Wednesday, September 29, 2004

The warning...

"Hey! I had a dream last night that I went to visit Ms. Lewis, and she told me that both the girlfriends of you and Walter were expecting! I was like, say what?! So, WRAP IT UP! Lol, that is all! ~Smooches~"

Just friggin' great!
Nooooo. I think i would have "ill-will" towards my kids if i had them now. In fact, i'm sure of it. Read back through the post. Or use the search thing. I'm not lying. I will love my kids when i have them, but just not now, please!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2004


I saw a pigeon chilling in the rain today. It was raining hard too. This pigeon was acting like nothing was happening. Only bird around. You can't say "oh, maybe it was blind, or deaf", cus u can feel rain. I've never seen a bird just walking in the rain. It's almost poetic.

Monday, September 27, 2004


Yeah, so i just came back from voice lessons... and i realized that i know jack squat about music. I felt bad. And i'm about to have a degree in music. Tsk. Tsk. My coach from Berkelee conservatory schooled me today. Basically we were writing a lead sheet (which is a less detailed way of writing music) and i was just watching the turns she was doing and i said "How do you do that?" So she starts showing me some "basic" piano things and i felt stupid. Like she was doing things i wouldn't think to do (yet) and things i've only stumbled on by accident. I should learn to play Jazz Piano too. Jazz voicings are the best mayn, i don't care what anyone says. Alright, then.

The blog is not weekly...yet...

I type to you in a small and fleeting moment of confusion in which i don't remember what i'm supposed to really be doing. Yeah, i'm focusing HARD this year, cus i'm doing four many things. Yeah... so that's that.

In other news: Check out my radio show on Friday night/Saturday morning 2a-4a. "Soul Asylum" ... I play what i deem as soul. If you don't like it don't listen.

Also, i'm putting together a band. We play soul music. I sing. Is anyone noticing a theme? Hopefully. So... thems the ins and outs right now. Me and the Mrs. are still good. I love my neighbors. Basically i'm having the senior year that i wish i had sophomore year. More or less, lol. Dah well... see you soon, hopefully before next week.
LoL, "Vote or Die". (If you don't know where that came from, nevermind.)

Sunday, September 19, 2004

The Political Compass

I still am one of the most random people I know. Today i bought a huge container of cheese puffs. Not like name brand cheese puffs either. These are just random puffs in a container mind you, not a bag. I saw them and i was like... hmph, someone should buy these. I will buy these.
Haha, my other favorite moment of the day:
Around 4pm, the Mrs. and I went out for Sushi near the school, the place was closed but only from 2:30p-5:30pm else it would be open from 11am-10pm. (::My expression = "That's outta line..."::)
Never the less we walk to Davis square, me taunting her indecisiveness along the way, "the decision was made" that we go to Anna's Taqueria. Just before getting to Anna's we were stopped by Jamie (i wanna say it was "Jamie" i really forgot not more than 7 words later). Jamie was fundraising on behalf of the DNC (along with a young man who will remain nameless cus he was hitting up an old guy while we were with Jamie. So Jamie is going through her script and we're nodding along, until it becomes apparent that it's gone be a good minute... so ... i'm like "You know... you don't have to sell us...we're down." She stands stunned momentarily and then obviously doesn't know where to go from there so caught off-gaurd by my disregard for formalities, so she skips ahead to what turned out to be even more script. Not more than 20seconds into that i'm like... "Alright... Jamie... how about this... if i give you a dollar, what is that?! Would that be skipping to the point?!" She's like... um... uh... yeah, and i'm like " :-) Cool." She's like well, could you give $8 cus we're trying to do .... [blah blah blah-- i stopped listening cus i had a dollar and a dollar only in my wallet, so when she said 'could i give eight' my mind said 'nope!!!' and my ears shut off]. I reminded her that i was in college as i signed her documentation, and then showed her my open wallet and lonely dollar. (I was planning on paying for my food w/ my debit card. Which holds the remnants of my summer profits on it.) The Mrs. wasn't quite as economically challenged as i was so she gave more, cus i think she's actually more liberal than i am... which rocks! [Not that liberalism can be proved w/ ones wallet cus that would kinda be the anti-thesis of where her and my liberalism lie.] So yeah... yeah... yeah....................... yeah ........ yeah......(ting-aling-aling)........yeah.

Friday, September 17, 2004


Yeah, i've been working alot. Always on the go, i almost don't understand how to do what i do. God is really sticking w/ me. I am trying to keep all my business in order, get all this homework done, and still somehow keep my girlfriend sane as well as myself. I know there is no way that I could have done this.
I swear i'm taking eight classes (soon to be seven) and in like 2-4 organizations, with my part-time job, and girlfriend. ever just want a full life massage? We need to get that up and running.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Stackin' Paper...

Yeah from the way this semester is lookin', I probabaly won't be making a great deal of posts. Nor will i be in my room from 10a-4p... yeah. "You think this is funny... you think this is a game?! ... Well this is life!!!... It's serrrious!!"

Kanye West - Spaceship


Tuesday, September 07, 2004

I will walk...i think

Yeah, so a friend of mines query into whether or not she had the credits needed to walk the stage at graduation revived my own curiosity towards commencement catches. So I just spent a good amount of time comparing my schools policies and requirements to my accomplishments and i believe I am good. Happy me? Happy me, indeed. Now i jam some Gil Scott Heron and get all scorned black man, while pursuing inspiration of my own. I know i've said the best muse arrives in silence but i am just really feeling my boy Gil right now, so i'm gonna go almost lose Detroit. I'll catch y'all on the flipside.

Monday, September 06, 2004

First day of classes...
Tell me how much my semester wants to suck. I have homework due tomorrow and classes haven't even started yet. I almost don't even comprehend how this is possible but it is cus it's happening. Alas, i start my day tomorrow.
Well, tomorrow i start it, now i procrastinate on sleep cus when i sleep then i wake up which means tomorrow is seemingly instantly here. Summer, i bid you a melancholy farewell. TECHNICALLY this is my last summer. Well, not technically cus the season will always exist but .... figuratively??? (What does one say there?)