereby would listen to anything of theirs. AND... AND...they are funny. Well, at least the lead singer is...and i didn't know he played piano which was an interesting suprise. As well, there were a moments where he changed a few lyrics to throw in some jokes...he even coughed slightly during the very last note, but it was just cool by then so everyone was just smiling. But the best was when he broke into a rendition of Nelly's - Hot in Herrre just cus he felt like it. That to me, was really cool, and that version was a lil better than the original. So me likey Coldplay. However everytime i went to show it with an affectionate "Wooooooo" i hit a HIGH note.... so i kept to my melodic "Yeaheah!!!" And an occasional... "What?! What?!" just cus i could.
I bid thee ado.

I have an acute sense of style. And who wouldn't with a 12 foot wingspan? I can be a little cocky, but not without grounds. Mine is a battle of tact as well as strength, as flight won't win a alone. Like the archangels of lore, I have a sharp eye, and a keen sense of danger. I seek out injustice, and I stop it. From above.

What's your superpower?

eh, i was bored, and now that i can insert code into my blog i figured i'd excersize it...
another test told me that i am the shy type sexually and that i like to be on bottom. was partially right...i have some strange affinity with being on bottom.

Brendth: give me sec to find it
MOpixie: ok
Brendth: :-D
MOpixie: LOL that is so funny
MOpixie: wait...
MOpixie: justin timberlake is my hero
MOpixie: i aspire to be like him
MOpixie: only like a girl
MOpixie: so like, justine timberlake
Brendth: justine:-)

Monday, September 16, 2002

Its been along time since i've been to anything reminiscent of church. Last night (Sunday) I decided to go to "church" with a friend. Although it was on campus so really its more of a gathering of believers. Riiiiight. I've never been more afraid of christians in my life. I came in the place, there was a single candle in the middle. There was an Alpha and Omega cloth on this table where a man dressed as a priest sat. And everyone was in a circle. So i came in and sat in a chair just outside of the circle. This woman gets out of her chair and offered me the seat. I was like no thank you. She replies, "No, sit here!" (Please, she obviously doesn't know me.) So i looked at her like she's crazy, cus she was, and went about my worship. Only thing is, midway through my prayer...the "priest" rings a bell. In all my church experiences. Even in other pentecostal churches (this was a pentecostal chaplaincy) NEVER has a bell been rung. As well, i wouldn't mind if the bell signified the end or the start of the solo worship, but was just arbitrarily timed near the middle of my prayer. Sketch-tacular. Um, after saying a few hymns/prayers/chants with the circle, i left. I don't know if i was allowed to leave at that time, but i was pretty shaken. There was a moment where it made me question my religion (yet again). Not what i want right now...sorry TPC.
~I respect/fear God, now i plain just fear his followers.

Sunday, September 15, 2002

I was begrudgingly making my way to the infamous Dewick party, thrown by some sorority. (Doesn't matter i could say any sorority namem, and you would be like "ok"... so why mention it, plus i just plain don't know who they are...) On the way down the street to the party, i happened upon 4 big black guys, well... one was puerto rican but that's about the same thing. So they asked me where the party was, i was like..."well first you wanna go down this street, then u wanna, ....well..... um..... mayn just follow me" ... cus we all know i can't tell nobody how to get nowhere. So anyway, they seemed pretty hyped about going. Along the way, we started talking about how wasted the white folks were getting, and how they really like to party. And how some of these dudes were gone beat tonight. On the way, we found this large group of girls (keila and 'nem), and they said... "They're not lettin' anybody in except non-Tufts male juniors!!" Just so happened that the dudes i was rolling with fit that description, so i was like, "Riiiight. Let's do this!" So we pressed on, got to the door, and 5-0 was there. They proclaimmed that noone was getting in, so...i said my good-byes and came back...cus i really just wanted to take a nap in the first place.
Peace Y'all.

