Thursday, October 30, 2003

Sometimes you just wish mess in your life transpired a little differently. Since it didn't you just sit and wish/ kick yourself for not being a bit more on top of mess. ::sigh:: I may elaborate on this. Most likely not though.
Peace & Blessings.

P.S.- Don't let oppurtunities pass you by; even if mess doesn't go the way you plan... at worst you will have a story to tell, and hopefully you'll even learn something.

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

I'm just writing this so that you all know that i'm still with you. Been having a time balancing the social existence and academic life. Put ya hands to the sky if you go to sleep with the sunrise!!!
Peace & Blessings

Thursday, October 23, 2003

So, i had my blind (y'all call it a "shade") down cus i didn't want to see the sunrise and thus face tomorrow. Well, after my friend IMs me, not only do i find the sun, but snow greets me as well. Mmmm, ain't this some mess.

In response to the October 21,2003 post on the lovely Jessica's blog,
"What Kimmy's Mom and the Vatican Have in Common"
I highly suggest reading there first then coming back. It's ok, i'll wait.

(Since ur ready... here's my response...)
Ah the vatican. I remember when I first heard this story ('Vatican says condoms don't work, stop having sex'). I thought "Wow, that's just evil..." using their 'power' aka influence like that and all. Although I think the analogy was perfect (Vatican:Kimmy's Mom::Catholics:Kimmy). [OK, that's all that i'ma try and recap, u should really read the article if you haven't already.]
LoL, Dah well. Anyway, it really comes down to natural selection. Those who would actually believe the vatican in this matter probably shouldn't be having sex (risking reproduction/possibly making more of themselves) anyway. Hopefully this won't somehow turn into a "well, condoms don't work anyway, might as well f*ck without them" situation.
Kimmy's mom was smarter; noone would STILL eat icecream if they believed her that icecream would kill you from the inside. Or maybe sex is greater than ice cream (just maybe). C'mon Vatican, you can be more creative than that. You've come up with many great things that we don't know aren't true (or maybe do, but still follow anyway) in the past.

Meh. Peace.

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Random recognition:

I have come to the conclusion that I am alot better as the other man. The guy that makes you question whether you should stay or leave your man. As your actual boyfriend, i'm cool, but I am much more comfortable as the .... hmph, what do you call it, i dunno... Cheatee (as opposed to the Cheater and the Cheated). Only problem is the karma/retrobution most likely building from such. Reciprocity, no thank you. LOL, someone has to kick off the unfair things... why not me? Kidding (no i'm not). Um, yeah. I'm going to leave it there.

Boyfriend = one to be remembered.
Cheater = doesn't sit right with me, and i'd have to lie (by omission).
Cheated = would hinder my trusting abilities that just sucks.
Cheatee (new word) = where I fit/work/am becoming most comfortable.

P.S.> Song in my head = Nick Cannon ft. R.Kelly - Gigolo
"Handcuff her if you love her..."

11:48am- One Source says 'you have a single = more women'. Now of all the things he could have said to me about my room, through what random outcome makes him say that to me. I was almost offended (cus i get offended at that 'player' mess). I AM NOT A PLAYER. I DO NOT SPIT GAME. I AM NOT A "SMOOTH-TALKER". Although I do wish i was smoother than I am. But you all don't know that. Songs that explains me and women right now:

Pharcyde - Passin Me By
D'Angelo - Smooth

Sidenote: I told you all that I don't trust women anymore right. Well, correction, I do not trust women right now. It's going to take someone who really appreciates me and who I can really appreciate before I trust women again. I like the irony, they don't trust me, cus they don't know me; i don't trust them, cus i know what's possible in them. Ah, human interaction, never a dull moment. Except for last Saturday night. I got spoiled last year. Dang Shame.

Speaking of last year: Yesterday, my last necklace broke. (Guess who made it.) Now does anyone see that as strangely symbolic besides me. I mean all that has to happen now is something horrid happen to the couple of tangible pictures i have an then there will be NO remnants. Which would really suck, but be strangely coincidental. That necklace thing though, that hurt my heart, mayn. Dang shame. "...I don't know whether to laugh or cry."

Monday, October 20, 2003

3:30- A bee slapped me on the lip.

They need to start teaching through TV. Cus i can remember things that I've seen 9years ago, but i can't remember what i learned in courses last year. Why do I remember who actually blew up the lab that time on Family Matters (hint: it wasn't Urkel)? At the same time, I cannot remember Major/Minor chord sequence of a minor scale. Nor, can i remember half of the politics i've learned. But I can quote Simpsons in a minute.
Sad, yet true.

