Swing states...
It worries me when i think of how close this election is appearing. That means soooo much of America either doesn't know and doesn't care to know ..... or worse knows and doesn't care how this adminstration really is. I think the most laughable thing is how many people are like "This adminstration is doing a good job, cus there hasn't been an terrorist attack since 9/11." If you don't realize how hugely this administration dropped the ball in there ever
being a 9/11, then you make me feel better about all those movies i've seen where a mentally and physically challenged person is going to live on their own talking about "Doh wory, I gohn be ahright!" If that there was over your head... then "my point exactly".
Anyway, at least all the swing states are leaning towards Kerry according to Newsweek; even Florida. As well, the multitude of Kerry/Edwards stickers we (Jes & I) saw today alone give me hope that Bush might actually not actually have TX sewed up (but then i think about Dallas and i'm like... damn!!!) Besides if Bush
really lost Texas, we would never know anyway; they'd rig that mess. [cough::Florida::cough] Plus w/ all the thousands of microtowns in the boondocks of TX where there is little more than a shack and a Texaco (a gas station), it would be hard to see the conservative "local" boy losing.
Yeah, i really just wrote this whole blog so that i could put up this link:
9/11 Report Confirms Moore