Saturday, January 24, 2004

Red Light Dream
MapQuest Maps: Houston,TX
Uchenna and I walk into this big corporate headquarters of what i guess was Cingular or Sprint. Uchenna was trying to get some phone stuff squared away, maybe he was switching carriers from Sprint to someone else, I dunno, but we were here.
The building seems small, and concrete was an interesting choice for an exterior material. I'm guessing that there is a good deal of building that we can't see, although the building probably has two or three stories of regular glass-looking business building exterior. Although I'm not sure cus I never really looked up or around at the place.
We walk into what was the front, and soon make our way up a dimly lit portion of narrow stairs, not even really caring about our surroundings. Uchenna makes his way to an office that I guess he is familiar with having dealth with the company before. I don't expect to be there long so I don't really mind going in.
While uchenna does that, i start checking out these random wall fixtures that the place tried to decorate with to basically give folks like myself something to look at while they are just waiting around in the place. I don't exactly remember what I saw so lets imagine that there were things like pictures of the President of the company meeting astronauts or doing some kind of charity work, or some kind of ground-breaking ceremony for this headquarters. Anyway, I guess Uchenna got done and said he had to use the restroom and to meet him at the car. Basically i'm trying to reason out why i went a different way than Uchenna did to leave the building. Maybe i was just pulling a BrentMove and walked a different way for no reason at all.
On my way toward the stairs I passed between two large marble reception desks about 20 feet apart. An apparently snobby/stuck up receptionist said to me "Are you taking the bus?" As if it is a bad thing, or that I fit some Black stereotype. I'm thinking, "How do you have the nerve to be snobby as a receptionist?" I retorted "I'm not taking the bus!" with a subtle hint of Black attitude, but it wasn't noticable... except to Black folk. Had someone else, in my presence, said that to the guy, I would have easily instigated by saying "Oooooooo, I heard 'Bizl/B*tch'... he said it!"
I walk my way down the wide marble steps just barely in reach of the right wooden rails. I make my way out of a side entrance through fancy glass doors and down some dull concrete stairs and eventually walk about 100 feet down a well groomed sidewalk and hedges toward corner of the building. Uchenna comes around the corner and meets me at the 89 foot. I recount the "bus" part to him, and he chuckles and then says he wants to see this dude. So we go back in for a second. Uchenna sees him and nearly points and laughs at the guy. :-) Then we come back out and go to the car.
The car is a Honda accord, not the new ones, but the older smaller ones, and this one is a manual.
Why an accord? I don't know. Uchenna's driving, i'm the passanger, Pahi is in the back left, and Uchenna's sister is in the back right. I guess they were waiting in the car this whole time while we went into the building to take car of Uchenna's phone mess.
We pull up to the exit of the building lot and there are three lanes to exit from onto a three lane street itself. It looks like S. Gessner back in Houston, but has alot of aspects of Bellaire or Bissonnet. Though we started on the left side we pulled into the middle part between two other cars about to exit. A little red two seater and a larger red car similar to ours. So we zip out into the street before the next set of zooming cars come. And we're flying. I don't know why everyone is driving so fast, but they are, all doing like 50 on this regular street. Uchenna is driving. The car is maroon, but i keep wanting to believe it's hunter green like my Del Sol.
So we're driving and we must be trying to beat red lights or something, cus everyone around us is speeding too. We are weaving in and out passing sparse cars here and there. We get to this point where we are in the far left lane, and we are behind this sky blue truck. One of those old Nissan truck, or the Toyota ones, in which a letter of the TOYOTA is missing and thus ur looking at TOY-TA, before chipped sky blue paint. Also, inside the truck are landscaping tools.
We are right up on the truck, like if it stopped for any reason we would go accordian on the bed of the truck. Uchenna, fully aware of the situation, waits a slight moment while a minivan or some insignifigant vehicle that was bigger than us, like a sedan, falls behind the flow of this high speed traffic, allowing us to jump into the middle lane. Therein we speed past the TOY-TA and then see a larger truck with an old wooden bed and side rails ontop of which a handful of Mexicans (or "Messicans" as a southern drawl would slur it) hoot and holler at the action while holding onto the trucks pitiful attempt at a bed-rail. The last car we passed leading this sky blue caravan was actually a van that said some company name and signified that it was indeed a landscaping company. We're gonna say "Vatos Pottos Landscaping" or something like that.
We wind up cutting across all three lanes just barely missing another car ahead of us in the middle lane. Now we're in the far right lane. And we are driving. Uchenna's driving, i'm the passanger, Pahi is in the back left, and Uchenna's sister is in the back right. We all look at the car we just missed, in laughing amazement, when i look forward, and see this HUGE WHOLE in hour lane. Basically it's big enough for the entire car to fall down into and it goes on under the street in a tunnel fashion. An 6-8ft tunnel being dug under that land but still clearly under construction. Uchenna and the rest turn to see the same thing, before i can say anything and before he can react ... CRAP we're airborne over it, but before gravity can kick in we've cleared it. Wow, we must really be going fast. We all look back at the whole, and catch sight as a car about 40ft behind us that must have been going faster than us is launched about 20feet into the air over this whole. "DA-A-A-A-NG" the entire car exclaims and I turn around again to find that we have drifted into the middle lane and are not more than 3 inches from the bumper of a vehicle in front of us, and fortunately it is going just as fast as we are so we are SLOWLY about to hit it. I shout to Uchenna, "HEY, PAY ATTENTION, MAYN!" He swiftly darts into the right lane again around the vehicle passes it, then jumps back into the middle lane in front of it, and speeds on. Soon we are back into the right lane in attempt to pass another car than just isn't hip to this high-action race against the red. Just then we spot sight of it, some costumed dough-boy who just realized that he's in for some sh*t if he doesn't get out of his middle-of-the-street marketing position. I'd say his large foam head looked alot like the Swedish Chef from the Muppet Show, but barely different so as not to get sued. The costumed guy somehow dodges one car about four car -lengths ahead of us, and then hops clear across our lane just barely clipped by the right mirror. The contact with us somehow spun the guy around and he dizzly stepped back into on-coming traffic. Again we all turned around to see what became of him, and uchenna more consciously moved into the middle lane. The costumed-dork dove off the street again, we watched as the foam head bounced on the side walk as he landed in "safety".
Now there were cakes about 14ft away from each other in a single file line on the middle of the street. They make a soft tempo as each one passes beneath the car. Then i bust out laughing and said "Hell No, this must be a dream..." and of course woke up near-laughing right there. Whew. Part of the reason I woke up was that I wasn't sure I could take anymore of that there action, it was like back in the day when we all would ride with Jennifer. Wherein the elation at being driven somewhere was soon exchanged for a merciful plea to God that we make it out of her driving alive. Soon followed by one of us passangers shouting "Oh sh*t, we're gonna die!" Same thing, just a less intensely scary, but with a longer thrill. Yeah.
Peace & Blessings.

