Saturday, November 30, 2002


What's *Your* Sex Sign?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

Hmmm... I ooze?! :-)
So yeah, I was bored and stumbled upon this... funny thing is...
as scarily true as it is, i'm still a virgin!
Skillz, playa.

Oh, and I don't know what's up with the technicolor, but i'm kinda diggin' it.
And why does this remind me of Captain Morgan's?

("Do you know how to treat your girlfriend, her bestfriend, and someone she kinda knows from the gym?")

BrEndtH: WHOA WHOA, the Hornets are in NEW ORLEANS NOW?!
Lasu: what?
Lasu: where did they used to be?
Lasu: ive been away from tv for so long now :'(
BrEndtH: used to be in Charlotte North Carolina
Lasu: thats right
Lasu: ??!
Lasu: when did THIS happen"
BrEndtH: darn the college bubble
Lasu: and the nothavingatv bubble
BrEndtH: i have a TV, i watch it
BrEndtH: (occasionally)
BrEndtH: never again
Lasu: lol
BrEndtH: i'm watching the news

My paper doesn't seem so bad... after this.

Thursday, November 28, 2002

My Life My Life My Life My Life... in the sunshine!
(Roy Ayers - Sunshine or Mary J. Blige - My Life)

Women, I love you. I love snow. "D*mn it feels good to be a gangsta." Wait that was random. I'm not a gangsta. Still though, life rocks!
Um... i forget what my point was...
Dah well, me =


Rather than making a new post, i figured i'd just place it here:
The forgotten point: "Again in a few weeks i'll probably be infatuated with some beauty..." ~ as stated in the LONG post. (Hmph, punctuation?) Anyway, as always with my life, I knew it would happen, i just didn't know when. God is good. I guess I should have said, "Mayn it feels good to be a christian." Yep. Sooooo, i'm like totally smitten with this girl. I'm pretty sure she knows it too. I think she just wants something casual too, which as I stated before is all I want this year. If she wants more, I am most definitely cool with that; y'all would be too if in my position. MAYN!! :-) Y'all just don't understand. And I'm not sure I can explain without this being a long post. Peep, ever had a multitude of things bless your life consecutively?!

Peace, Love, & Ultra-Sheen

Wednesday, November 27, 2002

If people keep telling me how sorry they feel for me that i don't get to go home to see my family, i will seriously lose my peace.

Don't you want to go home?
Honestly, no, i do not want to go home. I like being out and independent of my family.
But don't you miss your family?
You know what?! No, i really don't. I take my family with me wherever i go, cus they are in my heart.
i purposely made memories because i knew i would have to go off to school
i never took the time with my family for granted nor believed that they would always be there.
Instead i cherished and continue to cherish them for who they have been in my life
but i am venturing out into the world... it's what grown people do.
Going home for me is uncomfortable because it seems like its a regression.

Tuesday, November 26, 2002

YAY!! My world makes sense once again, because I... I have a PDA (personal data assistant). Which is ironic because after all that time of rigorously training my friends and associates not to call my Handspring Visor anything other than PDA or such, i own not just any PDA but the infamous Palm Pilot. So... yeah, you can say... "put that in your Palm" now. Let's do a dance everyone. Specifically the one the black guy in his joe boxers does on the K-Mart commercial. (We must appreciate that dance for that man may never work again.)

-Yet another moment where a big brother or twin brother would have been useful. But I don't have either of those... well...nahhh, ne'ermind. Point here: Do not have only one child, cus unless you KNOW you are a great parent, chances are they won't grow up to be stable individuals.-

Due to lack of any conscious close friends at the moment i'll just put this here:

Being that i'm still very naive in certain areas, i often wonder if i am just now finishing off the whole puberty thing. If so... dang that junk is long. On top of that i think i am a "late bloomer" anyway. I mean, my facial hair only recently made it to the point that it would be unacceptable on a woman; ... even an old woman.
The plus side is....mayn i had a tight dream last night. :-D Yezzah!

