**When I get un-sleepy... i'm going to post this huge vent right here...that will hopefully be so long that noone really reads it.**
-*-Later that week-*-
**Alright, really, this is just me rambling... the feeling for the vent passed, cus well, i fell asleep, but this is like the leftovers mixed with random thoughts that interject themselves. I would tell u how its like a sandwich/burger but well, i really don't expect y'all to read all the way through it. Heck i know i wouldn't... and be thank full cus actually it would have been longer had i really remembered what all i had to say. But you know how i am, i get inspiration and if i don't act on it then and there it is lost and subsequently fades from what we call existence. Jill Scott would understand me, she's the same way. You know what i want... i want the boondocks to have a character like me in it. Or... would it be cooler to be surrounded by characters like those in the boondocks. Hmm... Where's Arsenio Hall right now?! Oh right, rediculously long post that none of you will read and that doesn't say much of anything that u all haven't heard before but is really just a sub-par attempt at a "What's going on with Me" update. Marvin Gaye is the dang man. If you haven't heard his
What's Going On album, check that bad boy out... its political and smooth and continuous, its like half of what i want to do in music, and his
Let's Get It On album is the other half. Well... as far as R&B goes... riiiiiiiight the post. Here y'all**
*Everyone inhale deeply... and slowly exhale... repeat this a couple times till u feel relaxed.*
Wassup folk... I hope one day i can get 25 comments... actually i'd rather just spread those all out and have each post have about 5 comments. Oh yeah, guess what (which is a silly command to give
here, but never the less...) one of my poems made this semester's issue of ONYX (this literary and arts magazine.) It's the only poem i've ever submitted. In fact, this will be the first time anyone will have a chance to read that which i've written, however i have read a poem or two before at some Open-mic nights. The next thing i have to do is finish some of these songs and sing them at the open-mic nights. I'd just like to see the reaction of the people when they see me up there. Although it might not be that much of a shock now since they see me singing constantly. However, if i bust out with one of the rock songs i'm working on then that'd be a nice lil change. I feel kinda aloof from the cool kids this year. I miss being in the in-crowd kinda... Actually i often wonder if i was ever really in the "in-crowd". I mean, I never said i was cool. "I never said i was an angel." Yeah, and i don't know who all I annoy but i dunno, i'm almost tired of trying to be friends with some people. It's hard to tell who is happy to see you, and who is putting up with you. I think i can count the number of friends i have on one hand. A girl i know mentioned there being like a circle of friends, then within that, your core group of friends. Yep, my core group isn't really a group rather an assortment of individuals that i see on a more than infrequent degree. Whatever man its all grizl. I really want a single. Hopefully things will work out so that i can stay here over Christmas Break. I dunno, i just don't feel like coming home. This is where i live now. Heck i'll sleep outside if i have to. And wear the same thing for a month. Really i just want time alone. Just get to sit in a quite room for a while, surrounded in my own thoughts. Oh how sweet it will be. I fear getting to that point where i am just so free to do
everything that my ambition of relaxation pulls me in every direction and i wind up not really accomplishing anything and i wind up feeling still restless. It amuses me knowing that i want a single and people telling me that i can't stand to be alone. Although usually they are reffering to my romantic life. Ah my romantic life... i believe we all knew that this lengthy post would seem incomplete without addressing my romantic life at some point. In reality there is some truth to the statement that i can't stand to be alone. A small amount, but truth none-the-less. Seeing as to how i've had noone else around to focus my attention on other than myself (whereas someone else would have ... say - brothers or sisters or those cousins that just live real close or play cousins that basically live with you). I mean your friends always have to go home, and u don't really live with them, rather u just see them frequently. I feel i took my friendship with Fred for granted in those crucial middle school years, when alot of people who will grow up to be messed up individuals first get messed up. I wish i had appreciated having him around even more than i did. Sucked when he had to move. All my life I really wished i had a twin or something, cus then i could watch them in situations and learn from their actions. The point is that without that other person i've spent alot of time just thinking mostly about me, so i actually don't need a lot of time between relationships cus... well cus... i know myself. Anyway one of the few people who i am attracted to more so mentally than physically (or at least i think i am) likes me, but isn't trying to have a relationship. See here lies the problem, people aren't relaxed enough. They worry too much about the details. Whoever you get physical with wants to get to know you on a deeper level. But they don't want a relationship. Now to me this sounds like an intimate friend (better known as a 'friend with benefits'), but noone seems to see this as easy a thing to work out as i do. Where is that relaxed point at which the friend with whom you chill, you can also be intimate with? Honestly, the whole madly in love thing is really more hassle than i am trying to get into right now. Not that i am against love, but that mess is tiring when ur heart isn't in it. I don't feel like putting myself into that right now, maybe i'll meet someone who'll give me that energy, but i haven't yet so....blah. Besides i'm physically expressive anyway. (Aside from the rediculous amounts of lust within me.) So it'd be cool to find a friend i can... "express" myself to.
