Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Why I'm randomly paranoid...

Deliverance goes Real TV sans the cameras.
See!! Ya See!!! Crazy; no one ever plans for crazy! Well, I do, but y'all think i'm paranoid. Survival of the fittest, man. It's Darwinism all over again. You slip up and you get got. I used to randomly imagine what I would do in off-the-wall situations, but I began losing that in college. Tsk Tsk Tsk. Slippin'. See!! You never know when the folks next to you might just go crazy, so you better be prepared.
That's my word!

Friday, November 12, 2004


Last night I was closing up at my job and walking around with my boy Uchenna. So i opened one of the doors as i was locking it and this HUGE cold wind came in Uch was like "Noooo"! So I say "What's the deal?... oh.... yeah.... I'm not ready." Continuing, "I just know i'm going to wake up one of these mornings and see a sea of white out...." "NOOOoooo, stop." My girl was there and she's like "What?! You know one of these days it's going to ..." He interrupted her, "Carla, I will waylay you if you finish that sentence." So then just milking the moment, i continue with my line of thought, "Freshman year it didn't snow til December 8th." Uchenna quickly rebuttaled, "You mean it didn't 'PoP' til December. It didn't 'PoP' right?! Right?!" Now I was lost for a second cus i'm thinking "Snow doesn't pop." Honestly i was ready to go home, remember i'm still closing the building during the conversation. Having connected the dots though I continued, "Well, freshman year we made it all the way to December 8th before we saw s----------oda. :-)" Uchenna's hope appeared briefly before an pessimistic "Naw, i know this damn city." Then we reminisced on our first encounters with snow until it strained out of our conversation replaced with... i dunno ... random reminiscing about other things freshmen year. Ah, freshman year, c'est la vie.
This morning I woke up and did some homework. My shade was down but i could see a little bit of light from outside and things looked pretty good. I got dressed quickly realizing that i had two minutes to get to the dreaded test I was about to take in Japanese only to be greeted by the white evil as I reached the door. That's the thing about snow, it falls like it's all quiet, cute and precious, but that shit ain't precious!!! Cain't stand snow!! Everybody loves snow until it's brown. Interesting. Ok, i'm not even going to go into angry black man mode about folks loving snow when it's white. Anyway, this is a prime example of speak of the devil. We tried not to jinx it, oh we tried. Soda!!! We went so far as to call it SODA!!!! But no, wake this morning and what do i see... SODA, the bastard!! I hereby shake my fist at soda!

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Grown folks music...

Alright, I was twenty-three for the past 6 yrs or so, but i'm officially thirty-two now. So tonight the Mrs. surprised me and took me to a concert, headlined by neo-soul artist Kem. (If you don't know him, don't feel bad, real music is an underground art.) Anyway, the concert was the dang jam. It was exactly what i needed at the time. Also, I really was kept in the dark until we were taking our seats. She's a keeper.
Anyway, yeah, great concert. Funny thing was that we were BY FAR the youngest people there. I'd be generous to say the next youngest couple was in their late 20s. Nah, this was some grown folks music. I mean "average age 43" grown. But it was perfect for me and the Mrs. So we've reasoned that we need to just find where the folks around that age hang out, and go there. Not only that, this was a sea of middle aged Black folk. Yeah, i was entertained by the audience alone. From the folks dancing in the aisles to the lady in the front w/ the church hat thinking "you can't tell me i don't look good" to the sporratic shouts of "Alright now" and "Gone 'head Kem". Yeah, i give the Mrs. her props, that was a great Anniversary gift. I've rarely felt more at home than grooving and snapping my fingers with that audience. Suddenly I understood why I didn't get the youth of today, like their music, or give a care about their trends... I'm a grown-ass man. Simple as that there. Peace.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Silent minority...

You ever been in a situation where something really bad transpires and all you can do is laugh at how fucked up it is, mainly because you've exhausted (or just skipped over) all your other reactions. I think i have reached that point with the election results. It's official that people rarely do the things that make sense. Away messages i've seen include:

":-( May I just sleep through the next four years?"

"Now I'm SURE there's a nuke headed this way."

"There goes my rights.... i can't believe this shit...officially in mourning."

"I am torn. On the one hand, my away message should capture my absolute frustration, embarrasment, and fear. On the other hand, we are one country and hating 1/2 of it is also stupid."

"Who wants to start a revolution with me?"

"Often the human psyche reverts into a distorted reality to satisfy the nature of the 'manipulative correctist'."

"Europe is looking like a nice place to live right now."

"Sad day in the USA :-\"

"Somewhere in Texas a village is missing its idiot"

"Feeling very depressed about the next four years."

Yeah... half of the away messages are just despondant faces. I am shocked and not suprised all at the same time. I knew it could happen, but i just hope it wouldn't, but i knew it probably would, cus the more I look at people the more simple and gullable they seem. Poor Edwards, he lost his seat and lost the election; guess he'll just have to go back to being a rich trial lawyer. As for the rest of us...damn. Yeah, i'm just laughing at the nation, and crying for our future.

I just hope he (Bush) knows better than to keep f*cking with Bin Laden. The man basically said in his tape "You don't know who your messing with it. Keep messing with me and watch what happens." And you know Bush is just going to piss him off. As well, i'm sure the nation backing Bush doesn't make us look to good so he probably doesn't give a dang about sparing us. Wow, we suck. This sucks. No this IS "suck".
It has officially taken all characteristics of "to suck" and has just ultimately become "SUCK". Look it up. Send mail to it. This is SUCK.

I already was beginning to loathe people. Now everytime I look at someone i'm going to think of them as supporting Bush, and I will just hate and pity them all at the same time. Why are the stupidest people the first to act? Why do those who know so little say so much? I guess it's just natural for those who know the least to fight the hardest about the little that they know. They must hold on to something. Ignorance is bliss, I know understand that they are fighting to keep that bliss. They do not want to be taught. They do not want to be informed, they want to be told what to do and when to do it. People are sheep. Always have been sheep, and always will be sheep. It's not hard to be a shepherd, all you have to do is think for them.

Four more years. Really more than that, cus we assume people will learn. If they will learn they will learn the hard way. Unfortunately people don't act until they can't stand the status quo anymore. How hard must we get hit before sense is knocked into America? It will probably take another 9/11 JUST for people to realize how little shit they know, to realize the world we live in, to realize the true weakness of America. That weakness is the people. I feel so bad for the liberal first-time voters. How much does it suck to just now realize that you are in the minority? How does it suck to realize that Bush really is the average American? (You think i'm lying, think about all the places outside of the 20 or so big cities.) There is alot of America that is never mentioned, all of it is like Bush. Look at the voting in the states Bush won, it wasn't close... at all. All you can do is wake up, and watch out. Find friends and watch the sheep lead the sheep. You can't teach the sheep, they are die-hard in their beliefs. So do you and find ways to make you happy. At least for the next four years. And hey, any mess that happens, you can say... "Hey, you did it to yourself, I voted for the other guy."

That's my story and i'm sticking to it.
Dang shame.

The Daily Mirror of the UK understands... see their headline at the Drudge Report.
John Stewart, I feel your pain.