Monday, November 25, 2002

**When I get un-sleepy... i'm going to post this huge vent right here...that will hopefully be so long that noone really reads it.**

-*-Later that week-*-

**Alright, really, this is just me rambling... the feeling for the vent passed, cus well, i fell asleep, but this is like the leftovers mixed with random thoughts that interject themselves. I would tell u how its like a sandwich/burger but well, i really don't expect y'all to read all the way through it. Heck i know i wouldn't... and be thank full cus actually it would have been longer had i really remembered what all i had to say. But you know how i am, i get inspiration and if i don't act on it then and there it is lost and subsequently fades from what we call existence. Jill Scott would understand me, she's the same way. You know what i want... i want the boondocks to have a character like me in it. Or... would it be cooler to be surrounded by characters like those in the boondocks. Hmm... Where's Arsenio Hall right now?! Oh right, rediculously long post that none of you will read and that doesn't say much of anything that u all haven't heard before but is really just a sub-par attempt at a "What's going on with Me" update. Marvin Gaye is the dang man. If you haven't heard his What's Going On album, check that bad boy out... its political and smooth and continuous, its like half of what i want to do in music, and his Let's Get It On album is the other half. Well... as far as R&B goes... riiiiiiiight the post. Here y'all**

*Everyone inhale deeply... and slowly exhale... repeat this a couple times till u feel relaxed.*