Friday, January 23, 2004

First day of school was yesterday.
Second day of work was yesterday.
Third day wishing for the weekend was yesterday.
Fourth day that i have meant to write in my blog was yesterday.
Fifth... um.... yo momma!!!

Monday, January 19, 2004

1st Born Second
(A great album, but the following has nothing to do with it.)
Everyone is just about back. The guy whose room i was squatting in returned and though I type to you from it now i will have to find my own place to slumber.
Tonight was fulfilling. I wrote my brother (half brother, Terry) a letter. Terry is actually the older, smarter, better-looking brother. He's too smart for his own good though. Whereas I am just lazy enough to stay on the right side of the law, because I am too lazy to deal with the worries of illegal hustling, Terry is bolder than I am. However, this includes bold enough to brandish a loaded gun in his place of employment because they did not pay him. Although I admit his free spirit/ craziness is admirable. He gets it from my father. I have it too, but i was raised by my mother, so alot of that is outruled by sense. I think through the whole consequence to eventually the point that I don't see the point in starting. However the same plays into my work and other activities, which i merely do to assimilate into society and it's ideas of successful. There will be a point where I will get my hustle on, but it seems that this might be easier with a little piece of paper that suddenly declares me a credible and worth a d*mn. As if i'm a piece (of sh*t) without it. Blah. ANYWAY, I told Terry he should write a book or something. How a straight A student goes to 2-3 strikes. I forget which one he is on. I know he has balls though. (Pun intended.) He definitely has been in more than 3 times. I really wish the best for him. He has a lot of potential.
I pray that he doesn't become one of those cats that finds life easier on the inside than out here. Although in some ways i can understand not dropping the soap and avoiding a shiv might be better than the phoniness of the legitimate business world. Each has it's perils and pitfalls. He will find his niche one day.
The rest of my day was uneventful. The number of humans in the house jumped from 1-2 to 5 in 30mins. The guy whose room i'm in (Asi) and I spent most of the night listening to my playlist, cus i'm really into Soul and R&B from 60s to present day. Although I do listen to some Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald, but I try to stick to Soul. I really love music, and I hope i use my potential to it's full extent. Or at least, I hope I use it to a level of high contentment and learn from Terry's life. I hope he does write a book, I would really like to read of his life. I'm sure its interesting. I find myself asking my father for updates in his life infrequently. In the meantime, i'm going to crash, cus the sun is about to come up, which means it's nearly my bedtime.
Peace & Blessings.