I spoke with my mom today, and she was saying that i should make preparations now, cus come next valentines day i might want to do something special for some special lady. Now while that's all well and good, i really have no desire of doing such. If you don't know what i did last valentine's day, feel free to look it up in the archives. Op, you can't... turns out that i never chronicled my actions, cus i was too worried about offending my girlfriend at the time by putting an EXTREMELY ambiguous "what i did for valentine's day" post on the blog. See... that's the kind of thing i don't want to have to worry about. Again in a few weeks i'll probably be infatuated with some beauty, but for now i don't want alot of hooplah. I just want somebody to chill with and then
chill with. U know; someone i can be free to show how she makes me feel, but still have the relationship be calm enough to where no drama arises. Cus really, most of the drama that comes up is over something that really isn't that crucial in the big picture of the relationship. *That part came from a conversation with a friend that i wish was more than a friend.* Besides we are only here 'til 2005 and the breaks and stuff in between. Sure one could have a good meaning relationship in the meantime but at the same time... i'd want to be with someone that knows that, so that when it comes time to go our seperate ways, there are no arguements and few tears (if any). I mean sure i want to be in love again (eventually); i am just not sure if i want to be that vulnerable right now. I mean (honestly) the whole way Alma left me really did kill some of my passion and some of my faith in the stability of a relationship. Which is a shame... i know she probably didn't mean for any of that to happen, but it was just a wake-up call for me. However, I don't feel that i really dogged anyone after that though (in reference to the article from Andy's blog). This one girl felt that I was dogging her. Really it was just a misaligning of schedules... and she spends alot of time working. As well she should, cus we are here (in school) to work,
but still i go out of my way for people i feel are special. Funny thing is... this whole Tufts 2-degrees of seperation is annoying when it comes to attraction... cus I keep finding out that the people that i'm attracted to (or would have some sort of relationship with) are close friends. As well, i'm still bad at reading people, so it's kinda weird to tell who is attracted to you. You know me, i just assume they are being nice. Honestly, i'd need some rediculously overt flirting right about now. Like the girls on my hall, they rule. Hmm............silly lusty brent. Well i do like one of them, but there is this whole situation and well...basically someone would get hurt. And as i've stated before, i'm really not out for that kind of drama. Man i'm hungry. As I was saying though, that hard to read people thing actually filters into the friend area, cus i really can't tell who i should leave alone and such. On a brighter note I really like the classes that i am taking (this is for Steven cus i know he wanted me to give an update on my life so i figure i'll through in academics). Although when it came time to sign up for classes i got jabbed. Basically my 'choosing time' was so late into the week that by the time i wanted to pick, all the sophmore seminars were filled. They only had room for 15 people each anyway, and they were like 3hrs long each. So this way it doesn't conflict with me taking Japanese 2 from the same professor i had for Japanese 1 (i like the way she teaches.) Watashi no Nihongo no sensei wa ii sensei desu. {The subtly-toned girl just got online.} I keep trying to be friends with some people, but i can't help but be attracted to them. I'd say there are three people that are like that, I think the feeling is strongest with her. I wrote the poem about her by the way. Supposedly she is content alone right now, but i believe she agrees that the relaxed relationship is the way to go. I like how i'm writing all of this knowing that I
should be writing a paper. Eh, i'll do it in a second. Wow, i just realized that in the talk that spawned the idea for this huge vent that the girl actually questioned my sincerity... i didn't think about it at the time (as i just said) but that is really insulting. Well, that's not the thing that strikes me about it... rather it is wondering what image have i given her... to make her question me. Dah well...
*Aight I ordered some Domino's earlier and it just arrived (well actually it arrived 10mins ago, cus was talking with the subtly-toned girl), so i will be into the food...i don't think i was done... oh well, i have ALL of thanksgiving break to post
more... and as i think i mentioned, maybe all of christmas break too... Peace.*