Wassup folk... I hope one day i can get 25 comments... actually i'd rather just spread those all out and have each post have about 5 comments. Oh yeah, guess what (which is a silly command to give here, but never the less...) one of my poems made this semester's issue of ONYX (this literary and arts magazine.) It's the only poem i've ever submitted. In fact, this will be the first time anyone will have a chance to read that which i've written, however i have read a poem or two before at some Open-mic nights. The next thing i have to do is finish some of these songs and sing them at the open-mic nights. I'd just like to see the reaction of the people when they see me up there. Although it might not be that much of a shock now since they see me singing constantly. However, if i bust out with one of the rock songs i'm working on then that'd be a nice lil change. I feel kinda aloof from the cool kids this year. I miss being in the in-crowd kinda... Actually i often wonder if i was ever really in the "in-crowd". I mean, I never said i was cool. "I never said i was an angel." Yeah, and i don't know who all I annoy but i dunno, i'm almost tired of trying to be friends with some people. It's hard to tell who is happy to see you, and who is putting up with you. I think i can count the number of friends i have on one hand. A girl i know mentioned there being like a circle of friends, then within that, your core group of friends. Yep, my core group isn't really a group rather an assortment of individuals that i see on a more than infrequent degree. Whatever man its all grizl. I really want a single. Hopefully things will work out so that i can stay here over Christmas Break. I dunno, i just don't feel like coming home. This is where i live now. Heck i'll sleep outside if i have to. And wear the same thing for a month. Really i just want time alone. Just get to sit in a quite room for a while, surrounded in my own thoughts. Oh how sweet it will be. I fear getting to that point where i am just so free to do
everything that my ambition of relaxation pulls me in every direction and i wind up not really accomplishing anything and i wind up feeling still restless. It amuses me knowing that i want a single and people telling me that i can't stand to be alone. Although usually they are reffering to my romantic life. Ah my romantic life... i believe we all knew that this lengthy post would seem incomplete without addressing my romantic life at some point. In reality there is some truth to the statement that i can't stand to be alone. A small amount, but truth none-the-less. Seeing as to how i've had noone else around to focus my attention on other than myself (whereas someone else would have ... say - brothers or sisters or those cousins that just live real close or play cousins that basically live with you). I mean your friends always have to go home, and u don't really live with them, rather u just see them frequently. I feel i took my friendship with Fred for granted in those crucial middle school years, when alot of people who will grow up to be messed up individuals first get messed up. I wish i had appreciated having him around even more than i did. Sucked when he had to move. All my life I really wished i had a twin or something, cus then i could watch them in situations and learn from their actions. The point is that without that other person i've spent alot of time just thinking mostly about me, so i actually don't need a lot of time between relationships cus... well cus... i know myself. Anyway one of the few people who i am attracted to more so mentally than physically (or at least i think i am) likes me, but isn't trying to have a relationship. See here lies the problem, people aren't relaxed enough. They worry too much about the details. Whoever you get physical with wants to get to know you on a deeper level. But they don't want a relationship. Now to me this sounds like an intimate friend (better known as a 'friend with benefits'), but noone seems to see this as easy a thing to work out as i do. Where is that relaxed point at which the friend with whom you chill, you can also be intimate with? Honestly, the whole madly in love thing is really more hassle than i am trying to get into right now. Not that i am against love, but that mess is tiring when ur heart isn't in it. I don't feel like putting myself into that right now, maybe i'll meet someone who'll give me that energy, but i haven't yet so....blah. Besides i'm physically expressive anyway. (Aside from the rediculous amounts of lust within me.) So it'd be cool to find a friend i can... "express" myself to.
I spoke with my mom today, and she was saying that i should make preparations now, cus come next valentines day i might want to do something special for some special lady. Now while that's all well and good, i really have no desire of doing such. If you don't know what i did last valentine's day, feel free to look it up in the archives. Op, you can't... turns out that i never chronicled my actions, cus i was too worried about offending my girlfriend at the time by putting an EXTREMELY ambiguous "what i did for valentine's day" post on the blog. See... that's the kind of thing i don't want to have to worry about. Again in a few weeks i'll probably be infatuated with some beauty, but for now i don't want alot of hooplah. I just want somebody to chill with and then chill with. U know; someone i can be free to show how she makes me feel, but still have the relationship be calm enough to where no drama arises. Cus really, most of the drama that comes up is over something that really isn't that crucial in the big picture of the relationship. *That part came from a conversation with a friend that i wish was more than a friend.* Besides we are only here 'til 2005 and the breaks and stuff in between. Sure one could have a good meaning relationship in the meantime but at the same time... i'd want to be with someone that knows that, so that when it comes time to go our seperate ways, there are no arguements and few tears (if any). I mean sure i want to be in love again (eventually); i am just not sure if i want to be that vulnerable right now. I mean (honestly) the whole way Alma left me really did kill some of my passion and some of my faith in the stability of a relationship. Which is a shame... i know she probably didn't mean for any of that to happen, but it was just a wake-up call for me. However, I don't feel that i really dogged anyone after that though (in reference to the article from Andy's blog). This one girl felt that I was dogging her. Really it was just a misaligning of schedules... and she spends alot of time working. As well she should, cus we are here (in school) to work,
but still i go out of my way for people i feel are special. Funny thing is... this whole Tufts 2-degrees of seperation is annoying when it comes to attraction... cus I keep finding out that the people that i'm attracted to (or would have some sort of relationship with) are close friends. As well, i'm still bad at reading people, so it's kinda weird to tell who is attracted to you. You know me, i just assume they are being nice. Honestly, i'd need some rediculously overt flirting right about now. Like the girls on my hall, they rule. Hmm............silly lusty brent. Well i do like one of them, but there is this whole situation and well...basically someone would get hurt. And as i've stated before, i'm really not out for that kind of drama. Man i'm hungry. As I was saying though, that hard to read people thing actually filters into the friend area, cus i really can't tell who i should leave alone and such. On a brighter note I really like the classes that i am taking (this is for Steven cus i know he wanted me to give an update on my life so i figure i'll through in academics). Although when it came time to sign up for classes i got jabbed. Basically my 'choosing time' was so late into the week that by the time i wanted to pick, all the sophmore seminars were filled. They only had room for 15 people each anyway, and they were like 3hrs long each. So this way it doesn't conflict with me taking Japanese 2 from the same professor i had for Japanese 1 (i like the way she teaches.) Watashi no Nihongo no sensei wa ii sensei desu. {The subtly-toned girl just got online.} I keep trying to be friends with some people, but i can't help but be attracted to them. I'd say there are three people that are like that, I think the feeling is strongest with her. I wrote the poem about her by the way. Supposedly she is content alone right now, but i believe she agrees that the relaxed relationship is the way to go. I like how i'm writing all of this knowing that I
should be writing a paper. Eh, i'll do it in a second. Wow, i just realized that in the talk that spawned the idea for this huge vent that the girl actually questioned my sincerity... i didn't think about it at the time (as i just said) but that is really insulting. Well, that's not the thing that strikes me about it... rather it is wondering what image have i given her... to make her question me. Dah well...
*Aight I ordered some Domino's earlier and it just arrived (well actually it arrived 10mins ago, cus was talking with the subtly-toned girl), so i will be into the food...i don't think i was done... oh well, i have ALL of thanksgiving break to post
more... and as i think i mentioned, maybe all of christmas break too... Peace.*

