Tuesday, December 31, 2002

Alright, Just so we're clear. Ladies and gents, it is not that bad of a thing not to want to do anything. Can I take a break? I mean so what if it is New Year's Eve. Can I chill?! op... BRB

Mwa ha ha, aight y'all... I'm in CT. I've never seen so many blatantly rich folk. Yep. But its all grizl. I'll expand on this subject later. But for now i will tell you this... I can do an uninhibited cartwheel in nearly EVERY room of this house. Ch-ching. Oh, also it has become clear that i am the only black person for miles.... wait... no... MILES!!

Monday, December 23, 2002

Yep... Still in RI... and I keep meeting folks.
Moment of note: We had some hours to kill and were like, "Hey, lets drive across state." You know, show me around and everything. So 38mins later... we were done. That's right. It took us 38minutes to drive from the border of Connecticut to the border of Massachusetts, the long way. Ahhh, the good life. But I am having fun in RI. I just played a couple GameCube games and the discs for them are like 3-4 inches in diameter. Which to me is like an insult. Its like... "Hey, look how insignificantly small we can make this device that will consume hours of your time and attention." This lil' device here that some of y'all will devote your lives too, its like we're mocking you. Eh... i don't know how to make you understand the insult, but yeah.

Saturday, December 21, 2002

"...I gotta say it was a good day."
Yes folks, the first day in RI of my break. Having a good time. The infamous she just now finished her finals. So now we both can chill from here on out. I have been playing Dragonball Z Budakai (the video game) all day. RI is different. One of my favorite things is the moments when we're driving and I'm asked if we're going the right way. (Like I would know?!)
Oh, Rhode Island is like the size of Houston. So we're at the post office. And I look up and i see this huge building and i'm like, whoa the city capital is right there, but its kinda big to be the city capital so i'm like... "Ey, is that the State Capital right there?!" She was like, "Yeah, you wanna see it?" I just thought that was funny. Think of looking up and the Transco Tower being the state capital, for ALL of Texas.... yet its just chillin' right there. Only if there was like a Rosco's Chiken & Waffle next to it would it seem less conspicuous. Break so far = goodness.

P.S.> I seem to be the tallest thing around. That's right the tallest thing.

Monday, December 16, 2002

Darn you ResLife!!!

I knew this would happen, yet part of me was like just try it. Ok, so i wanted to stay on campus over break. So i went to reslife and found out how the system works. So i was like ok, i made up a good reason (i thought) to let me stay. I had a room set for me to move into ( meaning i asked the residents to request me as the specific winter resident), and in case they wanted me to have a roommate (cus the room was a double) i knew a guy to come in with me. All i needed was to "ok" it with ResLife.
THEM BASSUDS!!! They gone tell me my request was denied. But really though, why would i buy a ticket and then find out i can stay here (at Tufts)? If i really wanted to go home i could just get on standby, but that was the point... I don't want to go home!! Fortunately, my friend has offered to take me in. Thank God for Dave-s. So I will be staying with him for most of the break. I feel like a spoiled kid now, cus i am mad that i did not get my way.

Sunday, December 15, 2002

I told y'all it was goine get hectic... but you didn't believe me. I'm just writing this so you all know that i am still in healthy physical being and that i haven't deteriorated mentally either. Yep...

"Somebody hand me a number two pencil, 'cus they testin' !! "

Friday, December 13, 2002

GRRRR.... I can't stand tapered jeans. Of all the creations of man, they annoy me. Oh please do not buy me tapered jeans, i will look at you like ur crazy. I want to slap the head of every company that still makes tapered jeans. Why would they do that to another human being?! Cruel and unusual i tells ya!!

Thursday, December 12, 2002

Grrr, i'm starting to write a final that's due in 6hrs and all that i have in my head is...

"Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got, I'm still... I'm still Jenny from the yacht!"

(yes, we changed the last word... its just more fitting.)

Tuesday, December 10, 2002

Berendth (9:26:33 PM): yep, the naked quad run is starting in 30
justasmurf (9:26:35 PM): yes
Berendth (9:26:35 PM): mins
justasmurf (9:26:52 PM): take pictures
Berendth (9:27:28 PM): no cam
Berendth (9:27:57 PM): Anna
Berendth (9:28:02 PM): she's not here
justasmurf (9:28:04 PM): that sucks
Berendth (9:28:07 PM): its not the same
justasmurf (9:28:20 PM): u should run then
Berendth (9:28:24 PM): people will have cameras
Berendth (9:28:29 PM): i'm running my senior year
Berendth (9:28:39 PM): its not a zany enough vibe; any other time
Berendth (9:28:58 PM): i figure by senior year, all the people i want to have seen me naked will have seen me naked
justasmurf (9:29:18 PM): umm ok brent

**Later That Night**

Berendth (10:16:58 PM): i ran
Auto response from justasmurf (10:16:59 PM): i'm lost..... which probably means that i've been sucked away and i'm a rm away...just not here. sorry.

