Monday, December 20, 2004

Next Chapter....

Ladies and Gentlemen Boyz and Girls, Dogs, Cats & Iguanas:
I have been busy. God is good though. He is really blessing me. My internship/job rules. I set up some mics and music stands in the uppers studio only to find out that a couple of kids from my school were singing there as part of a demo for this musical. So when they see me, they tell the composer that I have a great voice so he hires me on the spot to do some singing for him. So after their sssion, I sang about 3 peoples parts using three different voicings. It was fun. THEN dude paid me. So then it was REALLY fun. More so i liked the musical so i was just having fun recording and listening to it. The musical is about a slave revolt in 19th century South Carolina.
The funny thing was... in the studio are two Black guys (myself and the composer), a latino (the mixing engineer), and then the other four people were white. The part we recorded today was basically the "white people are evil part". Yeah... so it's funny to see them going in and out of takes as unassuming students <-----> racists. As well as the inherent questions on whether they are being reacist right. They did just fine. I love my internship.

Peace and Blessings.

Monday, December 13, 2004

Bad Habit...

So i have developed this habit. Whenever I get worried about something I lay down and go to sleep. Though it does make me feel better and take my mind off the problem, when I wake up the problem is closer (time-wise) and thus more of a worry and then i try to do a little bit of something about it, but it's not enough, and then i get more worried and so i go to sleep. As you can see this causes a continual loop. It's gotten so bad that i think i've conditioned myself to sleep when i'm worried. Hmph. I have two finals, today and a HUGE one tomorrow that i haven't studied for yet, cus i haven't finished the work for my HUGE final thursday. Ok, i have to go lay down.

The B-Guide to Jobs...

We have discovered that it is beneficial to work in a job that you would do for free. I.E.> My internship now. Which I do for free, i think. I'm more than sure it's free, but i could be wrong. Though I didn't sign a W-2 or anything so they'd just be paying me out of pocket. But yeah, I love my internship now. The Lord is good. In the interview my boss was saying everything I had been thinking for the past 4yrs or so, and even my goals for my people. I was just sitting there dumbfounded like, "But you're German?!" So yeah, my boss is cool.
Anyway, i'm an intern, right (rhetorical)? So i do the menial tasks, but I enjoy the job, so i don't mind. I can already see how this will benefit my future. Therefore, I say, do a job that you like. Else you'll hate it and the time you waste at it. And time is the only thing worth regaining that you can't regain.
That's my word!

Friday, December 03, 2004

In a moment of ADD...

Your Porn Star Name is: Rod Steel

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Ghost me...

As you can see it is time for finals and mess to start. In fact i'm working on a final paper around this break for blogging. There will be less and less blogs for a while. If you were to make a bell curve of my blogging frequency, December and May would = 2. Anyway, i'm out, just wanted to let u know that i won't be posting EVERYDAY. Check out the links ont he left, they'll keep you busy.

You are 80% Taurus!