Sunday, October 19, 2003

I really feel that I am backward in a grooming sense. See when I am single that's when I let myself go, and get as scruffy as I want to. However, when I am dating someone (or whatever u call my relationships) that's when i cut my hair and dress well (or better at least). I think it stems from this thing I have about her being proud of the man she chose to be with ( Speaking of which i was supposed to get my haircut today, but didn't; there's tomorrow and wednesday though.
Yeah, i'm always backwards.

Thursday, October 16, 2003

All of a sudden, I'm really into this baseball post-season. Yesterday, i knowingly watched the game rather than doing work for a study group. It was the Red Sox/Yankees game 6, had to, c'mon. What was tight (but in actuality not), the rest of the group was watching the game too, so it didn't matter that i didn't do mine. :-]

Saturday, October 11, 2003


Those born under a warm Taurus Sun are the most
sensual lovers of the Zodiac; they delight in rich foods,
cuddling and lovemaking, luxurious fabrics anything
that creates a delightful, tactile sensation. They also
make wonderfully dedicated and romantic partners in
love. However, along with all that sensualism tends to
come a healthy dose of laziness and self-indulgence.
Taurus sees no reason to deny itself anything it wants
and this tendency can sometimes deepen into greed.
Beneath Taurus's love of luxurious surroundings lies
the mistaken belief that self-worth can be measured in
terms of possessions, or lack thereof.

Friday, October 10, 2003

What will your Funeral be like? by rashock
You will die by:Your body was found mangled in a brutal death from an insane lover or jealous significate other.The murderer was sentenced to death row, but the chair or gas was too good for them. They sowed you up in a bag and tossed you in your casket; it's a closed case unless your friends and family want to be sick.
Death Date:May 1, 2062
Number attending your funeral?176
How much will you leave to friends and family?$1,354,783
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

That's some mess right there!!! Am I the only one worried about how feasible this sounds?

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

I'm so ready to cry. (Let's skip all that mess about gender stereotyping and whether it's ok to cry, cus where i'm headed right now i really just don't give a care, mayn.) School is hurting me. I really sympathize with the people who decide to go ahead and start their life without college. I am just being stubborn though. So I seriously am about to cut out anything that is not 'me in a book' soon. I don't have the time to be doing these things. In fact i don't even have the time to really get this off of my chest. I'll have to vent later, I have stuff to do. Peace.

Peace & Blessings.

Monday, October 06, 2003

I don't care what anyone says... these discovery channel guys are some fools. Let me just take a few quotes from this guy who is on there now.

"This is a ['bout to kill my ass'] snake, the most poisonous snake in all of India."

"I'm barefoot right now, which probably isn't the best situation to be handling venomous snakes in."

"Whew, this is enough venom right here to kill alot of people."


Sunday, October 05, 2003

Yep... not liking this semester very much right now. Walking home at 5AM. It's just a kick in the head. I seem to have totally not understood my past. Nor do i know how it came to past. If i did, i would be a lot happier. I should take some time and re-analyze that mess.

Saturday, October 04, 2003

Stupid Pseudo-Chinese food!! Made me sick. I'm not ordering from there ever again...this week! I'm up, but it's way too early, i want more sleep. I like sleeping. I never remember doing it though. Sleep...mmm. I'm going to go to sleep again, i'll be right back. Right after I play 'Wake Up Service'.
Question... is it really that bad to like the sound of your own voice? I remember my high school homeroom teacher (Defibaugh) would tell me that I liked the sound of my own voice all the time. I was like, "What are you talking about?" cus I thought she just had a thing against me. However the more she said it, the more i started liking my own voice just to spite her. As well, I started centering the Earth's axial location more so around me. Yes, me. That way she would be right in two aspects. :-).

Since it's been a while since i've posted let me just give u a quick recap of my week. Ok, start off really sleepy:

Wednesday -
Show up to my first class late. My 2nd class = Voice Lessons and I fill fulfilled cus my voice teacher realizes that I sing, and working with me will be really easy. It made her really happy, which I take as a compliment, along side the couple she game me. Then my 3hr lecture which I never can stay awake through.

Thursday -
Oh I wanted to default (skip) on thursday so badly, but i didn't. I went to my classes (kinda). I was doing an assignment for one class which made me late to it. Although I showed up turned it in, and got a new assignment. How swell? ::sarcastic enthusiasm:: So glad when Thursday was over.

Friday -
Almost missed Japanese, but didn't. Showed up late though, turned in the assignment, then re-turned in the assignment when i finally finished it. Went to Gospel Choir with 3/4 of my voice. Still held it down though. I love Gospel Choir, it makes me happy. It puts the "Afro-Sheen" in my week and closes it very nicely.
Later Friday i saw Danilo Perez (jazz pianist) in his Trio in concert. He was great. Great! I really really like jazz.
Went to a party, and just people watched. Then made sure a friend was ok. Although of course somehow i will be at fault for something from that night. Oh well, me no care. I get to sleep soon. Right after this food. Mmmmm... pseudo-Chinese food.