Friday, April 30, 2004

What do you dream about?
Zodiac Sign:
Fav. Color Combo:
Your dreams generally include: Dramatic/freak accidents such as car wrecks and falls
Approximate number of monthly nightmares: 30
The worst monster you've seen in a dream:
Your dreams are usually crystal clear
Percentage of dreams involving sex - 97%
Will your dreams ever come true? (8) - Most likely. - (8)
This QuickKwiz by cutelilangelx - Taken 32024 Times.

I don't remember the monster (who reminds me of some kinda dancing puppet), but everything else is right. Especially the sex part, and the dramatic part. Yes, my dreams are of dramatic sex, or sex-inspired drama, or gun-drawn chases not hoping to get to safety, but to live to have more sex. I like my dreams, :-).

Thursday, April 29, 2004

So my girl and I decide that we want to grab a bite before trying to catch the one chance at sleep well have before the next gig on the California Tour. So we walked to Burger King (across the street) closed. The next resturaunt ... closed. So we were stuck with Denny's or hunger. We go to Denny's. Grrrr. I was hungry though. So we wait the little wait that Denny's has us wait, cus they think they are popular. Ordered. Ate. Saw some other people from the choir. Tried to pretend that two different tables of black women weren't trying to catch my glance. So then we were finished and went up the pay the bill. So i hand the lady my card, and she is fumbles her way through the process then is like, "Um, wait while the machine is processing it." Then she says, "I'm sorry, your card was declined." Now I KNOW that i'm balling cus i just got paid. So I give her a look like, "You're not serious right?" and say "Run it again, please." She fumbles her way through the process again (i can tell cus she swipes the card 3-4 times while she seems to guess at which buttons to press before it starts processing). So she calls her manager over, who gives me this tone like, "Your not going to pull one on me Black Man." As if he is used to Black people trying to get over or something cus the Denny's happened to be full of Black people. So I don't want to tell them that they are complete idiots and cause a scene so i'm like ok, the gas station next door has an ATM, let me run over to that real quick. And he's like "How do I know you're going to come back?" Again, I don't want to keep it real and say, "First, cus my girlfriend is still here. Second, cus i'm not going to jump state lines over a $20 meal." So he is like you gotta let me hold something that's worth $20. I look at him like the jack-ass he is and then say, "Well, how about my girlfriend stay here, while I go next door?" So they take their time and finally agree, and i go over to the ATM. Now, this is the part where I was mad, cus I hate ignorant people. So I get the money come back, slam it on the desk and am like, "YOU SHOULD HAVE YOUR MACHINE CHECKED!" Then me and my lady walk out. I made sure to use perfect diction and grammar as to dispell whatever other stereotypes the bastards may have of Black people.

Saturday, April 24, 2004

College doesn't mean jack!
Yeah, so the more I am in school, the more afraid i get for the world. Again one of the top schools in the nation... therefore I should be surrounded by the best and the brightest. NOPE! So i was at this Africa In The New World discussion. Mostly think of it as a bunch of people who have been to Africa talking about the fact that they've been to Africa (plus the few students of the poli sci class i'm in who were dragged to it, plus some dudes visiting for the semester from Ghana.) So as the discussion went on we broached the subject of racial experiences there, because most of the people who went were White. Stupid reality, most of the people in college are White, grrr. Digressing, sorry. Anyway, this one young lady told of an experience she had in a classroom in South Africa where the BlackAfricans were upset at the WhiteAfricans for calling themselves African. I'll paraphrase her point, "You would think that since they've had ten years to live together since the end of apartheid that we'd see more racial harmony now." I was like "Wow, i can't believe [that] she just came out [of] her mouth with that." All of the Black people in the room looked at each other like... "Wow." Yet at the same time, we've heard it all before, and we will hear it again. Just affects the bell curve of intelligence you perceive the nation at. Anyway, I asked her some questions during the discussion that got her thinking about it. Then later after the discussion me and another girl talked with her and resolved her to this:
When a group comes to a new territory and assimilates into the culture and environment around them harmoniously, and provided their interest are in promoting the common good of that territory then they should be happy to represent that territory.
However, colonizers usually have no interest in assimilating, instead they are merely attempting to expand the territory of their origin. Therefore, the people who were indigenous or originally inhabited the territory are quite justified in their rejection. Only when the colonizing group stops colonizing and starts immigrating and assimilating are they bona fide in representing the territory. Else its like Pilgrims calling themselves Native Americans, Texans calling themselves Mexican, American troops calling themselves Japanese in 1947, or Bush calling himself Texan (it's sad how many examples of territorial displacement or colonization I could give).
Yeah... college smollege. I've met brilliant people who never even went to college. Sidney Poitier was basically self-educated. As well, it seems that many of the most successful people dropped out.
Point is... look at the people around you, then ask yourself how confident you feel in these "leaders of tomorrow."

