Monday, October 28, 2002

MAYN!!! Ya boy done finished that dang ole paper, mayn... I 'on't care 'bout not a dang thang else till tomorrow. Yep happy me. I don't know what to do now. Um... yeah i think i have to go now... i'll alter this one from the room. Only thing better than how i feel right now, well... yep. And the Cosby show!

Saturday, October 26, 2002

Aight see, i don't think you all understand what i mean when i say "Midterm" and that i am actually "focused" so i thought i would let y'all know...

The specifications:
6-8 pages - double spaced (Not bad, right:)

The deadline:
Monday, October 28, 2002 @ 1PM

The assignment:
"Consider the arguements that the Athenians use to justify their empire in light of the claims of the Unjust speech in Aristophanes' Clouds. In what ways is the "Athenian thesis" similar to and in what ways does it differ from the claims and the purposes of the Unjust speech? You should consult Pericles' funeral oration, his speech to the Athenians after the first year of war, the statement of the Athenians during the debate at Sparta, and the Athenians' claims in the Melian dialogue."

Aight...??? We on the same page now. I'll see you later then!!!

Wow... I just went back and read my very first post. That was soooooo long ago. I really appreciate this blog thing. I would totally have lost the thoughts i had then. {Big Smile} Life is good. Much better now. Even the rainy day outside doesn't have me down. What was interesting is that its "Halloween on the Hill" (personally I don't participate in Halloween, for religious/anti-corporate reasons) but it was cute to see the little kids running around in the rain, vying for more candy than their little tummies can handle. You almost wish they could stay so carefree forever. As if we didn't teach them about injustice, how much of it would they develop on their own? Dah well.
Ok, a random person just walked by my door, I swear that the populous of my side of the hall changes weekly. New faces all the time. Alright they're they go again, and with them went my train of thought, thus i end this post.

So my dorm is having this energy concious week thing called "Do It In The Dark"... I thought my dorm was spooky when noone was up, but what's worse is when its darn-near pitch black in the corners and no one is up. Horror movies start out like that. (Why is it "pitch" black anyway...what is this "pitch" and just how black is it?) I know English is my first language and all, but dang its a confusing one. Maybe that's why social interaction isn't as relaxed and prevalent as it should be, cus of the dang language.

Sidenote: I have this caberet style song ..."All That Jazz..." just looping through my mind. I don't know why.

Although if i was to be "slain" in my dorm, as sucky as that would be, i would wonder if they would claim me to be a straight A student. Its always the A students who get killed. That's why I'm alright with Bs, dang-namnit.
"awwwwwwww FOOL!"

Friday, October 25, 2002

Ever get the feeling that you're trying to hard. At what though?? I need to calm down. Eh, you know what, forget i said anything. Infact this really is just a random post cus... well... i miss posting about random events that caught my attention. Although I did learn a little about lockpicking today, and that MAXWELL in concert is orgasmic for females. You read it right. LaLaLa... Yep...
In other news, i got my voice back, and someone i respect as a vocalist complemented me, so i'm cheesin' (on the inside). Other than that... haha, i feel like this is were i am supposed to start giving shoutouts...


Stupid Archives!!

In other news....
Life is good!
Aside from midterems.

Monday, October 21, 2002

My bad... it's been a bit. Hmph, I just ate so i'm kinda sleepy. Thus i will try to catch you up on the weekend. Um, friday...well i don't remember friday. Oh wait... i was in a concert singing the sixth movement of Gabriel Fauré's Requiem entitled Libera me , check it out. Um other than that, i've just been talking to people, getting closer to folks, and trying to reason with those around me. Its been a nice four or so days, because i've had no real problems. Oh but i lost my voice and may have this awful cough my roommate is trying to get rid of, but i doubt it. I just know i can't talk as well. Hmm, its almost coming back, i just need to rest it. Well i'ma go sleep. Funny thing is everytime i wake up, my voice is DEEP. Like i get an urge to sing every Barry White song i know right then. Like its so deep i can resonate at the right pitch to make the image on my monitor waver/pulsate.
No clever remarks now. All i can think to say right now is... "Holluuuuuuuuuuhhhh!" (LOW VOICE)

[Notice i forgot to mention the last two days of the weekend... ...yep they were about that important.]

Wednesday, October 16, 2002

ROFL... OH MY GOSH!! After that last post i think it only appropriate to totally break that with something that actually did catch me off-guard.

Lego Pr0n somehow has me laughing, and appeals to all the wrong sides of me. Thus I share it with u, while i contemplate adding a new interesting blog to my links....
...sidenote: Lego Pr0n goes beyond NC-17 and all that mess...its just plain evil. This post might be gone tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 15, 2002