Saturday, September 14, 2002

So they had 'Fall Fest(ival)' today in the quad right outside my window. It looked alright so i thought i'd ask a friend just to make sure i didn't miss on some spectacular experience (like i often do). So i said the expect... "ey, how was fall fest?" She responded..."horrible". I was laughing .... i'm sorry, but that was just highly realisitic to me. So i asked "why?" She was like, "there wasn't any food when i went". That's about all that mattered as far as fall fest goes. Ah ...the real. Life... what writer could come up with that? Splendid.

Friday, September 13, 2002

So i often thought the shower i use here (at school) is sketch. But i just realized that if someone wanted to do the whole shower sex thing, its the perfect place (you know, for a college shower). It has the nice lil smoke-glass door. And on top of that there is an entirely different door that secludes the entire area and noone ever goes in there, unless to take a shower, so if the shower is already running, u can have privacy for however long you please. I'm not condoning sex in college showers, i mean...geesh, who knows whose bathed there, but... I'm just saying if one was to do shower is the optimum one.
Peace Folk.

Thursday, September 12, 2002

So we didn't get to go see Phantom Planet, well not tonight at least. However, the night has turned out to be pleasant. Had a nice political talk with another Political Science major. Did some reading... OH YEAH, I declared! I am officially a Political Science major. Not only that, but my advisor rocks, AND he's head of the department, AND i'm in his class. WHAT?!

Ah, the mini-dramas.

Wednesday, September 11, 2002

Deepest condolences to all those who lost or know someone who lost someone a year ago. As well as those who generally lost someone in the past year .

Peace & Blessings

Sunday, September 08, 2002

Pig is the wonder meat...

...just look at what all we get from pork. Dang, we get native-american on that punk. We use every part of it, for something. And the leftovers, get ground to make bologna. But ......but......pork is good. I feel bad for eating it sometimes, because there are certain religions where pork is a big 'no-no'. But with each bite, i drown out that guilt until its some inaudible voice in my head.
Oh the voices. They tell me to do bad things. I just laugh at them. Although some of the things i try. But not really... ;-)

[still to be continued, or altered]

Yep :-)

One week!
(First week of school, the start of something good.)

So today (meaning Saturday, August 7) I went to a free Dashboard Confessional concert @ Hatch Shell, by MGH. What i have learned is...

haha, i have no clue. Today was just a good day. The Charles River in Boston is durteh. Like "Ewww, fecal matter!" dirty. However Dashboard is as cool as ever. Chris Carraba can shout his arse off. And he's funny. Like "i get laughs, cus they know i am not really funny, but i make an effort" funny. So the concert was pleasant. Hot Rod Circuit gets the award for most energetic guitarist. That man had to be on something, cus he was too dang hyper. He did some kind of jumping kick every 6 seconds. Even did one of the drums. Yep.
So...first week = better than all of January 2002. I wonder what i'll write a week from now......

Friday, September 06, 2002

I think i should get a medal for actually getting out of bed each morning. Not only for the actual effort of waking up, cus my bed is surprisingly comfortable. However, i deserve a medal for the fact that my bed is taller than me. Meaning at least six feet off the ground. When was the least time u jumped off anything six feet high? Better yet, same question and add the to a hard floor. Hard tile over cement floor. As well i think that whole bigger you are harder you fall mess is SO true. Darn gravity and its rules.
Although, my roommate would fall out if he was on top, which i thought about and would actually be kinda weird to witness from a bottom bunk. You know, chilling until a body just goes zooming by, with subsequent thud and foul exclaimations. Haha. Wait, i mean "That's bad."
So anyway...where's my medal?

Thursday, September 05, 2002

Yep... one discovers that, while spookily walking around their dorm at 4AM, there's nothing like doing the girly swat & run from some bee/fly hybrid. All i know is that thing was big and refused to be juked. Minus the whole door handicap (i can open/close them, it can't.) We shall meet again... and when we do, i will swat harder and juke better, darnit!!