Sunday, November 24, 2002

A couple days ago the most horrid event to befall the afro-ed kind passed upon me. I lost my pick. Yes ladies and gents i had the nap-tacular fro. My hair was some wildness. But it was ok, and just when i resolved to let it be wild, I FOUND MY PICK!
The world is balanced again (well as balanced as it was before.)

Thursday, November 21, 2002

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Shon.

Open up your Windows Media Player, click on File --> OPEN URL --> and type in
(His live webcast thingie. He just got a webcam.)
One of the few people i know more hyper than me.

brendth: What if i give the link to friends?
Shon: Go ahead
brendth: cool
Shon: They can see what your crackhead tufts buddies are like...

Wednesday, November 20, 2002

Oh, also...

I went to a studio tonight. A friend of mine from one of my music classes is a producer, so I went to his studio/apartment and recorded some background vocals for this artist. She's aight, but that hasn't held anybody back before. She just needs like the right track to get her well-known. Let me quick talking before i mess things up. The coolest thing though, was he let me record myself singing my favorite song "Bilal - When Will You Call". Quite the rush doing the whole studio thing; even it is on a small level. I wish i had my own songs ready.
Dah well... peace & blessings.

"Whatchu talkin' 'bout, everybody?!" ~ Gary Coleman cameo on The Simpsons

Sorry, i just felt dorky enough to post that...................................................yep.......................................i go now.

Monday, November 18, 2002

It came to me from a conversation...

Are we just vessels for other peoples knowledge? I mean am I really supposed to go out and profit off the thoughts, revelations, and research of other human beings. (Also known as that which we learn in college.) What knowledge is really our own? I like the truths that I have personally thought through and realized. Sure education saves us from having to rediscover mess all the time, but i feel that they never give us a chance to...nevermind. I guess it all gets sorted out as one lives life. And the funny part is I can't wait to tell my kids/grandkids what I've opposed to letting them learn some of it on their own.

Errybody is talking about how they wish christmas break would hurry up and get here, or how some desired time would hurry and get here. I think i'm the only person who wants time to slow down. I figure it like this... if time slows down then i will feel like i'm able to do all this work i have to do before the deadlines get here. As well, if times slows down enough i'll even have free time to chill while i wait for the deadlines to get here. Folks come on, lets wish for time to slow down. If this hour right now seemed like 4 hrs, imagine how cool that would be. Are they rushing to a break for another chance to start over? ...Please!! Every moment is a chance to start over...everytime you hand in an assignment that's a chance to start over. I am just not in any rush to get to any break, cus the sooner that break gets here, the sooner its over and the sooner even more work is given to me. Can i at least catch up (and chill with all my work done)? Can my 4hrs of sleep seem like 12hrs... u know?! I don't think y'all feel me though.
Sidenote: Check out 'Glenn Lewis' if you haven't already.