Right.... (slightly fustrated) ... so i've been told that there are certain people that i can't just be cool with. I would at least like to understand why, but no... So for the next two years these two ... young women (which i will run into undoubtedly on a weekly if not daily basis) i can't be cordial with. How (i didn't want to use this adjective but dang it fits) childish is that? I would understand if we had like big fights, or i cussed them out, cheated on them (...), or like... i don't know... did them wrong some how. One of them i actually should be cool with, provided noone instigates, and we are allowed to just be mature about this mess. I mean the past is the past. And it's not like the relationships were even that deep. THE...anyway!!! Wooo, i just need to vent. I don't know how much venting i need for this mess, it just keeps coming back, CUS I SEE THE SAME FOLKS ALL THE TIME!!! AND WILL FOR THE NEXT TO YEARS!! Man, this is some straight up inconsequential sh*t. Which is part of what makes it so annoying, is that it keeps getting thrown in my face; when it shouldn't exist. F-it... i need to pull some old school ...erase and replace mess. In fact, i have (also, that's how i wound up with two in the first place)... erase/replace but its hard to move on when the same immaturity is constantly brought back to you.
Sidenote: I really like the little bit of Marc Anthony's music that i has been forced upon me. Yo, I got some really cool people in my life. Some people that I really enjoy chilling with, and would actually go out of my way to see like for maybe a minute. Anyway, u know what, i wipe my hands off this drama. Drama-free week. Starting... after my dreams. Goodnight, y'all.
[Excuse typos, this was from the inside y'all.]

Sunday, October 13, 2002

[Make up a song to the theme of Green Acres and then change the lyrics to me having the double to myself... and u'll have what's in my head right now.]


Thursday, October 10, 2002

[More or less talking to myself.....]
So I started looking at the times i start working till the times i finish. I realize... as a college student i am putting in (roughly) 14hr work days. Ain't that 'bout a ... And I pay them for this kinda stress. Lets not forget that minute fact. Well, Uncle Sam pays, but yeah.... INTRO TO AMERICAN POLITICS MIDTERM Friday = 20hr work days. (Not that i was really getting more than 4hrs anyway.) Ok, where's my chinese food?!?!
My roommate makes me laugh... but i like not laughing at him even though its mildly funny what he does. Go Kev!!

Wednesday, October 09, 2002

My midterms snuck up on me...lil' bastards!!

Sunday, October 06, 2002

My weekend = 10.6.2002 Yes, again jes has remembered way more than i can. Although she forgot the part about randomly pregaming in dorms; the firedrills...and running from the head of SA's warpath (cus jes and her crew are all SA's); somewhat cued after some random gurrrrl spilled beer on some UMass guys; ... who later followed us as a fake boyband. Can you say "Dr. Pepper party..."???

Saturday, October 05, 2002

Riiiiight. So i make this post from Mount Holyoke, the women's college Jes attends. Tonight is Vegas Night, and its like a Ocean's 11 style shin-dig. It actually hasn't started yet, and i write this cus i'm bored and I'm waiting. So far though, i barely made the bus to get here. Like i was the last guy on. Then when i finally got here, i left my PDA on the bus (which has a lot of important info in it.) Yeah, smart me. Anyway, being here has made me kinda forget that. Like at dinner, there was only myself and this blatantly European guy. Ever feel like you're representing your entire gender. Like maintaining that dwindling hope in a woman, that good men exist, and near them at that. Yeah, that was me....until i spilled ketchup on my pants. Noone noticed, but back in Jes' room there was about a good 15mins where I was just scrubbing away at my crotch. [Possible quote there.] Big Ups to "Shout Wipes" vs. ketchup in jeans. Well... pretty soon the ladies will be ready. I'm in this black turtle neck, some slacks, and some nice non-leather dress shoes. Um, this post is much longer than it needs to be so I am going now.
Peace Ladies & Gentlemen.

Wednesday, October 02, 2002

Its nights like these that remind just how random yet cool my school ... be. So, I walked out of my building (which faces the residential quadrangle - res quad) making a phone call. What do i see...knights. Yep...sure enough there are men in light battle armor going at it. Oh they're serious, in fact they are still out there now...and somebody just got whopped, as in polywhopped! DANG! So yeah, next to these duelists are people dressed in clothing of the period, promenading about in medieval fashion.
How I love Tufts??...Let me count the ways (on one hand).

[The Continuation]
So then Saj (a good friend) comes by with James (another friend). Actually they did the scary window thing, where they can see me, but i can't see them...anyway yeah so we confronted these medieval peoples. On our way there of course we say amongst ourselves,
Brent:"Wait, there weren't black people around these medieval people."
James: "Sure there were, they were just called Moors."
(Brent thinks: "I thought Moors were spanish." )
Brent: "Eh ok, they're not white."
Saj: "Well, i'd still be an Arab."

In talking with the spokesperson of the Society for Creative Anachronism, we learned that they actually meet at MIT often. As well that they are part of a larger city-wide organization. For Boston there is a Baron, who was elected and fences. However for the East Coast there is a King. One becomes king, by defeating all challangers in a tournament. Every 6months power changes, cus the reigning King is not allowed to participate in his own tournament (known as the King's Tournament).
Still though, that's some pretty random mess?! Neat and all, although, more effort than i would ever put into it... but still random as 'je ne sais quoi'!!
Au Revoir

So my homegirl came by randomly. (You know; the subtly toned one.) And she downloaded all these Aventura and DLG (Dark Latin Groove) songs. I must say I was impressed. As well, it was really neat watching her enjoy the music, and cute when she looked to me hoping that her emotions were contagious. I must admit the lead vocalist of DLG has some pipes man. (Not like Bilal...i'd admit better, but more so different.) Mmmm....tonight was a good night. She took me to a friend of our's room where both she and I were thoroughly waylayed in Knockout Kings 2002. Aight 6:13AM..and i'm so sleepy that i made a corny joke, and took it out cus i woke up and realized how bad it was...