Tuesday, December 30, 2003

... funny little bit i forgot to share about the heat being back. So there's another guy who comes and goes frequently, Neshawn. Cool guy. Well, i guess he turns the heat up. (Remember, it was almost uncomfortable.) Well, the neighborguy sure thought so, he comes up to check the thermostat for the house (which happens to be right outside my room here) and he says "Yeah, it's so hot down there, it's like 80 degrees. I came to make sure the thermostat was fine." 80 degrees. Welll, neighborguy (Brett) was right, the heat was actually on 84* although i lowered it to 79* before he got to see it. Hehe.

*= my bootleg degree symbol.

Yeah, there really is no point to this post. However none of us (jes, angsuman, andy, cruz, edgar, abner, and the various other people in our link chain) have posted lately, so i'm just putting this one out there as something small and relatively new until something interesting happens. Big ups to Terese who stays posting though; good job.
-Yeah... anytime ANYBODY unexpected knocks on the door to the house --i'm saying-- the first thought that goes through my mind is... "Lord please don't make me have to stab somebody (in self-defense of course... of course.) Is that normal?
One of those strangers was the guy who lives beneath us [a general us, not like me and (blank)] and he knew how to work the furnace and so now the place is warm. How pimp is that! Like last night, it was actually uncomfortably warm for a second. I was like, "YAY! Okay you can cool down now."
-(As sappy as possible...) I miss my girlfriend. She's wonderful! And loves me! She's a keeper!

I'm going to head off now.

Friday, December 26, 2003


It's the day after Christmas. Which is how i'm thinking of today, rather than Friday; and odd, because i thought of yesterday as Thursday. I think my Christmas wasn't as good as I wanted it to be, because I looked at my final grades like a dumb*ss. My Christmas was ok though. Im still in the house. Different people come and go, so it's not lonely here. Even if there weren't people, there would be the cat. I got my music, and computer so i'm straight. Life is pretty good, actually. Got a little money so i can do things like order more food, and go to the movies. I'm doing a little cooking here and there. It's basically on point. :-) In the meantime though, i'm going to get back to chillin' cus i really didn't have anything to blog about. Just saying "Hi." Hi. (I never actually said it.)