Saturday, January 17, 2004

A typical conversation displaying the relationship between my mom and me/myself/I.
Session Start (AIM - berendth:MsPriss): Sat Jan 17 13:30:15 2004
Berendth: hey what is the verizon info
MsPriss: ?
Berendth: i need to know how close i'm am to going over
Berendth: thanks
Berendth: crap what's my plan again?
MsPriss: lol
Berendth: yeah... basically, cus i've been using the phone alot at night
Berendth: and i don't want it to be over
MsPriss: 300 anytime unlimited night and weekend...i think
Berendth: oh word?
Berendth: oh ok
MsPriss: luv u
Berendth: cus i thought we were on 300 day 4000 night or something
MsPriss: when u log in it should tell u ur plan
MsPriss: r u logged on now?
Berendth: yes
Berendth: want me to pay the bill
MsPriss: no
MsPriss: i'll take care of it
Berendth: let me get it this time
Berendth: just this time
MsPriss: r u staying warm and out of the freeze bite weather
MsPriss: no
MsPriss: not necessary
MsPriss: i'd rather u have the cash
MsPriss: just keep ur account on track
MsPriss: and follow up on your account with ilene codden
MsPriss: make sure u pick up the checks on time and get ur books on time
MsPriss: and such...
Berendth: k, u sure, cus i can get it this time, and knock out the late fee
Berendth: ok
MsPriss: nope
Berendth: ok
MsPriss: late fee is less than $2
Berendth: lol, yeah
MsPriss: i do need u to pull out $60 from ur WAMU account and keep the cash handy
MsPriss: so that every time u need cash
MsPriss: u don't have to pay the fee
Berendth: i'll take it out of my fleet
MsPriss: get $60
MsPriss: pay one fee
Berendth: ?
MsPriss: or $100
MsPriss: or not
Berendth: oh ok
MsPriss: LSW deposit is Monday
MsPriss: do u need the $500 for the trip when classes resume
MsPriss: or closer to spring break
Berendth: um, i'll get back to u on that
MsPriss: the weather up there has been in the national news
Berendth: oh yeah
MsPriss: r u staying in
Berendth: oh yeah, it ain't no punk :-)
MsPriss: freeze bite warnings on local news for Boston yesterday
MsPriss: the news anchors were joking about it
MsPriss: asking each other if they had friends or relatives up there
MsPriss: since it's so warm down here
Berendth: lol, not surprised
MsPriss: use ur fleet to buy ur books
MsPriss: use WAMU for cash
MsPriss: ok?
MsPriss: I just want u to have ur books so that u don't get behind
MsPriss: ALL ur books
MsPriss: ok
MsPriss: ...Please?
Berendth: yes ma'am
MsPriss: thank you
Berendth: i may use my fleet for cash too after i have my books
Berendth: cus the most money will be in there
Berendth: right now i have $200 in there
Berendth: and i think i only have to buy 2 books
Berendth: wait let me resay that
Berendth: i only have 2 classes to buy books for
Berendth: now in those classes i don't know how many books we need but that's the # off classes i need books for
MsPriss: but if u get the study guides also...makes test easier
Berendth: no study guides
Berendth: non-existent
MsPriss: k
Berendth: best u can hope for is a CD in the back of the book with an online practice test
Berendth: ...but i don't take those kinds of courses
MsPriss: lol
MsPriss: ur so funny
Berendth: psych/bio/chem, they have those
MsPriss: yeah
Berendth: :-D
MsPriss: i know
MsPriss: those are the classes i have
MsPriss: geol/gov/statistics
MsPriss: have CD
MsPriss: ECON has study guide
MsPriss: good for u
MsPriss: no tuff classes
MsPriss: r u feeling good about it
MsPriss: gettng ur GPA to where u want it
MsPriss: or rather where THEY want it
MsPriss: i'm glad that u don't stress over that stuff
MsPriss: not a perfectionist like me
MsPriss: u have the gift
MsPriss: and u just flow with it
Berendth: :-) i love you
Berendth: im glad u understand
Berendth: God is good
MsPriss: yep...wish i were more like u
MsPriss: that's y i luv u so
MsPriss: u make me better
Berendth: other parents would have disowned me or something and did mess to only further complicate the process of living, but u make sense
Berendth: u make it easy to be me
Berendth: thank you mom
MsPriss: rofl
MsPriss: God just gave me the right child
MsPriss: then...He taught me how to be ur mom
Berendth: may i put this in my blog (names changed, and other security info altered) just so folks understand why i love you so much
MsPriss: guess all that praying and pleading that I wouldn't do something to mess up ur life paid off
Berendth: yeah!!
MsPriss: i'm laughing sooo hard now
Berendth: lol, praise God for that one
Berendth: oh, and thanks for the prayers on my physical appearance
Berendth: good lookin' out! :-)
MsPriss: yeah...those worked too
MsPriss: those were really selfish prayers though
Berendth: rofl
Berendth: hey, i get to live with them, so i am thankful
MsPriss: i guess no explanation needed
Berendth: remind me to do the same
MsPriss: but i'm very proud of your appearance
MsPriss: and ur intellect
MsPriss: and manners
Berendth: i'ma be praying up a storm during that 9months
Berendth: 8-)
MsPriss: :-D
Berendth: I love you
MsPriss: ur dad, too
MsPriss: but u already know
Berendth: yeah, dad rocks
Berendth: alright, i'm going to go finish the laundry
MsPriss: we're both very glad that we got u
MsPriss: k
MsPriss: luv u
MsPriss: bye now
Berendth: byebye
Berendth: yay!
Berendth: thank u
Not a momma's boy, but i would have good reason to be so.