Sunday, November 17, 2002

I went to a gospel choir concert last night. I realize that i am a relaxed observer. Like for this concert they ask for alot of audience participation. Which is all well and good and i participated (mostly cus i used to be in gospel choir), but still.... If i am really enjoying music, i don't get up or anything, i sit in my chair and lipsync. I could just as well sing it, but then i wouldn't be able to hear this music I appreciate so well. I think that says alot for my passion for music. I like it sooo much that i naturally don't do anything to take away from my hearing it.
Sidenote: the gospel choir rolls deep. Its about 120+. Like, if they were a gang (lets say the Black Disciples) they'd run the streets, in fact i'd like to see them roll up on a gang of Jehovah's witnesses. They'd lay some hands on them for real!

Saturday, November 16, 2002

Given that i am in the northeast and i'm basically procrasting, i thought would take this time to try out some new phrases for me:

"Sup, Ma?"
"Nah, son, 'dere was like mad heads in there, yo!"
"What?! Son, he's brolic, man will snap you.
"Mo' Fire!!!"
"Got the ill Tims and the Fitted, yo!"


Eh, mayn i'ma just keep mah ole drawl, kid. Maybe i'll slip up and have "mad" in my speech somewhere, but i was saying "son" since back in the day, so that ain't no thang. Peace, chillren.

There's a huge line of bush outside the entrance of my dorm. I'm assuming these were sober kids, but anyway they decide to go jump in the bushes (which are right outside my window). So one jumps in and shouts, "Oh, i've hurt my head." He said it comically though, so then another one jumps in and shouts, "Ahhh, my butt cheek!! My butt-cheek is bruised!" He was a little more serious. So as their buddies help them out, this girl is ridiculing them like, haha haha dweebs. (She's a friend of theirs i assume.) The bush-divers ....yep... tried to play off the fact that the bushes are actually not good for diving. And hide the fact that they were dorks for doing so. Riiiiiiiight....motion denied. However they were eclipsed when the ridiculing girl then decided to show them how it was done and dove into the bushes. Soon seriously shouting, "Ahhh!!! I've been scraped!! I'm never doing that again" and asserted her dorky dominance.
Silly teenagers.

Friday, November 15, 2002

Conversation is hard.
Especially with the lovely.

Thursday, November 14, 2002

What is my spectrum?

I am green: My main color is green. I like to have fun and comfort. Happiness is the marker of a great life.

What is my spectrum?

Why did i do this... i should be working.... darn A.D.D. Bahhh!!! However, it is true, my favorite color actually happens to be hunter green, so i wish this was a little darker. Oh well.

Hey people,

Learn about Buy Nothing Day on Nov. 29 cus it makes sense, to a degree.

Buy Nothing Day

Following the post on the jessy blog that got me to thinking about that was a blurb about J. Lo. Darn you J. Lo... and ur ghetto booty that u supposedly got reduced. And while i'm speaking "directly" to you... Heifer, if i hear you say you are from the BRONX one more time, i'ma blow something up. Every third sentence, "I know where I came from..." or "... you know, growing up in the Bronx" or "...back in the hood." Dangit, i want Brooklyn people to rep hard than a mug now. I don't scream HOUSTON everywhere I go. I enough pride to do so, but dang... you, and this Greek & Roman Comedy paper are workin' my last nerve.

P.S.> Ben... you ain't slick!!!

Wednesday, November 13, 2002

I AM A PHILOSOPHICAL MASTER!!! I got a B on my Western Political Thought I Midterm having not read any books of the class. And purposely arguing against the theses of the question at that!!! YOU CAN'T TELL ME I'M NOT A GENIUS! I don't know what to tell you, ya boy is just blessed man. As well i really like the class now. Yes the B helped... and mayn i'm telling you... I'ma pimp-slap the Final !!!

So i went to my chorale directors office on the top floor of the Music Department building. He has this window that opens to the slanted roof, and its pretty fly so i ask "Why don't u open this?" He says that "...leaves get in and one time when it was open I turned around from my desk, and there is this squirrell. It actually scared me too, and i'm like 'Ahh!!! What are you doing here?' and the squirrell just stared back like "I dunno, what are you doing here?" ...Yep.
Now, whenever I see squirrells just staring at me... I want to explain my intentions for the hour.