Berendth (10:17:04 PM): i got naked and ran
Berendth (10:17:09 PM): then i walked another lap
justasmurf (10:17:19 PM): ur fucking with me
Berendth (10:17:31 PM): nope
Berendth (10:17:43 PM): i actually did it
justasmurf (10:17:45 PM): oh my god brent!
Berendth (10:17:51 PM): what?!
Berendth (10:18:17 PM): it was cold too
Berendth (10:18:21 PM): i was as little as i could be
justasmurf (10:18:25 PM): lol
justasmurf (10:18:30 PM): oh my god
justasmurf (10:18:32 PM): haha
Berendth (10:18:45 PM): like stick out ur pinky
Berendth (10:19:07 PM): you know what else
justasmurf (10:19:12 PM): oh my brent...
Berendth (10:19:14 PM): Uchenna ran too:-)
justasmurf (10:19:18 PM): lol
justasmurf (10:19:26 PM): thats great
Berendth (10:19:30 PM): yep
justasmurf (10:20:08 PM): ummm ok brent
Berendth (10:20:52 PM): well, my school knows me now
justasmurf (10:21:12 PM): i bet they do now
Berendth (10:21:15 PM): yep
Berendth (10:24:12 PM): wooo
justasmurf (10:24:30 PM): congrats brent
Berendth (10:24:38 PM): yeah, i'm gone hear about it tomorrow
justasmurf (10:24:57 PM): haha


"...you weren't even running!!"
"You have a cute ass!"

Haha, I have to be honest... usually cell phones kinda annoy me, but there are some people's rings that make you wanna dance. I was chilling in the computer lab, just reading some articles while other students frantically write their 8-30page papers. Lo and behold Michael Jackson's " Smooth Criminal" starts blasting from someones phone. Not even the fancy speaker kind, just the good ole beeping tones. That made me smile. Here's to phone tones!

Saturday, December 07, 2002

There are some funny blogs out there...
I almost feel ashamed; except for the fact that this blog is just what's going on in my world. A conversation peice if you will. A place where I won't forget what i was thinking when i was thinking it...or how wrong i was when i was wrong. Before I digress further, I encourage everyone to take a little time and follow some of my links to other blogs down there. I just went to some dudes in Jes' brother's links (Kilroy... and then Joey Havelick), and i must say it was some random goodness. HOWEVER, if u don't find anything good, i recommend The BoonDocks!!!

Friday, December 06, 2002

Well... You know what i need... I need to go sit in on a 1st grade class, for a month, do all the work and everything. Cus when i was there I knew stuff. Once long ago... in a galaxy far far away... I didn't accept anything under an A-... It was foreign to me. I miss that. I see kids around me devasted over a B. Yet, I get a B and i'm looking for Andres Cantor to shout "GOOOOOOOOAAAL!!!" That's not right!!! I got an A- on paper today, and i nearly gave it back. Then when assured it was my A, i almost walked out at that moment happy with a job well done. Darn you Engineering!
Wait no, I hereby choose to blame public schooling again; where they taught that it is ok if ur not the best as long as you tried hard. I am seriously doubting the truth in that belief. You could mess lil kids up like that... that's like telling them they can fly if they try really hard.

Wednesday, December 04, 2002

Wow... I fell bad... like i burst out of my dorm trying to turn in some papers. And i like tried to cut through the foot-high bushes, but they said no. I hit one, then some frozen ground so there was no traction there, but i almost regained my footing and could have kept running but then i was tripped by another bush, and i thought maybe i could jump my way out of the problem, and then i almost landed on my side, and my hands were no real help cus i had the papers in my left hand. So this is me nearly flat layed out till my hand slipped and then was rolling and a bush hit me in the butt and my keys had flown a bout a good 3 feet. All I saw was snowy mulch, sky and those dang bushes. I mean the whole ordeal lasted like 40 seconds which is along time as far as falling goes. If anyone was looking out of their window they would have seen me. It was no possible way of playing it off, BUT I DIDN'T CARE CUS I HAD 29.6seconds to turn in a MAJOR paper! AND I MADE IT!!!! WHAT, BIG BABY?!

Being that Texas borders Mexico, you would think that somewhere in their schooling of youth they would teach the children more than the fact that we got POLYWHOPPED in the Battle of the Alamo. I mean Mexico is a country with a rich history. Why do we get force fed so much other junk and not something that is at least pertinent if not interesting. Silly national education.

Tuesday, December 03, 2002

UM...Yep, finals are coming up. It's about to get crucial. REAL CRUCIAL!! LIKE....BLAAHHH!!!
(So you might not see me for a bit... plus everything is going well for me right now, just as soon as i learn how to plan my time a lil better i'll be straight.
........I go now. And why is the Captain Planet motto stuck in my head?!?!)