Saturday, August 28, 2004

Home... in a way...
Yeah, so i had a bad travel day, except for my second flight where i met a cool dude and we conversed the whole flight about things relevant to us. Then coming back from the airport made me disgruntled, but then i eventually rested and set my room up and stepped a bit, and chilled. First day in my room w/ nothing to do equaled me watching TV, looking at pictures of my girlfriend (who i can't way to see again), and laying down a track. Now i hungry, i go eat now.

Friday, August 27, 2004

In theory i'm supposed to be asleep now, and wake up in 3hrs and be out this bizl. BUT... no. No real reason why i haven't done so, just ... no. Meh... yep.

Current away message:
food, pack, fly..... (connect in ATL)........... land, grrr, shuttle, get key, say 'sup to my neighbors, sanitize room, psuedo- unpack, meet w/ boss, retrieve my stuff, unpack, retrieve my stuff (yes, more), unpack/connect mess... sleep?... be happy?.... BM training?

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Swing states...
It worries me when i think of how close this election is appearing. That means soooo much of America either doesn't know and doesn't care to know ..... or worse knows and doesn't care how this adminstration really is. I think the most laughable thing is how many people are like "This adminstration is doing a good job, cus there hasn't been an terrorist attack since 9/11." If you don't realize how hugely this administration dropped the ball in there ever being a 9/11, then you make me feel better about all those movies i've seen where a mentally and physically challenged person is going to live on their own talking about "Doh wory, I gohn be ahright!" If that there was over your head... then "my point exactly".
Anyway, at least all the swing states are leaning towards Kerry according to Newsweek; even Florida. As well, the multitude of Kerry/Edwards stickers we (Jes & I) saw today alone give me hope that Bush might actually not actually have TX sewed up (but then i think about Dallas and i'm like... damn!!!) Besides if Bush really lost Texas, we would never know anyway; they'd rig that mess. [cough::Florida::cough] Plus w/ all the thousands of microtowns in the boondocks of TX where there is little more than a shack and a Texaco (a gas station), it would be hard to see the conservative "local" boy losing.

Yeah, i really just wrote this whole blog so that i could put up this link:
9/11 Report Confirms Moore

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

My favorite artist ever...
"I can't see anything wrong with sex between consenting anybodies. I think we make far too much of it. After all, one's genitials are just one important part of the magnificent human body. I have no argument with the essential part they play in the reproduction of the species; however, the reproductive process has been assured by the pleasure both parties receive when they engage in it.

I contend that SEX is SEX and LOVE is LOVE. When combined, they work well together, if two people are of about the same mind. But they are really two discrete needs and should be treated as such. Time and space will not permit me to expound further, especially in the area of the psyche. I don't believe in overly moralistic philosophies. Have your sex, it can be very exciting, if your lucky.

I hope the music that I present here makes you lucky.

'Birth and copulation and death, that's all the facts when you get to breass tacks.' ~ T.S. Eliot"

~ Marvin Gaye

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Long Time No See...
Hey, so i just talked to my homegirl that i haven't heard from in a year. It was really good to get updated on her life and all and just shoot the breeze. (Where did that saying come from 'shoot the breeze'?... So odd.) Anyway, yeah, told her the deal with the music, the mrs, the education, and we updated each other on folks we know in common. My point is I encourage everyone to just contact someone they haven't heard from in a months, even if it's me. It's good to stay in touch, right? When is it bad to stay in touch?

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Industry Look of Fear...
I've started laughing everytime i'm watching a music video and it pauses to jump to a totally different track by the artist in the middle, or often at the end, of a video. I laugh because it is essentially an omission of the lack of faith in the strength of the first single to bring in revenue. You know?
Why are they [the industry] even kidding themselves... they might as well cut to the chase and just start making a collage of the album tracks accompanied by various video splices with a big scrolling marquee at the end that says "Please buy this album, you know you wanna.................right?!"

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Another Countdown....
Forgive my few-and-far-between posts, i am just trying to get through my days. Ten (10) days till i go back to Beantown. I spend my days BSing passing time in my kinda ways till it's night, then they go quick. TV helps pass the time. I think we all need to watch C-Span more. Or C-Span needs a big flashing alert on it that says... "SHADY SHIT ALERT!" Something that will let us know when non-boring yammering is on. Cus since they just keep rolling, they wind up catching some pretty messed up stuff. It's almost brilliant. Let's televise all the shady mess we do, but make it so boring that noone will really take the time and sit here and watch us do it. If they do, who cares, they'll just be everyday protestors. We'll just do what we always do............ exactly what we want.

It really is almost admirable how good they are at this shady mess. Will someone read a copy of All the President's Spin to me?
A Break in GOP ranks

Sunday, August 15, 2004

Olympic Games alright...
Durex is giving out 130,000 condoms this year to the olympians. Supposedly 90,000 condoms were given out for the 10,000 athletes at Sydney and the supply ran short. Is anyone surprised by this? You have the most able bodies in the world with alot of free time when they aren't competing. Though, I wonder who is putting in the most work? Which sport, which nation, which gender... u know?

Friday, August 13, 2004

Olympic Opening Ceremony
Yeah, so i'm watching the ceremony, and i'm kinda in and out of sleep. However everytime i wake up i start watching and it's not more than 3 seconds before the telecasters come out their mouths with the most random information about the countries in the parade of nations. They know the most irrelevant info and very coyly rank on every nation. It's funny, they air all the dirty laundry of the countries. They really essentially like... "Here come these muphukas... who are pissed at this nation over here, for reasons that are just silly. They have little chance at winning gold." LoL, dang shame.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Today was the last day of class, and friday is the final. Honestly... i'm looking forward to the final. 50 quick and easy questions and i am done. Head over to the office of transcripts and mess; i'll get thangs hooked up and sent out. Later that day, see a movie or so. Then focus on MUSIC. Can I make the foundation of a great album in 2weeks? Lord willing.
Alright, peace & blessings.

Sunday, August 08, 2004

My japanese name is 黒川 Kurokawa (black river) 美晴 Miharu (beautiful clear sky).
Take your real japanese name generator! today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

Friday, August 06, 2004

It's time for another good idea/bad idea:

Good Idea:
- Taking a sunset shoreline drive in galveston, tx with your girlfriend.

Bad Idea:
- Turning that into a dark-night/nearly-out-of-gas drive in boondocks, tx with your Black self and Black girlfriend.

{Story to come}