Tuesday, November 12, 2002

I am slowly losing my inhibitions. The reason though is because i am slowly losing my interest in life. Thus, because i don't care about much in my life, i will actually have a better life (God-willing). Ha, i will succeed because i don't care about the external world enough to hold me back from taking oppurtunities. -Religious props- God is good. Anyway... flim zany.

Monday, November 11, 2002

Violent Femmes - Blister In The Sun

Doo doodoo dooo-dooo
Doo doo-doo dooo-dooo
Doo doodoo doooo do do


I ordered a new PDA it should be here in a few days. I am ecstatic. There have been so many things i've wanted to chronicle here on my weblog, but i couldn't because by the time i got to you i forgotten what it was. Sure i could write it on paper, but i tend not to keep up with the paper i transcribe such witticsims were written on. BRB

Sunday, November 10, 2002

Look at the bible being all innovative. Matthew, Mark, and Luke were doing that whole Pulp Fiction / Amores Perros plot splitting way back in the day. Start reading Matthew, Mark, and Luke then get to Matthew 8:23, Mark 4:35, & Luke 8:22. Ain't that some mess?! Hmph, just when i was falling off, something intrugues me and keeps me lounging around.

Saturday, November 09, 2002

Hello y'all.

This is one of those random posts where i kinda forgot what i meant to do, so i started Blogging. Just like i often forget what i was planning to do so i go chill in the campus center till it comes back to me. (That and there is food there, and recently seems like everyone chills there... the Lucretia effect.) So yeah here i am typing. I can tell you this though... my life is pseudo-predictable; like i think i know what's going to happen, but i only somewhat do, and it never happens when i think it will anymore. Partly because i stopped trying to predict my own life, because gosh-darnit its just too much fun to watch. "Throw it to the wind..." that's my new motto, an active progression of my "Not that crucial." Philosphy. In fact, let me take it back, i'd like to thank Carl P. from high school for coining the phrase/terminology. He's an "urban-guru" if you will, whether he knows it or not.

I think we should make Carl president. I would like to see what would happen then. I mean really, give him the same advisors as Bush, Condalizza Rice can teach him international relations and policy like she does Bush, he could get Colin Powell back on Kool-Aid, and he can tell Rod Paige a thing or two about how Houston Independent School District should have been run. Most importantly i'd like to see Carl against the world. If Carl was prez, i don't think there would be half the problems there are. And watching President Parker would be darn fun. I mean really, infact make him a republican too. A Black republican president; just watch out for assassinations and we'd be good. If he lasts, Colin Powell would kick himself for not running sooner.
Hmph, a long one...sorry, Carl in the White House just fascinates me. What if Lasu was there?! Oooo Oooo Mr. Silvertooth! Lets do that one!
ROFL .... F.D. WESLEY (Highschool principle nearing 10000000yrs old)!!! (mayn, on that note i'm gone)

I Am The Sex Toy:

Fuzzy Cuffs: Everyone knows who's in charge here, its me! I'll grab you by the wrists and not let go until you are good and done. Ten-hut!

Find out what sex toy you are.

Who uses fuzzy cuffs.... that's the kind of toy you have to think about to actually make it effective. I feel jipped. But its PG-13 enough to put on my page. I mean... hey i could be edgar.

Disclaimer: Steven (one of my bestfriends from TX) got me thinking about myself; this post is almost pure vanity and self-centered whining.

What the heck is going on, i think my skin is drying out or something, and it makes random diamond shaped marks of dryness and there is one right next to my temple that bothers me... lil bastard. You would think i could lotion the punk away, but i'm not so sure anymore.
As well, i think that i am going to soon reach an age where i will have to put effort into maintaining the six pack and obliques; i mean shoot there was a time where i could have just eaten and you would still see the pure definition now its like the bottom two just get big after i eat makes me look unproportionate abdominally. (I told you.... STRAIGHT VANITY.) I know this though because i working out (still focusing on my chest) and i was freaked out cus there was significantly less definition in my abs; although i forgot that i had just consumed a whole pizza (so no worries, well less worries).
AND WHY IS IT THAT EVERYTIME I STOP MOVING I GET SLEEPY!!! GRRRR!! I'm a dang shark. (Learn up on sharks and u'll know what i mean.) Only i won't die if i sleep. Heck sleep does my body good, and my body likes good. In fact, i'm a go sleep now. But yes... that's all that's going on from that vane perspective. Just letting you know how i view myself physically.
"Ain't nobody dope as me, I'm dressed so fresh and clean!"