Wednesday, September 04, 2002

In my Greek & Roman Comedy class, Prof. Mohoney was mentioning how many of these plays are versitile. In the sense that modern playwrights have to do little modernizing or altering to make them work in today's times. Unlike today's writings such as... The Sopranos. Which got me to thinking..."What if the Sopranos was set in 5th century BC Greece?!" Errbody, just let that marinate....

Tuesday, September 03, 2002

Right so last night, Kevin says he is going to fill up the Brita water filter (u know, so we can have "filtered" water to drink). I thought about saying..."eh, its not that crucial, you can do it later." So he goes to fill up the water, down the hall... a door or so on the left. Opens the kitchen door... and sees a couple, half naked, freaking in the kitchen. Funny thing is we know the guy. Because of this, there was a slight moment where Kev was going to say... "don't mind me, just filling up the water", but he was mostly too shocked to think straight (not that its in one's right mind to say such things, but....i dunno). I only found out about it all when he came back. Ah college. Coincidental part is that early that day we were talking about people f*cking in the kitchen in our dorm last year. This kitchen is significantly cleaner though, so...i guess i give this couple points for location.

Ohayoo gozaimasu...

MY CLASSES ROCK!! I want to do the work from them RIGHT NOW. Liberal arts, baby. That's where its at. K, i am gone fall out for a second, wait no.... no i'm not. That's how i messed up last year. No mid day naps. But my classes... yum. And my friends...yay. I misseded collegiate life.

Peace Humans.

Along with this line or random and somewhat trivial posts...

...afro picks really feel good as they comb through your scalp. Its quite massaging. I feel that anytime i get stressed i can just start picking my hair (and/or combing it with the pick) as a relaxing action. In fact i realize that i comb it out nearly everynight just before i go to bed. Its like it gets me in the mood to sleep.

Ah the afro chronicles.
"Just let yo' soul glow!!!" ;-)

Monday, September 02, 2002

Man, Houston is hot for real. So hot that when i left the state i was still hot for two full days. I think i'm good now, but for a while i was still hot in this 60degree weather. Hmm, like TX just implants heat in you. Peace.

You know i think i'm on to something...
...the more people complain about being back or tufts or the weather, the more i love it all...
I wonder what this means about me. Mwa ha ha. Although, if everyone truly liked it, but wasn't as enthusiastic about it, that would be equally tolerable.

Sunday, September 01, 2002

MAYN!!! I'm back on campus. Actually that was yesterday! MAYN~!!! I'm krunk. And it is confirmed that i'm addicted to online. MAYN!!! I'm happy... Soooo yeah, so i've been helping everyone move in. As well, i've been moving myself in. I did the third of 4 installments before i have ALL of my stuff. But like all the crap that i really need _ i have now. And, i am officially in my Miller room so i don't have to do no mess when it comes to Sep 19 (gracias Biz... and lo siento, mi amigo). (Sidenote: There is this really old looking student that lives on my hall, like this woman must have kids.) MAYN!! Not only that, i forgot how much i love being up here. Its funny, i see someone i know outside my window erry 5mins. Gotta resist the urge to be country and yell out the window to them. My roommate is cool than a mug too. (Sidenote: Remember that lady... lets say grandkids.) Mayn!! [insert excessive swear here] I'm still krunk! Think of.... a room full of lined up dominoes and someone picks u to knock down the first one. This is like the walk to that first domino. MAYN!!!! So much potential for a great year. AND AND AND!! its not going that fast.... yay! (Ewww, yay... must choose better words.) I forget what i was about to say in my excitement. Anyway, i am posting this from my new computer, that proved it was smarter than me in its installation (lets just say i could have done color coding had i not put extra stuff in it.) It has more than i need, but i think i'm just going to try to do more this year. AND AND!! I got me a dang subwoofer so when i listen to Bootsy (Bootsy Collins - I'd Rather Be With You) or D'Angelo (D'Angelo - Me and Those Dreamin' Eyes) i actually feel the soul of the music (yes the soul being the bass). Man, i don't even know what i'm going to do... and there's a cute girl outside my window so i might go holla. That's my piece...
Later y'all!!! [insert excessive swear here]