Don't you dare jump to the middle!
As i sit here in the darkness and heat of this one room of a MA house, i listen to J-Live and contemplate whether or not justice is really worth fighting for. In theory if we allowed injustice to go unchecked eventually even those highest in power and those quickest to do dirt would soon be usurped. Noone would be there to stop anyone else from being taken advantage of; robbed, raped, or murdered. Money, Sex, Life. Am i wrong in believing that everyone (good and evil) is motivated by freedom? Freedom being defined as the practice of one's desires, preferebly uninhibited. The people who work the 9a-5p at a job that they don't really like... what is that for? Is it to financially support whatever hobbies, pasttimes aka "life" they have outside of their job? Wouldn't that be them working for freedom? And the "evil"... the thief who breaks into your place to eventually hock your possessions for whatever money he/she can... is that money not going towards his/her freedom? (I hate being P.C. -- although the subject of this blog is not. Well, at least not correct in terms of etiquette, probably.)
Behind freedom is desire. I've never accepted the saying "Money is the root of all evil." I believe desire is. Many of the things considered sins hardly involve money, if at all. For the thief, robbing you is his/her means to an end. The working stiff has his means to an end. Whether bourgeoisie or proletariat, it's all for freedom.
Now, if everyone were to finally reach whatever goal they were working toward (provided they had a goal) then wouldn't that be similar to anarchy. One wouldn't really worry too much about the next man because you have enough money/freedom to do as you please. "Justice" would be on the decline. (Justice defined here as rulings deemed appropriate by court of law. -- Too sleepy to actually define it. I'm sure you can make some connection between money and acquittals. I mean more than 75% of court cases are resolved in plea bargains. Thank you PS--Judicial Politics) However, we would most likely never reach that point because with the increase in wealth comes an increase in cost of living. Why not? You have the money to spend, i can charge u more now. Inflation. (Some form of it at least.) So then we are right back to trying to make ends meet and working hard/lightly to finance the desires of our hearts (or loins). Does this mean that the goal is unreachable? Maybe not, some reach a goal, but then they set new goals... and die trying to reach those. It's like being in a tunnel, and that light u see at the end actually being that same light that you "go towards" when u die. Provided it's there, but that's a different pointless blog. I say "pointless" not because it lacks a lesson or a barrage of declarations to accept/reject, but because of the insignifigance of the destination of the comments. Basically, i tell u even if u remember and tell ur kids and they tell their kids, or it becomes one of those sayings that everyone knows yet knows not the origin it won't matter. Just as all the knowledge we learn is eventually useless. Can't outsmart, outbuy, outlove, nor outphilosophy death... but it's fun to try.

