Friday, October 22, 2004

Duty as a citizen...

I VOTED!!! Yeah, so Texas finally quit jack-starchin around and sent me my absentee ballot, so i did some research on some folks and then opened mess up and voted. Happy me. Provided my joint gets counted. And now if mess goes totally wrong, i can say "Hey, i voted for the other dude. :-) Y'all did it to yourselves." Unless the dude i voted for messes up. Then i'll feel used, duped, deceived. Grrr, darn campaign promises. I need a sign: "Obama 2012?, 2016?...(dang, hurry up )!!" The great dark hope. Anyway, point is... I VOTED!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Where are they now...

Ok, so recently alot of people have come out w/ new albums that were REALLY taking their time from the biz, but hey that's fine, i'm glad to see them back, ESPECIALLY Anita Baker. Then i randomly started thinking of random greatest hits albums from artists we haven't seen in a good minute (that would also make us feel old).

Tarence Trent D'Arby
PM Dawn
Bobby Brown
Kris Kross (i think they did this one)

....yeah. Who else...?! I feel like i'm missing someone who is kinda MIA whose "Greatest Hits" album will make me feel old.
Meh, y'all know better than I.

Sunday, October 17, 2004


"We came to shut the Lights Out..." we screamed and kicked off our section of the stepshow. I am not surprised we lost. The whole time i had this odd feeling that we'd either win 1st or not place at all. ................ We didn't place at all. I understand, and it's slightly annoying, but acceptable. Had nothing to do with our stepping cus that mess was on point. If the show was on stepping alone we would have one hands down. BUT, i would say the things i did killed it for us. The judges felt it was unsportsmanly to say we don't get tired like these other teams. Hehe. Evil me. Plus they didn't like us talking down on school, saying we are tired of it. Hehe. My influence again. Lastly, we took too long of a dialogue pause before the last half of stepping, but that mess is LONG, and we needed rest. I know i definitely skipped one move out of fatigue (mental and physical). Lastly, they're big on Co-ed teams up here. We're not a co-ed team, nor will we ever be, while i'm on it. Not my style. So i'm not angry (never really was), more so i'm educated. I've learned what the judges want to see. Sure wasn't us... at least not w/ the dialogue. Which is sad, u kinda want to see more to the team than just stepping, especially if it's weak, at least know where they're coming from. Meh, dah well. Had we one there would be no where to go but down. Though i did feel consolation from the judges who were perplexed at us not placing. They didn't understand. Which made me feel better. I even have our score sheet and i could re-tally the mess, but i just don't feel it's that crucial. I think we set a standard when we came out and we were graded by that. (Meaning had we come out weaker and then progressively stepped better, and CUT THE DANG TALKING OUT, we would have won; in theory. Again, we're not co-ed team.) However, the team that did win (MIT) was good, and honestly they held it down. As they were calling names i was thinking, "WHAT?!" But when they finally called the winner as MIT i was relieved, cus... ... well... yeah. I'm not going to talk about the other teams, i'm sure they worked hard on what they did. I know we did. I think i'll be even more proud of us once i see the tape. Though i might be even more mad, lol. We can ALMOST hang w/ the teams down-south, and thats a pretty high bar. Aight, i have to sleep now... cus it's mornin' time.
Thus i shut the LIGHTS OUT.


Sidenote: The "M-azing" M&M commercials are becoming scary. There are some things people are better off not knowing they can do; or at least we should work at becoming less scary and more amazing with them.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

School is wicked ahhsome...

I did so little over the long weekend. Is that wrong? Though i saw Memento again. Where are my priorities?! Not in school, in fact, i'm mad at school. Heck, me and school have beef. (Man, i've been in the north too long.) "Beef"... of all the nouns how did that come about to mean "discontent worthy of malice"? Hmmm, beef. Cow. Longhorns. University of Texas. I wonder how everyone there is doing? U know what, i am actually glad i left Texas for school. I'm pretty sure I would have gone crazy had i stayed in the south. Plus, i'd miss out on all these humorous northern things like... "Beef, Son, Dumb, Dunnie, Ill, Mad Heads, Yo" and the belief that Cam'ron is the greatest rapper of all-times, rofl. ::Thinking of Cam'ron lyrics:: whew that almost brought a tear, lol. I feel like that Native-American dude in the 70s commercial, where they throw a bag a trash at his feet from the highway and he sheds a tear.

That there was one complete turn of random thought for me. Consider it a right turn. Now i have to go finish homework. "Kamikaze, Nazi Nazi, Copy, papi?" ~ Juelz Santana
"Ask Santana-clause, banana fana fo fana..." ~ Cam'ron

Friday, October 08, 2004

Unanimous House...

