Alright so in the dream, it's me and the Mrs. We are in this house we just bought. It's not like huge but at the sametime most folks our age renting. So in the process of moving in we are opening storage spaces and such and the garage. In the garage, we get in and after a little bit we notice a Western Diamondback Rattlesnake (aka AintNoPunk). He hasn't started rattleing and he's stretched out along the left wall. So he's calm. It's still a worry though cus he ain't no punk. And his venom is one of the most deadly, filled with more hemotoxins than most and his fangs are BIG, unlike a cobra. Hemotoxins are interesting cus they destroy portions of your blood and make it hard to clot and give an intense burning sensation. So love leaves the garage and i'm thinking can i just wait for it to leave, maybe. Until i turn around and find that above the entrance is another one that i hope is asleep and stretched along the framework. Really not good cus he's above eye-level, which is good for the snake, bad for me. So as i walk out i noticed that at the very front of the garage about 3 feet from the door that puts u in the house on the leftish side there is another one, and this one is actually partially coiled and he's rattling. Now, for those who don't know, the snakes aren't really considering you a threat until they are coiled and rattling, else u are just possible food (or something big.) Now i'm thinking, crap... So i find something to try and deal with these snakes with and i find an old sword. Maybe a sabre, cus it's long and very straight only curved towards the sky at the very tip (i forget where i've seen the type before). Anyway, so i go in and I actually start wrecking shop. I'm chopping heads off and mess. Impale the one up top and flick it to the ground and decapitate it. Then i woke up. ANd was like, why are snakes in my dream? Which scares me cus sometimes my dreams are prophetic in not only figurative, but very literal ways. So I hop up like, "Where's the snake?" And now i'm wondering what I should interpret from the dream. As
Confessions Part I & II repeats in my mind. Alright i'ma do a "Black man's investigation" for snakes, then chunk the duece and re-knock out.
Peace & Blessings.