Outbuy, as i was saying before my digression (which some of you who know me well expected-- expected or well-expected, hmm) that legacy that everyone works so hard to leave behind, why? All i think of is the legacies that were greater/more celebrated and how they are now. Ha, Hail Caesar. I'll keep a look out on The History Channel for your week. What's worse is the multitude of people empires, legacies, and heroes we will NEVER know about. I mean sure one could say, "Well, if they're so great, why don't we know about them?" But that would just prove too many points towards the overall absurdity of it all.
(For those keeping track, i fell off that whole justice thing a long time ago. But i'll pick it up again for fun.) So what then is the point of fighting for justice? Well, it makes some feel better. Which winds up being the same thing everyone is motivated by; to feel better or whatever they desire to feel. Being free makes you happy. So the end result is to be contented. Can't say you don't desire to be content. Even those who want to be discontent are finding contentment in their discontent thus creating the paradox of their desire; digressing. Others say, "It's the right thing to do." Which is really just a covered up version of it makes them feel better. Because whether they acknowledge or not, them believing that the right thing was done gives them a sense of hope or security that the world isn't as scary as they try not to believe it to be. In other words, "it makes them feel better". Which falls in line with my "There are no selfless acts theory", cus it all satisfies some desire. I do because i want to. "Well, sometimes you have to do stuff?" Not necessarily, is it not possible that you do those "forced" things because you don't want the other option. Death is always an option. Although few choose that. Personally, i do not see the point in choosing death now, cus you will get to it eventually, might as well try the other options now. Life in itself is a blessing. You didn't have to exist this long, if at all.
So since we are going to live, might as well try to be happy in this life right. Who wants to live a life of discontentment (not including the 'discontent crew' who find contentment in the discomfort and victimization received in life)? Let us say noone. So since life is temporary and we want to be happy, this includes making the place we live in as comfortable as possible right. Well, under complete chaos we have to watch our backs all the time and frankly, paranoia gets tiring. Just ask any schizophrenic with delusions of persecutions or any germophobe. (Yes, my eloquence is directly proportional to my energy. Consider yourself lucky that i haven't taken off all pretenses and jumped straight into the comfort of country-ness.) Alright, so we're living, and we want to be happy. Well, 'Happy' costs money. Sure happiness is a state of mind, but you have to eat in order to have states of mind. And since those with food wanna charge for the food, we have to have money to therefore eat. (Save those of us who can be happy in the forests/jungles, but your life expectancy will severely drop -- in theory.)

Sidenote: Free Mumia. Why not? Some of you don't even know why you want to keep him jailed so badly. Some of us don't even remember why we want him out so badly. So... Free Mumia Abu-Jamal.
So from that same desire for happiness comes all kinds of things which eventually lead us to the world we have today. The desire for a car, a house, better food, and kids (and their desires) I mean, sure we can work toward improvement, but would it really be better than this. Maybe this is the way the world was meant to be. The destruction there is, the suffering there is, the happiness there is, and the contentment there is. All are based off of things that are basically archetypal. There seem to be some things that just won't go away, murder, greed, lust, hunger, honor, generousity, teen idols (kidding). All of which keep up with the times, and we just find knew ways to do things. Oh, and crazy. Crazy never seems to go away. Sure you can blame it on all kinds of factors and try to guard against it, but there will always be crazy. Stupid and Crazy actually. Just like there will most likely always be those other things. In the meantime i say you try to be comfortable with it all. I think the only way to not suck at life is to learn to be content with every part of it. The crappy mess that happens to you from day to day, the crappy people you have to deal with, the struggle to finance whatever ur trying to fund, and that little knowledge in the back of your head that one day you will die. (Unless that somehow changes, then it will just be whether or not you get tired of living here. Try not to get tired too soon, lots to waste time on.) Ah, time, the only thing that you are sure to run out of... Anyway, if you somehow learn to just laugh at life and how worked up everyone around you gets while you all wait ur turn, then i think you win versus life. Hmm, i suddenly want to watch Meet Joe Black; one of my favorite movies. I like death's strange affinity for peanut butter, that rocks. In closing, you can't take life too seriously, it's only temporary (transitive property therefore makes everything inside of life temporary as well). Remember: "It ain't that crucial."