So i was watching the presidential debate... meh, clone wars basically. Anyway, I left C-span on cus i'm at my and don't really have any other live feed to watch; except for the news on On there is the House of Representatives, and their just running through bills. Seriously, they would bring up a bill, read its technical name (ex.> HR 3242), have the reader read it's adopted name, and then pass it. Yes, there is a man whose sole job is to read things to the House. Anyway, the House was just RUNNING through bill after bill, i'd say they have passed at least 25 bills in the 10mins i've been watching it. And these are somewhat important things, like the definition of steriods, appropriations for a domestic issue (i forget what i was), and various other coded language. Honestly, i am somewhat worried about how easily and "unanimously" (a word they throw around alot) they pass bills. I mean sure this is only the House, and not the Senate, but still... once it's in it's in. May the goverment never realize how little they listen to America, nor how little America protests that. Though what's also worry-some is the vast majority of America that is aligned in thinking with George Bush. Tsk Tsk Tsk. It gets to the point where u just want to throw ur hands up and let the nation screw itself, y'know what i mean, or no? But i'm too stubborn to give up. But it's definitely killing my optimism that "everything will be okay".
WOW, as i am typing this i hear "Mr. Speaker I ask the unanimous approval of Blue Bell Ice Cream as the official Ice Cream of Texas." They're silly.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Who's your alligator?!...

Yeah, so tonight i was in a computer lab, where everyone can go and type papers and NOT have a bed tempting them to sleep. So while there, i took a break and walked around; u know, ADD. So in my venturing i hear this singing "The alligator is my friend." "Hey, alligator... hey." "Hey, alligator... hey, hey." I couldn't just let that slide, so i walk over to the door (which has a glass section so one can look in if so needed) and kinda peak in. As i first got there i see one college girl, and i am expecting her to be with say... kids. But then again, it was midnight... sure enough... ALL college kids. Oh, and they were mimicing alligators with their arms. Now, i want to say this was a drama group, but i know it wasn't. The drama groups take their mess to seriously. No this was something else. I don't know what... i don't know if i want to know what. But yeah... "Hey, alligator... hey, hey." It was catchy. :-)

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

The Kang...

So every year Homecoming comes and goes and few people care. Though the coolest thing is that all the previous classes come back. So i was actually pleased at this, cus it made me feel young again. Class of '02 was here, heck, even class of '76 was here. I was like "daaaaaaaaanng!" But yeah, that's all well and good, cus this year something even larger stood out. Guess who was Homecoming King... no not me........................................ Uchenna. Yep, i kid you not! We (the minorities) all voted for him, but we had all come to the assumption that some random pigment-deficient kid lets call him Doug Heaney would win. Yep, so next day, picture of him in the campus daily w/ a crown. I think the only more surprising thing is that a latina won Homecoming Queen.
Some old campus trustee is probably pissed. Mwa ha ha ha.
"Hahaha, this racism is killing me (inside)."~D. Chappelle

Monday, October 04, 2004

Starting all-nighters...

Yeah, i had a post, but i forgot it.
What i do know is that i went to sleep at 7AM munching on cheesy poofs and coke. Mayn, do i ooze college or what?!

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Educated minds...

So earlier (Sat night) on the job, I was looking for the people who were playing ping-pong while I was closing the building. See, they left without returning the ping-pong equipment to me. So I was walking around dang near cussing talking about "I know these lil people did not just walk off w/ the ping-pong stuff." So i'm stressin' cus i didn't take their ID like i was supposed to, so i didn't know who did it, and therefore they really could have burnt off w/ the equipment, and i would have been in a mess of trouble. So again... "I know these punks did not walk off w/ the ping-pong stuff." So i'm checking the Info-Booth where they rent it from thinking maybe they slid it under the door of that. Nothing. Still stressing. More ... "I KNOW THEM PUNKS DID NOT JUST BREAK OUT W/ THE PING PONG STUFF!!"
Finally I look in the mail box in front of the booth, where students can drop mail to be sent out rather than at a blue mailbox on a corner somewhere. Totally random, but yep... these knuckleheads had put the ping-pong stuff in the mail box and burnt off. Now i know i messed up for not taking the IDs but dang, that's not even logical. The thing says CAMPUS MAIL and OFF-CAMPUS MAIL and looks like it has nothing to do w/ the booth, except being built into the same portion of building (trust, it looks like it has nothing to do w/ the booth). Therefore, for someone to really have put the ping-pong stuff in there is just sad. They basically were mailing the mess to us.
Honestly, I looked in there as an act of desperation, but i didn't really expect anyone to put the equipment in there. C'mon, i give people more credit than that. But i guess that's just too much (credit). So yet again, i grow a little more afraid for the nation and the world. These people will have jobs one day that are important to the lives of others or maybe the economy, or may even have the audacity be teachers and directly shape growing minds. Yet, when one of them was like, "Hey, maybe if we put these ping-pong paddles in this mailbox they'll come here first and find it", the other one had to be like, "Hey that's a novel idea!!!" Dang, if they had rented the pool stuff what would they have done...?! Again, sad ... WHO MAILS PING-PONG EQUIPMENT?!
Common sense should be a class, taught at a VERY early age, and then revisited in late high school, (maybe college, but not everyone goes to college).
Grrrr, be smarter ... now, peace.