Friday, November 08, 2002

Yep, I thought I would just make a post informing everyone that well.... now you can leave comments by clicking that link in the bottom right of most posts.

In other news:
1- Um... I submitted poetry to ONYX (that literary/arts magazine i worked for last year). And as some art submissions for the magazine stare back at me I wonder if my words will actually be seen campus wide. I mean it wouldn't be the first time, but it will be the first time that it was a little piece of my soul out on campus.
Speaking of sharing myself...

2- (not what ur thinking) I auditioned for a Solo with the TUFTS Chorale. I am highly optimistic; oh please let me get this solo. I really really really care about music, and to be passed over on this Solo, not saying that the guy i auditioned with sucked, but i just feel i am the more passionate and talented vocalist here.

3- Also my good friend is on senate now. I'm happy for Saj. And some shady amendment failed, i feel like i had a small part in its defeat. One more victory against the "Ministry of Evil" (my name for the band of organizations committed to a quasi-pointless domination of school politics). What maybe more disheartening is the exhausting efforts that go into enlightening the campus to their evil evil evil ways. (Peep the alliteration, y'all don't know about that therrrre!)

Wow, it's been a good minute since I posted. Peace.

Sunday, November 03, 2002

Most of my views on small talk = this page:

I lost.

Ah, my college life is a fun little trip. Especially the romantic side. I don't think i would trade lives with anyone right now. I've said it before, i'll "said" it again... "I don't know what i'm doing." I really don't, i'm going with the flow here. I saw this mess coming. Thought I could go about it differently and save it. I never was good at salvaging. Heck if i'd had been around last night, i'd have probably lost then. Lol, "You think this is funny. You think this is a game. Well this is Life!! And its real!!" Sorry, that just makes me laugh. Argh, must get better at life. Don't quite grasp this thing yet. Op, Someone told me that my posts were too long, so i'll end this here. Peace.

Saturday, November 02, 2002

New type of person that i find interesting...

Those people who always look drunk. You know... with the red face. I am used to seeing people who always look high, that's different. These people look like they woke up downed some rasberry smirnoff, then said "Let's do this..." Thus starting their day. Its odd, i want to give them a breathalizer or some kind of sobriety test. "Don't pass the courvoisier, d*mnit!" It is this, i want to yell to them. I shall do further research and observation into to these "happy" people.

Friday, November 01, 2002

Alright, i want to make this quick cus i should be studying... on a friday night... >:-( cus I'm cool! Anyway, i'm moving from being in conversation to just watching them. Like tonight, i was watching '06 interact... it actually reminds me of '05 from last year. You know, sitting in the dining hall just talking about nothing for like 2-3hrs. Ah, nostalgia. Aight.... me work now.

This whole human interaction thing is a trip. I think it is involved in 70% of the interesting parts of life. Like in itself, picking someone's brain, just seeing what is whirling around in their mind...quite an experience. Yes, i have begun to look at it in its most basic form. (Mainly because taking it for granted was starting to bore me.) So now we go back to the actual motion of vocal chords to form words that more or less express what i desire to know. Only the desire isn't really that strong and then its a matter of convincing myself that i am not sorry that i asked. Hmmm, i need someone to identify with; a character. Alas, i shall be me. Crap, its tomorrow (by that i mean its no longer dark outside... hence the next day is officially starting here @ 6:03AM.) Like the night i too shall smoothly slip away, and hope to miss sunrise. Peace.