Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Now, by all intensive purposes i should be asleep. My sleep schedule is all out-of-whack. For instance, i'm awake now at 630AM been awake since 230AM and last slept from 8AM to 2PM. Now i don't know when i will sleep today, but i'm thinking maybe i can go to sleep after my 4PM class meaning at 6PM but i'll sleep till when and I have a midterm tomorrow. I should go to sleep now, but i have to wake up by 8AM so why? Where's the beef? I mean sleep.

Friday, March 26, 2004

You know...
As much as I hate doing homework, I like that fact that i've finally run across some things I agree with in my readings.
Audie Klotz's Norms in Internation Relations, Chapter Two:
"All behavior, even altruism, can be reduced to individual rewards and interest explanations. For example, we may give gifts in order to establish a relationship of reciprocity. Or perhaps we gift giving makes us feel better about ourselves. Only pure altruism would motivate us to give gifts simply to benefit the recipient, although even in this scenario we might expect to enjoy the benefits of collective welfare in turn. In practice, actions are motivated by a complex combination of self-interest (the reciprocity relationship ensure our receiving gifts in the future), self-affirmation (we like to feel good about ourselves), and group interest (we like to make our friends happy)."

Seeing that someone else acknowledges this makes me feel less of an oddball. However, there is still lots of oddball left to conquer before i'm "normal". If i wanted to change that is, but instead i'd rather change errbody else. BE LIKE ME, NOW! Except for those of you who do stuff, y'all keep the world running whilst the rest of us chill. Grasshopper vs. Ant. Grasshopper got hooked up. Hmph, there is a strange similarity between the Capitalist's relationship to the Worker, and the Grasshopper's relationship to the Ant. One thrives off of the other's labor. Things that make you go....where's Arsenio?

Monday, March 22, 2004

So as you know every now and then i watch Discovery Channel. This one nut on there is in the rainforest and says. There is one invertabrate creature that consumes 100,000 creatures a day. Turns out to be these millions of rainforest ants which are counted as a whole. So he goes and stands in the middle of them. He says "If I move they will swarm up past my ankles and basically eat me alive..." Which leaves one to wonder... "What happens when he needs to leave?" Yeah... he was crazy.

Sotodayatwork... yes that's right, it's Spring Break (for me) and I'm working in the Campus Center. Anyway, today... this elderly man comes in. I always recognize him because of his walking stick and his affinity for elephants and this being Tufts. So anyway, he comes in starts rambling about the old days. He's being honored for something. Tells me who he is by asking if i've heard of the building on campus named after him. So i'm like... meh, "Proud eh?" Anyway, we continue talking, he assumes i'm a Political Science major. Lucky guess. So just when i start to solidify my analysis of this guy he turns out to be a Jazz buff. I found out cus i corrected him saying i'm a double major. He started telling me about all these Jazz legends that used to roll through Medford (of all places). And the stereotypical "now that's music, these kids today don't know music." Which is odd, being that he's talking to one of these kids today. Meh, so he wound up being cool. He was still old though. Its like I could hear him getting older. "I graduated 55yrs ago; that's before your parents were born." Lucky guess. AND MY HEAD HAS BEEN ITCHING EVER SINCE I SHOOK HIS HAND! His old better not be contagious. This is why we don't shake old men's hands. Makes your scalp itch.
Grrrr Peace.

Saturday, March 20, 2004

Is it just me or are "They" suddenly bringing back all our old toys. Just the other day I saw a commercial for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle action-figures that "mutate" (fold out) from a baby turtle to the Ninja. Then I saw a commercial for Yo-Yo Ball. Yo-Yo Ball (for those who don't remember) was this automatic yo-yo which always comes back when you throw it out. (Actually there was a couple of things you could do to make it not come back, but that basically meant you nearly broke it.) THEN last night i saw a commercial for the Crash Dummies. The toy based on the old safety commercials, which in theory encouraged kids to wreck the Crash Dummy car and therefore nullified the commercials.
-Later Addition-
Oh my gosh! They just brought back Care Bears.
I suddenly want to get ToonDisney just so i can watch all the shows that were on when i was younger. Like Darkwing Duck!

Friday, March 19, 2004

Yeah, I don't know if i'm the only one but I get the Japanese Channel. I think the only thing i really watch on there is Sumo Wrestling. Which, I must say, is strangely fascinating. Dem some big boys, but they fast!! There was one where one guys hair came undone and they stopped EVERYTHING to redo his hair. If you fall you lose. If you get out of the rope you lose. They really do the "Hundred Hand Slap" and the "Superman Dive" (referencing Street Fighter II). You know... I don't remember Street Fighter, only Street Fighter II. Anyway, yeah... Sumo guys are serious. Yet still funny. But serious.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

The Boondocks All this talk and things remain the same.