Thursday, December 25, 2003

Ok, so i'm chillin in the house i'm staying at in Massachussetts, and all of a sudden the power goes out. How does that suck~?! So i walk out of the room, and turns out that it's only out in my room and the room next to me; rest of the house is fine. The cat is looking at me like "I didn't do it." I'm like, "Ok, all i have to do is flip the switches on the circuit breaker." Now, it turns out that the curcuit breaker is down in the basement. (For those of you who don't know, the basement to this house is the scariest thing ever.) So i'm trying to find a flashlight; none. No flashlight. So i'm like, u know what... it will be morning in a few hours, i'ma go to sleep and handle this in the daylight. I'm thinking, "I don't know who else is in this house; nor do I know if they know i'm here. I'll be danged if i get shot down in that basement for looking like a robber." So yeah, i was like i'll handle this in the morning.
Next morning, I go down there, it's still scary, but at least there's daylight coming through the basemetn windows so it's not bad as it possibly could be. Also there was another dude in the house at the time, so worse comes to worse i wasn't alone. Of course, that was Tuesday night!
Last night, i'm chilling. That dude leaves... power goes out again. Turns out you can't have the microwave and the space heater running at the same time. Yes, space heater... it's cold than a mug in this house. If it burned down at least it would be warm. So yeah, powers out in my room, the room next to me, and the kitchen which leads down to the basement (as of now i'm on the second floor. There are neighbors who live on the first floor. I don't know them though.) So yeah, the cat comes in looks at me again like "I was about to tell you about the microwave, but i figured you would find out." So yeah, i'm like... "i'm a grown man. I ain't afraid of the dark." So i start heading down into the pitch blackness and open the door that leads down more stairs to the super pitchblackness and I hear a noise. Now i'm thinking, "Oh heck naw." I ain't that bold. More so i'm thinking "Uh huh, this is how whitefolks get killed." Power goes out... "oh hey, let me go check it out." Heck naw.
So... i go get a knife. Remember, scariest place ever. There actually have been robberies in the neighborhood. I'll be danged if i'ma become a statistic. If i'ma do this, i'ma do it like i would if i were in the horror film. Although if I knew that this was a horror film, my black-ass wouldn't ever go down. We (black folks) don't do that sort of thing. We die from stuff we can't affect, like prostate cancer, or stray bullets. So now it's me, the knife, and the cat, who thinks this mess is funny! I'm open the door to the super pitchblackness again and I hear another noise, but i've committed myself. So i walk down there with my knife. Fanagle my way (with one of those funky knife-action/jump kinda moves) to the area with the circuit breaker. Now... you think someone would have labled these things like smart people do. I figure "Hmmm, maybe i can guesstimate which one is to my room." Nope; so i just flip all them badboys.
I close the box and start heading back up stairs and I HEAR A NOISE!!! KNIFE!!!! Whew, was just the cat... i was ready to stab that kitten. So i go back into the pitch black part... thinking at the dark, "Hey, u didn't mess with me before, don't start now. Don't start none, won't be none!" So i stumble in the dark up the stairs to the door of the super pitchblackness and am about to shut it when i'm like "Crap, where's the cat?" I'll be danged if i'm going back down there, so i start calling the cat. No cat. I'm loud-whispering the cat's name... "STINKY!!!" I'm thinking..."Doesn't this cat know i will leave it?!" Right then the cat shows up like, "what?!" I dash upstairs with the cat, and lock that door to the kitchen. Fortunately the lights are back on. Yeah, then i felt good cus I didn't just go to sleep again for the night like i wanted to. I faced the dark, but not like white-folks. Hence how i'm talking to you.
Yeah, basements are scary, and should be well lit.
What kinda fool doesn't label their circuit breaker?!
I talked to the dude whose room i stayed in. He was like, "Hmph that's never happened to me before?! That's a first." Then I told him how it was twice now. "Hmph, ok second!" Then he says, "Sucks 4 U. I probably should have left this Mini Mag-Lite Flashlight I have here, cus i'm barely using it." Me wasn't too happy, but i didn't care the lights were on. He started to trying to help me out with the situation until he realized i already solved the problem thus explaining my presence online.
Light ur basements people!!
Label your circuit breakers!!
Peace & Blessings, and Merry Christmas.

Monday, December 22, 2003

Yeah, I am realizing the near unbearable length of an eight(8) hour day. It's not that the work is hard, it's the length of time it takes. If i had some kind of project i had to complete and needed alot of time then it would FLY by with the quickness. But my boss did pay for my food! :-D I've been reading through old emails and reminiscing and now i wish my girl hadn't gone home. If more people stayed over break and just went home for the actual couple of days before Christmas, there would be some off the hook parties. That's why they close dorms, they don't want us here without any kind of focus. It'd be too good for us.
::Sigh:: I'm chillin' though. I love being my own man, and having my space. Makes me just stretch every four seconds. Y'all should try it, it's very liberating. You don't know what ur missing. What's the longest period you've been without work/obligations, and out on your own?

Saturday, December 20, 2003

Yes, it's break now. I'm trying to do more writing. I'm kind of at a block now, so i thought I would type to you randomly; get that whole DoogieHowser think rekindled.

The most important moment in your history will always be right now!
Let it marinate.

Peace & Blessings.

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Heart of Darkness!
It is now nearing the end of finals for me. After 4 finals/papers I only have 2finals/papers to go. The largest meal I've had in 3 days has been Orange Soda and PopTarts (strawberry of course). As I walked past a senior I've seen 2 consecutive nights in the computer lab, he asked me "What day is today?" Undoubtly he's seen far more than 2 nights here. The only solace is knowing that on Thursday at 2pm I can tell the world F-U. Until 5pm when I go to work until 1 am. (I'm subbing for another student before my usual shift.) A new discovery = the spacebar on this keyboard sticks. How annoying? Somewhat annoying + loathing school.