"I don't know Karate, but I know K-ra-zy." ~ James Brown, "The Payback"
Peace & Blessings
(sorry for typographical errors, i'll fix them months later, like i did 05-04-03)

Friday, January 16, 2004

Berendth (12:41:42 AM): ROFL, those GENT windbreakers would do NOTHING up here
ScrotaWhola (12:41:58 AM): lol
Berendth (12:41:59 AM): i was like, where is mine, why isn't it here
ScrotaWhola (12:42:01 AM): they'd freeze
ScrotaWhola (12:42:04 AM): and crack
Berendth (12:42:05 AM): then i was like, oh yeah
Berendth (12:42:46 AM): KID, on the news they were like don't go outside YOUR SKIN WILL FREEZE!
Berendth (12:42:58 AM): i was like... your skin can freeze?
Berendth (12:43:01 AM): dang, that's crucial
ScrotaWhola (12:43:12 AM): lol
Berendth (12:43:15 AM): the molecules in your skin slow down to a solidified state
ScrotaWhola (12:43:15 AM): new to me
Berendth (12:43:18 AM): i'm saying
Berendth (12:43:21 AM): i was like... DANG

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

RedWolf: Slick Rick - Sittin' In My Car

So, It's about that time again. You know what time i'm talking about. Valentine's Day. Oh yeah, the very same. Yes, you should already have your plans in order, cus it's RIGHT THERE! The bastard.
I kinda like Valentine's Day, because I get to show my girl that I care for her. However, I hate Valentine's Day for all the expectations placed on it, and basically that it's the time to "Show how much you care for her!" Which, in theory, means that your setting them up for disappointement. Fortunately I"ve never disappointed, but I feel that I might this year. I can't show you how much I care for you. Do you know how long that would take? I can't afford to show you how much I love you; no matter how much money i ever make. But i can give you a proportional idea. :-)
When it comes to Valentine's Day, I always wonder how I'm going to outdo what I did in the years previous. Also something I can't afford to keep doing. I would link to the blogs where I describe what I did each Valentine's Day since I've been doing things for Valentine's Day, but it seems i never wrote them down. Dah well.
I'll give u a general idea by telling you the names of the VD plans from before.
Freshmen Year: Treasure Hunt
Sophomore Year: Bigger is Better.
Junior Year: Op... can't tells ya.
Although it is interesting that I managed to have a valentine's each year. Yep.

Tuesday, January 13, 2004 - Local Weather Page
Tell me why the WeatherChannel isn't even trying to be comforting about how cold it's about to get.

Monday, January 12, 2004

Well, ladies and gents, the best weekend i have had all break has come to an end. My lady love has departed back home. Sucks cus it was a catch22. We didn't have to wait for the weekend to pass to see each other (meaning she would have arrived tonight). However, she wasn't able to stay as long as she would have been previously. Although the other flip is that leaving now means the time when she comes back will seem shorter. So i believe. It better be. I'm back at work. I don't know what else will happen, but that is that. Meloncholy.
Peace & Happiness. :-/

Friday, January 09, 2004

Yay! My girlfriend will be here in an hour or so. This is going to be a good week. Our plans include me cooking, and us getting out of the house. It will be good to have someone here other than the cat (and the random people who seem to stop in daily or so.) How do i know people were here, well, simple.
Yesterday --
1.> 2 doors that i close was left open.

2.> A light the light that i like off was on.

Today --
1.> The thermostat program was overridden (a manual task).

I think someone is here. Uh oh. I guess i should check this out. Where's the sword?!