Friday, April 23, 2004

The Store
Alright, so...
The hotel we stayed at in Anaheim/Los Angeles was next to this outdoor mall kind of shopping center call "The Block". (Alright corporate America, keep TRYING to to be hip. Emphasis on "TRYING".) Anyway, while we were roaming 'round "The Block", my boy 'Tuan was trying to find a liquor store, you know... go scoop some 'drank'. So he starts asking random people where the nearest liquor store was. Even started going into stores and asking staff. We (rolling 'bout eight deep) even lended a hand and started asking people. So we were coming out of this athletic store still none-the-wiser, and we saw some Altos (remember gospel choir) talking to this old black dude. So 'Tuan rolls over in their direction as they're parting ways with the man and is like "Excuse me, sir." "Excuse me, SIR." And the man was steadily walking off as if he didn't hear 'Tuan. I mean it seemed like the man was purposefully ignoring him. 'Tuan was persistent, "Sir, can i ask you a question?" The man was OUT though. Finally 'Tuan goes, "Say, you know where the liquor store at?!" That man turned around so fast with a big gleam in his eyes; happy-than-a-mug and said, "Liquor store?!" :-) LoL, oh my gosh, he was SO happy, kid!! The group of us bust out laughing, and staggering away in that laughter. Yo, we didn't want to laugh in the man's face, but dang that was funny; i personally dang-near fell out. You couldn't have told me that man was gone turn around before that. But he did... super excited. Funniest part though... HE DIDN'T KNOW WHERE IT WAS!!! Haha, he just got happy at the words "Liquor store". Whew, Cali was a trip.
Still to come, Denny's & McDonald's.
Species. (If you're asking about 'species' its on that Andre3000 tip.)

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

I've been out of town since thursday. I was on the Gospel Choir tour of California. We went to L.A., U.C.-Berkeley, and Oakland. Yep... and alot of funny things happened there, so i decided that i will just recount random stories mixed in with things i meant to write down before I left.

Bus 3
Alright, so the night we left there were three buses to take us (the 137 members of the choir) to the airport. Bus 1, Bus 2, and Bus 3... all left at the same time, but somehow Bus 3 (my bus) got to the airport first. After unloading the buses the choir members of Bus 3 followed the signs toward what ticket counter we were to pick up our tickets from...more or less. We basically wound up write across the street from our counter. Well, only I was sure of that cus i had sense enough to ask the airport staff where the counter was, whilst everyone else more or less followed me. Now our choir director, though a very cool, sophistocated and (as frequently agreed among the tenors) fine woman, she has a large ghetto side. So just as I was about to cross the street the other buses arrived right in front of us. The reason I say everyone else more or less followed me is that because we know that if we do anything not previously sanctioned by our director we would be chastised the entire trip (provided we were allowed to go at all). So I was going to cross the street just as everyone else mustered up enough courage to follow me, when the buses arrive. When our director learned that we had been dropped off across the street from the counter she was like "Oh (hell) no. I did not pay for us to be dropped of ACROSS THE STREET." So she was like "Oh they gone take us to that counter," and had those of Bus 1 and Bus 2 load back on the bus. Now the counter was across the street, and we really could see it from where we were standing, but she told us to go back to our bus. So we had to tell her that our bus was downstairs and that we would rather just walk across the street. She was like, "No, the bus will come pick you up." Now.... this woman is usually the coolest woman on earth, aside from my mom and girlfriend, but right here she was straight hood. So we stand there... again this is a strong black woman who you do not disobey. We were there so long that we had time to watch the other two buses reload, drive off, get lost, and arrive at the other side; we waved to them on arrival. I say they got lost, because it really was 15-20 minutes before they arrived on that other side. THEN, when they were unloading the buses, one of the other buses walked over and told us that our director said it was ok to walk over now. WE WERE HEATED!!! Now keep in mind that I could have been in line 30minutes ago had I not tried to convince the people of Bus 3 that I wasn't crazy and knew where I was going, and convinced the director to let us walk across the street like we eventually did. Yeah... for the rest of the trip noone could tell me I was wrong about anything, without me saying "... Bus 3."
Still to come: The Store, McDonald's, Denny's

Sunday, April 11, 2004

I have longed believed that there are only so many in the world, which is why so many people look alike. Today, I saw a girl that looked EXACTLY like Jes' mom.