Tuesday, March 11, 2003

"Heh Heh...Roar Roar Roar... we don't understand you, She-Bear"

Yet another day, and now midterms are upon me. My blog is still down, so i hesitate to type anything to you all. Yep. In the meantime. I hope everything is going well for you all. I'll see you sometime soon, peace.

Saturday, March 08, 2003

[3/8/2003 5:46:08 PM | Robert Patterson]
Good memory:

The time someone blocked jessica in the parking lot. However her car was small so it wasn't too hard to get out. The fun part though, getting some guys together and sliding the car back into place. (We could only drive it in to a certain degree.)

[3/6/2003 11:20:28 AM | Robert Patterson]
Life is good...

1.) My lady
2.) No Homework due today
3.) I finally got paid from my campus job.
4.) I found out that I have housing for next year.

MAYN!!!! :-)

[2/28/2003 4:42:56 AM | Robert Patterson]
My new dorm room over looks the building enterance. Thus I accordingly, see everyone come and go (provided I'm paying attention). So at 4:42AM I watch this college woman ghostly walk out from the building. Step by slow staggering step she makes her way. It seems as if slowing down as she nears the middle of the bridge. I watch her pull out either cigerrettes or a phone or something. SHE TURNS SHARPLY AND LOOKS AT ME THEN RUSHES IN THE BUILDING!! Maybe she was looking at the door, but still it scared the bejeezes out of me. Now, someone is in my suite's lounge. You know what though, I'll be danged if I'm going to investigate though, thats how white folks get killed.

[2/25/2003 12:27:21 PM | Robert Patterson]
LOL... Donald Rumsfeld (Defense Secretary) holds the best News briefs. The man has jokes.