Current Conditions:


Fair Feels Like: -15?F

UV Index: 0 Minimal
Dew Point: -13?F
Humidity: 40%
Visibility: Unlimited
Pressure: 30.25 inches and rising
Wind: From the Northwest at 14 gusting to 22 mph

Thursday, January 08, 2004

Name Statistics - How popular are your first and last names?

Today has been fun, just talking about music and movies all day. Work? Well... meh. No hicimos nada. Me likes that.
-Robert is the #3 most common name in the United States.
-Brentley is rare.

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

The Tufts Daily: "While tanners often get their fake bronzes to improve appearance, not all are purely in it for vanity. The Tufts Ballroom team, for example, gets fake tans in an effort to 'look Latin,' since they compete in Latin dancing."

Is anyone else slightly bothered by this? The first things that went through my mind were, "Is it really that crucial?!" "I don't go around trying to look more pale." Why are white folks obsessed with trying to be bronzed, or golden brown? Dah well, i guess it's better than that whole "Whiter the better" period, where white = purity. I mean i guess i would rather them try to be Black or dark than overtly oppress all things Black. In the former you can fanagle your way through, but in the latter it's an outright war! I'm not worried about them trying to bite our culture, cus we'll always be off on a new new thing.
" The trend toward tanning began with Coco Chanel, when she denounced the pallor that had been in style since the Victorian age, and declared tanned skin to be vogue. Americans came to recognize a tan as a sign of free time and leisure, since the laboring work force had been moved indoors, after the Industrial Revolution."
::shaking my head::
I wonder what the next somewhat offensive phase will be.

(A convo started just after this i thought i would share...)
Brendth (3:42:54 AM): i'm wondering what the next thing will be?
Gay Ass Bradley (3:43:15 AM): white people are dumb
Gay Ass Bradley (3:43:28 AM): tha's prolly one of the 3 things i have learned so far in college
Brendth (3:43:30 AM): will it be white folks adopting black kids to have their very own little Jamal?
Gay Ass Bradley (3:43:39 AM): not Jamal stupid
Gay Ass Bradley (3:43:44 AM): it's Kwame
Gay Ass Bradley (3:43:45 AM): lol
Brendth (3:43:46 AM): lol
Brendth (3:44:03 AM): EARTH!
Gay Ass Bradley (3:44:08 AM): i've always said Leroy
Gay Ass Bradley (3:44:17 AM): but Chike keps saying Kwame
Gay Ass Bradley (3:44:21 AM): and i like that better
Gay Ass Bradley (3:44:29 AM): tha's one the best one's i've heard
Brendth (3:44:44 AM): i usually go with Jamal, cus it's less African; more... "Urban"
Gay Ass Bradley (3:45:05 AM): Kwame is just black
Gay Ass Bradley (3:45:05 AM): lol
Brendth (3:45:09 AM): lol
Brendth (3:45:26 AM): Dwayne
Brendth (3:45:35 AM): the Rock's name is Dwayne Johnson
Brendth (3:45:47 AM): i like how his name is more stereotypically Black than mine
Gay Ass Bradley (3:45:51 AM): Aquaneta Jenkins
Brendth (3:45:56 AM): ROFL
Gay Ass Bradley (3:46:03 AM): tha's the name me and Tina made up in Felske's class
Brendth (3:46:13 AM): the Jenkins boys from south Chicago
Gay Ass Bradley (3:46:43 AM): me Pahi and tina sat down and made a list up one day
Gay Ass Bradley (3:46:49 AM): that was the best one we came up w/
Brendth (3:46:57 AM): Velveeta Jones
Gay Ass Bradley (3:47:00 AM): we did NO work in that class
Brendth (3:47:28 AM): i've always been mad at "Moesha"
Brendth (3:48:04 AM): i was like you bastards... couldn't at least have a psuedo-ghetto name
Brendth (3:48:07 AM): had to go all out huh
Gay Ass Bradley (3:48:16 AM): lol
Gay Ass Bradley (3:48:23 AM): they pulled out allt he stops
Brendth (3:48:25 AM): lol
Brendth (3:48:53 AM): i bet someone was like, "i think it needs a prefix like 'DeMoesha'"
Gay Ass Bradley (3:49:22 AM): D'
Brendth (3:49:22 AM): and someone else was like, "No that's just silly!"
Brendth (3:49:24 AM): ROFL
Brendth (3:49:43 AM): the staple D'
Gay Ass Bradley (3:49:52 AM): L'
Brendth (3:50:12 AM): no, "La(anyname)"
Brendth (3:50:24 AM): and i mean any combination of letters we choose
Gay Ass Bradley (3:50:35 AM): LaCristala
Brendth (3:50:38 AM): rofl
Gay Ass Bradley (3:50:39 AM): there was a gurla t BTW
Gay Ass Bradley (3:50:41 AM): named that
Brendth (3:50:44 AM): ROFL

