Ok, so i'm chillin in the house i'm staying at in Massachussetts, and all of a sudden the power goes out. How does that suck~?! So i walk out of the room, and turns out that it's only out in my room and the room next to me; rest of the house is fine. The cat is looking at me like "I didn't do it." I'm like, "Ok, all i have to do is flip the switches on the circuit breaker." Now, it turns out that the curcuit breaker is down in the basement. (For those of you who don't know, the basement to this house is the scariest thing ever.) So i'm trying to find a flashlight; none. No flashlight. So i'm like, u know what... it will be morning in a few hours, i'ma go to sleep and handle this in the daylight. I'm thinking, "I don't know who else is in this house; nor do I know if they know i'm here. I'll be danged if i get shot down in that basement for looking like a robber." So yeah, i was like i'll handle this in the morning.
Next morning, I go down there, it's still scary, but at least there's daylight coming through the basemetn windows so it's not bad as it possibly could be. Also there was another dude in the house at the time, so worse comes to worse i wasn't alone. Of course, that was Tuesday night!
Last night, i'm chilling. That dude leaves... power goes out again. Turns out you can't have the microwave and the space heater running at the same time. Yes, space heater... it's cold than a mug in this house. If it burned down at least it would be warm. So yeah, powers out in my room, the room next to me, and the kitchen which leads down to the basement (as of now i'm on the second floor. There are neighbors who live on the first floor. I don't know them though.) So yeah, the cat comes in looks at me again like "I was about to tell you about the microwave, but i figured you would find out." So yeah, i'm like... "i'm a grown man. I ain't afraid of the dark." So i start heading down into the pitch blackness and open the door that leads down more stairs to the super pitchblackness and I hear a noise. Now i'm thinking, "Oh heck naw." I ain't that bold. More so i'm thinking "Uh huh, this is how whitefolks get killed." Power goes out... "oh hey, let me go check it out." Heck naw.
So... i go get a knife. Remember, scariest place ever. There actually have been robberies in the neighborhood. I'll be danged if i'ma become a statistic. If i'ma do this, i'ma do it like i would if i were in the horror film. Although if I knew that this was a horror film, my black-ass wouldn't ever go down. We (black folks) don't do that sort of thing. We die from stuff we can't affect, like prostate cancer, or stray bullets. So now it's me, the knife, and the cat, who thinks this mess is funny! I'm open the door to the super pitchblackness again and I hear another noise, but i've committed myself. So i walk down there with my knife. Fanagle my way (with one of those funky knife-action/jump kinda moves) to the area with the circuit breaker. Now... you think someone would have labled these things like smart people do. I figure "Hmmm, maybe i can guesstimate which one is to my room." Nope; so i just flip all them badboys.
I close the box and start heading back up stairs and I HEAR A NOISE!!! KNIFE!!!! Whew, was just the cat... i was ready to stab that kitten. So i go back into the pitch black part... thinking at the dark, "Hey, u didn't mess with me before, don't start now. Don't start none, won't be none!" So i stumble in the dark up the stairs to the door of the super pitchblackness and am about to shut it when i'm like "Crap, where's the cat?" I'll be danged if i'm going back down there, so i start calling the cat. No cat. I'm loud-whispering the cat's name... "STINKY!!!" I'm thinking..."Doesn't this cat know i will leave it?!" Right then the cat shows up like, "what?!" I dash upstairs with the cat, and lock that door to the kitchen. Fortunately the lights are back on. Yeah, then i felt good cus I didn't just go to sleep again for the night like i wanted to. I faced the dark, but not like white-folks. Hence how i'm talking to you.
Yeah, basements are scary, and should be well lit.
What kinda fool doesn't label their circuit breaker?!
I talked to the dude whose room i stayed in. He was like, "Hmph that's never happened to me before?! That's a first." Then I told him how it was twice now. "Hmph, ok second!" Then he says, "Sucks 4 U. I probably should have left this Mini Mag-Lite Flashlight I have here, cus i'm barely using it." Me wasn't too happy, but i didn't care the lights were on. He started to trying to help me out with the situation until he realized i already solved the problem thus explaining my presence online.
Light ur basements people!!
Label your circuit breakers!!
Peace & Blessings, and Merry Christmas.