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

"It just occured to me that as usual the media is trying to pull a fast one on the whole damn country. Everyone is walking around celebrating because they found Saddam, but my question is .... Where the PHUCK are the weapons of mass destruction?!?!? Bush, you are not slick...you're still an asshole!!" ~ HugheyRoc82

How I know I've been awake too long...
. . ... the words on my references to my paper start to look like spiders and I don't even flinch as they crawl at me.

Monday, December 15, 2003

I'm thinking. You know... they caught Saddam Hussein! Well, now what?
Was this supposed to happen? It's like the roadrunner finally being caught by the coyote. Happened once, but the coyote was 2 inches tall (for reasons too elaborate to explain) versus this normal sized roadrunner (well, actually roadrunners aren't 4feet tall; but you understand the point). Anyway, when this Coyote caught the roadrunner he really did hold up a sign addressed to the writers/audience which said: "Ok geniuses, now what?" which is my question now.
I dunno, you know how usually you can feel certain things before they happen... well this one feels unnatural. Like the world has forked down a different road of events than what it was set up to do. Which just makes watching things now interesting, cus it's going to be a little random for a second. Just until we wind up back on that normal track where everyone takes the uneventfulness of every day for granted. (New word = Uneventfulness).
In other randomness; "James Brown - The Payback" is a funny song, cus ya boy really does just come in and start free-styling.
Peace & Blessings.

Thursday, December 11, 2003

Hey, I took pictures of snow. Stick around... there'll be more pictures eventually. I own a camera... it's implied in ownership.
[Pictures Here]

What if... you were allergic to Riboflavin or Potassium Benzoate?
Do you know how stuck out you would be?

Congratulations, Robert!
Your IQ score is


This number is the result of a formula based on how many questions you answered correctly on Emode's Ultimate IQ test. Your IQ score is scientifically accurate; to read more about the science behind our IQ test, click here.
During the test, you answered four different types of questions — mathematical, visual-spatial, linguistic and logical. We analyzed how you did on each of those questions which reveals how your brain uniquely works.
We also compared your answers with others who have taken the test. According to the sorts of questions you got correct, we can tell your Intellectual Type is a Visionary Philosopher.
This means you are highly intelligent and have a powerful mix of skills and insight that can be applied in a variety of different ways. Like Plato, your exceptional math and verbal skills make you very adept at explaining things to others — and at anticipating and predicting patterns. And that's just some of what we know about you from your IQ results.
Test Your IQ with this long arse test!!
Average: 85 - 115
Above average: 116 - 125
Gifted Borderline Genius: 126 - 135
Highly gifted and appearing to be a Genius to most others: 136 - 145
Genius: 146 - 165
High Genius: 166 - 180
Highest Genius: 181 - 200
Beyond being measurable Genius: Over 200
136 according to [This Site]

Thursday, December 04, 2003

Alrighty boys and girls...
School has thoroughly waylayed my happiness. However, each time i finish an assignment i get alot more jovial. Problem is that hasn't been occuring very much. At least not this semester.
Dah well, in other news I will be going to CT for christmas, i think. Imagine a Black version of 'Meet The Parents'. Yep.
OK, honestly nothing of note is happening to me. Either it's mess I don't want to tell you about, or mess I can't share as of yet. So blog-wise I lead a boring life right now. But my real life.... woooo-doggie.
N.E.R.D. - Tape You
(all 7mins 43secs of it...)

I don't think y'all understand. Ya boy said...
"Cooler than Freddy Jackson sippin' a milkshake in a snow storm!"
That's pretty dang cool.
"Yeah, Outkast...cooler than a polar bear's toenails."

Monday, December 01, 2003

As you can see i'm getting pre-occupied with my life. Unfortunately this hinders all of the things i truly enjoy, like making music, writing lyrics, and posting in my blog. Fret-not though, for I shall return. And I shall rain down on the with great wrath and fury, with fire and brimstone. FIERY BRIMSTONE!!! (Add 'Bizl'~!)
And on the 8th day, I saw my post, and deemed it good!
Pied Piper!