Gay Ass Bradley (3:50:45 AM): i'm sriious
Brendth (3:51:07 AM): lol, d*mn i couldn't breathe for a second on that one
Brendth (3:51:11 AM): Orange
Brendth (3:51:30 AM): but pronounced "Or an jé"
Brendth (3:52:06 AM): Eshena knew a cat named that
Gay Ass Bradley (3:52:21 AM): .....
Gay Ass Bradley (3:52:26 AM): tsk tsk
Brendth (3:52:28 AM): lol

Monday, January 05, 2004

Me and Miss Nigga (the kitten)...
So it's like 4:30AM; i'm about to heat up some pizza. Here comes the cat, starved for attention over the last few hours cus i'm upset with her since she sneezed in my face. Now, the cat must know that i'm upset with her cus she basically started playing RedLight/GreenLight with me. I turn around, she's still. I go back to preparing food then turn around, closer & sitting. Again, I go back then turn around, closer & frozen in a walking stance. I go back then hear a small "meow" and turn around; a foot away and about to rub my leg if i turn my eyes away again. No dice. You sneeze in my face, you gets no love. NO LOVE! Lonely kitty tonight. Bad kitty. Bad Bad kitty.
Peace & Robitussin.

Sunday, January 04, 2004

Brendth (9:41:55 PM): Boy!!
Brendth (9:42:00 PM): Yo cat sneezed in my face!
Brendth (9:42:25 PM): i was on the futon, and i saw that it wanted to come up
Brendth (9:42:32 PM): so i stared it down, but i was like "c'mon"
Brendth (9:42:45 PM): the moment it gets up
Brendth (9:42:50 PM): like a foot from my face
Brendth (9:42:55 PM): it looks up to the ceiling
Brendth (9:43:00 PM): shakes it head
Brendth (9:43:05 PM): and WHAM!!
Brendth (9:43:19 PM): Cat-sneeze all in my face!
Brendth (9:43:28 PM): no warning... just Cat-Sneeze
Brendth (9:43:45 PM): how was i supposed to compete with that speed
Brendth (9:44:30 PM): if i catch some off the wall virus from whatever makes ur cat sneeze all month, i'ma hunt you down
Brendth (9:44:36 PM): then the cat
Brendth (9:44:56 PM): other than that errthings all good
Brendth (9:45:16 PM): oh, i programmed one of the universal remotes so now y'all have a remote for the TV in the living room
Notice how he didn't say anything.

Saturday, January 03, 2004

I really hate the term "all-american" and the stereotypical image associated with it. Bassuds!

Friday, January 02, 2004

Rickety old Boston homes suck. So i'm praying the noises I heard a while ago came from one of the radiators. Unfortunately all the radiators make different knocking sounds, so i'm just praying what I heard was from one of them. Spooky Boston homes suck. Right now i'm chillin' with the japanese sword in the room. I mean i know i probably shouldn't have it out, but yeah... spooky Boston home. Not only that as mentioned before there have been robberies in this neighborhood, and i'll be danged if i become a statistic. You wanna rob this place? G'ahead, but keep me outta that. That's between you and the house... and the cat (who probably wouldn't give a d*mn as long as you give her a lil bit of attention). My main thought for the night is... how fast can i grab my shoes, grab the sword, and be out this old window that probably hasn't been opened in ages. No 187s. None. Y'all know i'm a lil paranoid. It's a by product of the melanin. Keeps us alive. Yep.
Peace & Blessings.

Thursday, January 01, 2004

Happy New Year!

Ladies and Gentlemen, please do not forget that EVERYDAY is a chance to start over. "Today" is always a good one though.
Peace, Understanding, & Blessings