Gimme Five on the black hand side...
cocacolafreak: tell me ur day now
Brendth: k
Brendth: well, i had my calc test today
Brendth: after panicking for the first 13mins of it, cus i didn't know what i was doing
Brendth: i started whizzing though it
Brendth: through*
Brendth: God is good
Brendth: so i actually finished
Brendth: i finished just as he said... TIME
Brendth: which was fine
Brendth: said... i don't want to see any writing unless ur writing ur name on the top
Brendth: now he was not more than two seats away from me looking at me as he said this
Brendth: and he comes over to see what i'm doing cus he thought i was still working on it, but he saw i was writing my name, then he goes away
Brendth: so i finish writing my name on the sheets
Brendth: finish fanagling the staple back through all of them
Brendth: hand back a friend's folder cus she let me copy something that i wound up having to use on the test (thank the Lord for that) and then i go and turn my test in
Brendth: i happen to be the last person
Brendth: as i turn it in he writes on the top "Late -5"
Brendth: >:o
Brendth: i'm like... "i'm sorry, why are you marking my test late?"
Brendth: he's like, cus you took too long to bring it up... everyone else brought there's up, and i don't want to give anyone any unfair time to work on the test
Brendth: >:o
Brendth: i'm like... "sir, i was putting my name on the test, restapling it -- cus you told us you wanted them restapled -- and i gave a friend back her notebook on the way then i turned it in"
Brendth: i can't help it that i am the last one after all that
Brendth: if i knew you would mark points off i would have handed it in sooner
Brendth: i didn't think i needed to push people out the way to get it in on time
Brendth: so, he's like... "i don't know that you weren't working on it"
Brendth: i'm like "exactly"
Brendth: he's like, "i'm not going to talk about this, please go sit down"
Brendth: so i go to my seat, inform the young lady sitting next to me that she also had -5 cus she handed her paper in right before me, and didn't know he counted it late
Brendth: then i get my things and rather than sitting 4 from the left on the 6th row out of 14 rows...
Brendth: i go sit DEAD CENTER in his face
Brendth: staring dead at him the entire lecture
Brendth: looking him dead in the eyes like... "are you stupid
cocacolafreak: lol
Brendth: lecture goes on ... he sees me... and is probably realizing that he upset the wrong person
Brendth: lecture ends
Brendth: wait...
Brendth: during the lecture about 15mins in someone turns in their test
Brendth: then about 5mins later... another person
cocacolafreak: wow
Brendth: then again 5mins later... one last person
Brendth: so i'm like... "He
just lost this debate!"
Brendth: so lecture ends...
Brendth: boom, right in his face
Brendth: excuse me sir, now these tests are late
Brendth: him: "yes, but i gave these people an extra 30mins to work on the test"
Brendth: now....
cocacolafreak: lol
cocacolafreak: wow
Brendth: i didn't want to call into light the fact that he does not know if these people came in 30mins late, and therefore to give them 30mins extra is therefore unfair to the rest of us... as opposed to giving them the same amount of time based on when they came in
Brendth: cus he might then say, i'm right and just mark of their tests, which doesn't help me, or them
Brendth: so i say... "ok, now how is it then that my test was late?"
Brendth: response: "you turned your test in well after time"
Brendth: me: "sir, two minutes is not 'well after' anything. further more, the only reason my test wasn't among the earlier ones here were the fact that you asked that we put our names on them and put them together."
Brendth: response: "can we take this outside, i don't want to be in the other professors way"
Brendth: (there's another class after ours)
Brendth: (as well, that's fine by me, cus again it reinforces the point that he got himself in some shit, and he is going to have to do some serious work to win this debate)
Brendth: outside... i'm not more than 2feet behind him the whole way
Brendth: on his tail!!
Brendth: (all of this is intimidating body language... but i'm not even caring about that, cus i have this debate sewn up)
Brendth: (anyway... power moves coming up)
cocacolafreak: lol
Brendth: so... we sit on curb outside... (oddly unprofessional, but hey, me no care... i'm getting my dang points back... not that i would really care this much over 5 points but it's the principle of the thing)
Brendth: outside
Brendth: as we went out side there were three girls standing nearby one of them being the young lady who was sitting next to me
Brendth: him: "now, as i said before, i took the points off because you handed your test after everyone else"
Brendth: me: "sir, anyone could have been the last person to hand in their test, and that last test could have been handed in any portion of time after you called 'TIME'... do you really find it fair to take points off the last couple of people?"
Brendth: (that was primer point)
Brendth: me: "as well, i take offense that you would assume that i would have the audacity to disrespect you and your authority and even further engage in the dishonesty of cheating on an exam"
Brendth: "that is insulting"
Brendth: (the stronger point)
Brendth: me: " furthermore, i can call ms. porter here as witness that i was not working on my test..."
Brendth: "... but even better than that, if i were to call a witness. i would call you, who was standing over me watching me write my name on the test!"
Brendth: "therefore, if it was so important that I not work on my test anymore, since you believe i am this vandal who would have the gall to cheat, then why did you not take my test write then and there"
Brendth: "i wanted nothing more to do with the test, i would have gladly handed it in to you"
Brendth: (strongest point)
Brendth: (i had more but i did not need them)
Brendth: him: "ok, well... if what you say is true, then i will find your test and take off the penalty. and lets not bring ms. porter into this. lets keep this between you and i."
Brendth: me: "thank you sir... by the way... do you know my name? i would figure you would need that to find my test."
cocacolafreak07: lol
Brendth: him: "yes, um, what is your name?"
Brendth: me: "[Brendth]"
Brendth: him: "ok, mr. [Brendth] i will find your test and remove the penalty"
Brendth: I extended my hand to him as a handshake, having totally crushed his HankHill sounding ass in debate and rolled on about my business