Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Congratulations, you're the Shotgun!

What Halo Weapon Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You know...
for some reason, NOONE can ever tell it's me when I'm on the phone. Well, let me back up, noone can ever decifer it's me from my voice, rather people wait to distinguish the way I talk. Like, oh, proper, that must be him. It's quite odd. I am almost hurt by the occurance except for one small fact. I don't even recognize my voice over the phone. It's true, I hear me and i'm like..."Hmph, I sound like that (today)." Oh yes, it changes. Seems my voice varies over the phone. In the all and all though it really doesn't matter, cus i'm still not a phone person. True, I use my cell-phone frequently (now that I have one), but i'm not phone person.

Monday, November 24, 2003

I know... i'm supposed to be writing 3 papers right now, but i had this ADD break. I cannot tell you all how painfully sweet the senstion is to feel the icy cool as my eyes close. Sleep is rare gift, far too soothing to understand and comprehend. Alas i fear it will be a good minute before I willfully partake of it's sumptuous bliss again. Ok, sorry, i got distracted from posting this for a good long minute, and i forgot what my point was. Which is interesting because this was distracting me from the papers I was supposed to be writing. MMMMmmmmm now that's some ADD right there. Ok, going to focus, maybe.

Friday, November 21, 2003

So last night, we finally had the stepshow that the team has been practicing for so long. Even though I am captain there are moments where I don't like to stand out from the guys. I would say i am co-captain along with Uchenna. In fact it was his idea to put the team together. We talked about it in the past, and even tried it last year, but the mess always fell through. Well, now we have dedicated cats and we've been having practice every day of this last week. Hence why i've not been posting. That and I have a girlfriend, so she occupies the remainder of my time as well. Oh yeah, schoolwork; ha. Anyway, i am happy to say that we look good up there. Not as good as the GENTS, but good. Give us time, gone age like fine wine. ;-D

Friday, November 14, 2003

So I was at my job tonight. There were a number of people I knew studying together. Of course my girlfriend (being the wonderful person she is) accompanied on my duties as to make them less boring. Amongst the people studying was an old interest. Now, usually people know the 10 second rule, but this group somehow didn't. (10 Second Rule: "Anytime you want to talk about someone you've just encountered wait at least 10 seconds after they have left your presence.") Moment they see that i have a new girlfriend they start laughing at the old interest (OI) and the situation. So then as I was still nearby i hear one of the OI's friends say "Dang, there's your replacement." Instantly they all bust into laughter and another says "You are the weakest link, Goodbye!" I don't know about you, but that made my night. I was rolling. If I was the OI i might of hit somebody, but she is cool people's so i doubt she'll ever do such. Still though, that's some cold-blooded mess to say to ur girl. Funny than a mug, but cold. LoL.
Peace y'all.

Saturday, November 08, 2003

So i'm chilling watching TV; all of a sudden this commmercial appears. The commercial is all about Alpacas, supporting and just the overall awesomeness (new word) of alpacas. Alpacas!!! I'm thinking ok, this is a joke commercial and the real product will be advertised any second right? Nope. It was real. So... everyone, visit cus TV said so.

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

So there's this commercial where u see this animatronic/costumed band (the kind you see at Chuckie Cheese's/Showbiz Pizza) playing this heavy metal rock song (i assume it's Metallica) to a crowd of little kids. Everything looks so wrong at first, as if the band is corrupting the little kids. Now, i don't know why, but it looks d*mn cool. I'm no pied piper or anything, but something is strangely good and evil about this commercial. "(broken country monotone) It gave me a funny feeling; I liked it."

Sunday, November 02, 2003

I hate papers. Right now at least. The reason I have not typed to you since thursday is because I have been writing papers since then. Oh yeah! Papers... yum. So now i'm done. All I have to do is OTHER WORK! Eventually i will get to sleep. One day. Peace.