Sunday, March 14, 2004

So this morning. Wait... first off .... at


I had to wake up because I told my homegirl that I would be in this public service announcement. A few of us signed up for speaking roles. I did the voice-overs that open and continue the spot. We all sat on this BIG tree with humongous roots sticking into the ground; one of those "God's Toothpick" kinda joints. Did I mention how cold it was? And we had to leave our jackets so as to look like we did this on a great sunny day. Which will clearly be given away because ALL OF THE LEAVES ARE GONE! Not a leaf for 3 blocks. It was SO COLD, my hands look like Ashy Larry off Chappelle Show (see "World Dice Championships"). I had alot of fun doing the Public Service Announcement. Almost makes me wonder, hmph, maybe I should have got up on stage all those times my bestfriend (the actor) wanted me to. Dah well... I still have singing.
As we were walking over to do the voice over (finding a quiet spot) the director says ... "Yeah...He's going to do a rap for us after the take." Now... I know he didn't mean anything by it... but my militant Black man wanted to say, "What the f*ck that s'possed to mean?!" "Why I gotta rap?" "Want me to do a lil softshoe too?!" But then I thought that it might wind up as one of those "When 'Keeping It Real' goes wrong..." moments, thus I just rolled my eyes. "I keep it real, nicca!! WU-TANG!!"
P.S.> So this was a Public Service Announcement against sexual assualt right?! And the script for it was clearly somber and stuff, but there were definitely times when they were like... "Hmm, how about we get everyone smiling and laughing?" And we were like ":-) ... wait... no!!! Wrong subject for the uber-happy video." So everytake a moment and think of like a mentos commercial against sexual assualt... yeah!

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

[23:02:51] Berendth: heehee
[23:02:57] Berendth: i'm an a-hole sometimes
[23:03:37] Apple: lol you are?
[23:03:37] *** Auto-response sent to Apple:
ran to the campus center...
running from the germs...
or trying to infect EVERYBODY!
{Evil Laugh} Mwa ha ha ha ha....

[23:03:42] Berendth: yep
[23:04:09] Berendth: so yeah, i was at practice for this dance
[23:04:49] Berendth: and the choreagrapher starts going off on one of her cussing storms telling us how we aren't getting mess right
[23:05:34] Berendth: but it's funny cus she doesn't give counts when choreagraphing - which is an essential part of teaching a dance to people -
[23:05:51] Berendth: so during this rant, i start taking pictures of the members of my step team
[23:06:08] Berendth: i mean she wasn't really saying anything i cared about
[23:06:15] Apple: lol
[23:06:17] Berendth: so then she gets upset cus i'm taking pictures
[23:06:28] Berendth: and she starts going off indirectly on me
[23:06:42] Berendth: so i walk over to my jacket and stuff and start to get my stuff ready
[23:07:09] Berendth: just in time for... "if y'all think taking pictures is more important than this right here, then just leave"
[23:07:12] Berendth: lol, so i did
[23:07:40] Berendth: my partner had already left, so i wasn't leaving her stuck out
[23:07:55] Berendth: and really i'm sick so i didn't want to go to practice anyway
[23:08:15] Berendth: plus i NEVER wanted to do the dance in the first place
[23:08:21] Berendth: so really it all worked out well for me
[23:08:28] Berendth: hehehe
[23:08:56] Berendth: don't be evil like me
[23:09:03] Apple: lol
[23:09:07] Apple: tsk tsk
[23:09:16] Berendth: heh heh heh
[23:10:12] Apple: are you going back?
[23:10:39] Berendth: when?
[23:10:49] Berendth: meh maybe
[23:11:00] Berendth: lol, only cus i had fun being evil
[23:11:08] Berendth: i kinda like degrading her authority
[23:11:25] Berendth: i mean in theory we all are there to help her out
[23:11:29] Apple: hehe
[23:11:30] Apple: ok ok
[23:11:32] Berendth: none of my guys want to do the dance
[23:11:45] Berendth: so it's not good for her to go off on rants like that
[23:11:51] Apple: no it isn't
[23:12:52] Apple: hehe it never is
[23:12:56] Apple: good for you for walking out
[23:13:00] Apple: i probably would have done the same

Had to be there... peace.